
Winter 2011                                                                  

Register Now for the AAVMC's 2012
Annual Conference 


The 2012 Annual Conference of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) is shaping up to have a focus on some persistent and critically important issues in academic veterinary medicine -- leadership, academic food supply veterinary medicine, preventive pet healthcare, the future of clinical veterinary education, and more.

As always, the conference represents a great opportunity to network,  tackle pressing topics, and meet with members of Congress on issues of importance to veterinary medical education, research, and the veterinary medical profession as a whole.

Register now for the conference, March 8-11 (March 7 for the board of directors meeting) and consider inviting faculty or colleagues in such areas as admissions, curriculum, research, or communications who might also benefit from a thought-provoking conference with an academic veterinary medical focus.   


Plus, don't miss the opportunity to participate in the AAVMC's Career Fair, the largest veterinary medical student recruiting event in the nation.    

Watch our Conference Video!
Featured Leadership Session Helps You Unleash Your Potential

A leadership workshop at the conference will cover how different people play different roles in innovation and creativity and what this means for improving scholarship, enhancing diversity, and strengthening development.

Participants will gain a better understanding of innovation, creativity, diversity, and development, which will enhance their performance and effectiveness in the work environment and academic veterinary medicine as a whole.

Idea Connection Systems, whose representatives will lead the workshop, uses an analytical assessment tool to educate participants on innovation and its principles, including how to put education into action by defining problems, generating creative ideas, matching the right people to the right tasks, and then helping the right people navigate ideas to implementation and a quantifiable gain.

Your registration fee includes the cost of this assessment tool, which provides insight and helps you develop proven strategies to unleash your leadership skills.

Register now for the early bird discount, which expires Feb.10 (student rates will not rise.)

Sample Presentations  


Educational Challenges and Opportunities in Food Supply Veterinary Medicine: Recruitment, Retention and Educational Programs


This session will address the economic and logistical challenges involved in food supply academic veterinary medicine. How can we meet these challenges and what teaching approaches work best? 


Clinical Veterinary Education: Beyond the White Walls


Financial challenges often mean the outsourcing of clinical education.  How can we ensure the quality of the educational experience in situations where direct on-site faculty oversight may not be constant? 


Shelter Medicine: The New Frontier for Veterinary Medicine Education


Shelter environments offer novel service learning opportunities.  Get information on how to organize shelter externships for students and how to avoid potential pitfalls.  


2011 AAVMC-AVMA College Climate Survey:  The Findings and Next Steps


What are the attitudes and actions of schools and colleges of academic veterinary medicine toward students from underrepresented races, cultures, and lifestyles? Learn the results of the AAVMC-AVMA Climate Survey. 


What Makes Veterinary Employers Happy?


As educators, we're accustomed to dispensing grades, but how do employers of veterinary medical students grade us? Find out what veterinary employers look for in graduates and what skills they deem the most important. 




Mark Your Calendar!

Wednesday, March 7
AAVMC Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, March 8
AAVMC Advocacy Summit and Congressional Reception

Thursday, March 8 - Sunday, March 11
Annual Conference

Location: The Westin Alexandria, Virginia, adjacent to Washington, DC.

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 371-9195