Innovation Insights
From the desk of Braden Kelley
October 2010 - Vol 4, Issue 9
In This Issue
Innovation and Porter's Value Chain
The Network is the Innovator
Top Tweets from Twitter
Please Help Ignite the Innovation Bonfire
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Braden Kelley at a Dan Pink Event
On October 31st children all around the United States will dress up in costumes and go door to door and ask for candy.

It sounds a lot like the way that managers pursue funding for innovative ideas in many companies. A manager dresses up their idea and takes it from potential sponsor to sponsor hoping to fill their bags with financial and personnel resources.

But this prevalent innovation funding model serves as a barrier to innovation - one of many that organizations put in place that must be knocked down for innovation to thrive.

My new book "Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire" is focused on helping organizations identify and remove barriers to innovation. I'm very excited that early reviews describe the book as 'accessible' and 'comprehensive'. I'm biased of course, but I believe you'll really enjoy the book and find value in it.

I will be speaking in November at at the University of Toronto and the keynote at an online event called Pipeline 2010. I'm really enjoying getting out there and discussing the many areas where organizations struggle with barriers to innovation.

I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter. Please forward it to any colleagues you think might find it useful.
Innovation and Porter's Value Chain

Michael PorterJeffrey Phillips reviewed the relationship between a number of tried and true strategic management models and innovation, to see if those models and concepts hold up under the increasing importance of innovation. A little while back he reviewed Porter's Five Forces model and concluded that while Porter didn't explicitly call out innovation, it was clear that the Five Forces model embraced innovation. Now, we'll look quickly at another Porter model - the Value Chain Analysis - and investigate how it holds up innovation.

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The Network is the Innovator

The Network is the InnovatorIn a 2005 essay written by Phillip Evans and Bob Wolf of the Boston Consulting Group titled Collaboration Rules, the authors highlight (among other things) the power that the network effect has on innovation. The premise of the essay is that when companies operate with open-source traits - similar to the workings of the Linux community - their responsiveness to challenges goes up which fuels better innovative solutions. The transaction costs associated with their collaboration is small due to the unique way they collaborate as efficiently, frictionlessly and creatively as the self-styled Linux "hackers."

Top Tweets from @innovate on Twitter
Top Tweets from @Innovate on TwitterTweet #1 - September's Top 10 Innovation and Marketing Articles -
Tweet #2
 - 14 Ways to Spark Innovation -
Tweet #3 - Three Ways to Fail at Innovation -
Tweet #4 - Innovation Perspectives - September Wrapup -

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Please Help Ignite the Innovation Bonfire

Order your copy of 'Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire'Every successful organization began as a nimble, innovative startup with the ability to course-correct and quickly adapt to the needs of its customers. But along the way, success and growth cause changes in the structure, the culture, and sometimes even the vision of organizations. Successful, growing organizations often focus on driving out the operational inefficiencies they maintained during their startup phase, and unintentionally erect barriers to innovation along the way.
Pipeline 2010 will take place on November 10, 2010 free on the internet.
 - "Connect with Innovation and Discover Your Potential"

This is a free virtual event with video presentations and keynotes from Chris Trimble, co-author of 'The Other Side of Innovation' and Braden Kelley, author of 'Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire' and seven other speakers. Nine great speakers and time for Q&A.

For more information and to register, please visit -
Offer Expires: November 9, 2010 (Space is limited - register today!)
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I'm always happy to hear from my good friends and colleagues.  

Or, if you would like, please feel free to follow my thoughts on Twitter or Facebook.

All the best,
Braden Kelley
Author, Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire
Founder, Business Strategy Innovation
(206) 349-8931