And there Linus patiently sat, blanket in hand, thumb in mouth, waiting for his own personal version of Godot, the Great Pumpkin. Just as he was about to throw in the towel on yet another year of disappointment, he heard a loud rustling sound and looked up to see El Gordo Gigante in vivid orange living color. "What have you brought for me and the Peanuts gang?" Linus queried the Great One. "I have brought you the greatest gift of all" responded the magnificent squash- "a deeded timeshare in the most beautiful spot on earth, Lake Tahoe." For Linus - a 2BR Ridge Tower, for Charlie Brown - a 2BR Lake Tahoe Vacation Resort, for Snoopy - a 2BR Marriot Timber Lodge, and for Lucy - a luxurious penthouse quarter share at the Marriott Grand Residence. The entire Peanuts gang danced with glee as they celebrated the best Halloween gifts ever.
Yes it's true - once again somebody spiked the mulled cider and the Great Pumpkin re-materialized, however, you don't have to wait around for years in the pumpkin patch to get the timeshare deal of a lifetime. Whether you are shopping for the swing season or preparing for yet another epic ski season, we've got the ideal property for you. We are Team Paradise and we offer the best customer service and the most knowledgeable real estate agents in the timeshare resale marketplace. Give us a click at www.timeshare-resale.com, ring us up at 800-996-2001, or stop by and say howdy at our office in the heart of Heavenly Village. Check out our hot deals and remember...
Right now is a great time to commit to buying a timeshare for holiday time at Lake Tahoe. These are pristine listings that are hard to find, and are being offered at historically low prices. You know that you're going to be in Tahoe for the holidays, why rent when you can own?
Thanksgiving Time-
- Hyatt High Sierra Lodge, 1,100 Points, 2 Bedroom/ 2 Bath, Week #47 Copper for $4,499
Christmas/New Years Times-
- Ridge Tahoe Resort, 2 Bedroom, Naegle Unit, Prime Winter, has Reservations for December 25th, 2010 - January 1st, 2011 $5,500
- Hyatt High Sierra Lodge, 2,200 Points, 2 Bedroom/ 2 Bath, Week #52, Diamond Season, Unit 222 for $24,500

No tricks here... just October Treats!
- 2 Bedroom, Ski Platinum for ONLY $14,995
- 1 Bedroom, Gold Season for $3,500
- 1,100 Points, Copper Week #47 for $4,499
- 2,000 Points, Platinum Week #26 (July 4th 2011-2015) for JUST $24,250