September 2012
Stay Connected
Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA (319) 234-3309
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA (319) 266-3044
| This month we have BOTH an in-store special AND a coupon for newsletter readers!
In stores, all month,
save 15% on both Groothuis chicken and Bell & Evans chicken.
The September coupon can only be redeemed at the farm:
Spend $5, save $2 on any food item purchased during the Farm Crawl.
Cash Cow
We had THREE big CA$H COW winners in August! Congrats to Kreg Krull of Waterloo, Royce Eiklenborg of Cedar Falls and Kelly Williams of Cedar Falls, who each won $100 by finding the lucky jugs.
In September, we will mark 8 jugs with $100 each (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Since we mark them at the beginning of the month, your best chance to find a large prize is in the next few days!
Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize. View details here on our website.
There were two $5 winners this month: Nancy Schuler and Bill McGrew, both of Waterloo.
Independence Farmers' Market
| On Saturday, Sept. 15, we will be at the Farmers' Market in Independence, Iowa. We will have products for sale as well as samples of quiche and salad made from fresh, local ingredients - veggies from the Independence farmers and dairy products from Hansen's.
The market is from 9 a.m. to noon. Hope to see you there!
Our calendar
Sept. 9: 2nd Annual NIFFP Farm Crawl (farm tour)
Sept. 13-14: National Cattle Congress, Waterloo; Discovery Program, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. each day (making butter)
Sept. 15: Independence Farmers' Market (food demonstration)
Sept. 16: Fall Harvest Festival, Cedar Valley Arboretum, Waterloo; 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. (selling ice cream)
Sept. 23: FFA Historical and Ag Museum, LaPorte City; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (selling ice cream)
Photo contest
| Do you have a great photo you took at our farm (or any other Silos & Smokestacks site)? Enter it in the Silos photo contest! Deadline is Oct. 5. Click here for more details. |
Meet the Hansens! Each month we will feature one of the Hansen family members who make the business a success. This month we meet Jordan Hansen, the wife of Blake Hansen.
Birthday and Age: 11/29/80, 31 Family and life: Daughter Reese (3) and son Beckett (3 months). I enjoy running, arts & crafts, getting together with friends and organizing! Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip
Role at Hansen's Dairy: I do all the financial bookkeeping, do graphic/web design and give tours. I also write blogs and manage our Facebook page. Once in a while my husband asks me to milk cows with him. :) I grew up on a dairy farm so this is nothing new to me!
What is a typical day like? I'm always busy - it's hard to balance my farm duties with being a stay-at-home mom. I spend a lot of time with my nieces and nephews too so I never know what the day will bring. But I really enjoy promoting the farm and our products in any way I can.
Farm Crawl - Sept. 9
What: The Northern Iowa Food and Farm Partnership 2012 Farm Crawl. On one afternoon, 11 farms in the NIFFP area will be open to the public for an enjoyable day of exploring the countryside and learning about how our food is produced.
NIFFP is partnering with the UNI CEEE Farm Energy Working Group to showcase four farms demonstrating innovative on-farm energy projects. (Hint: We're one of the showcased farms!)
When: Sunday, Sept. 9, 1 to 5 p.m.
What's up at the Hansen's farm?
All kinds of fun stuff! Tour our new monolithic dome buildings featuring geothermal heating and cooling systems. Take a trolley ride down to the farm. See cows, calves, the creamery, the wallabies, and the milking parlor. Milking begins at 4 p.m. Register for door prizes and receive free ice cream! Special activities for children.
Plus, barbecue pork sandwiches will be served - made fresh by Cedar Falls resident Patrick Thiele. He's barbecuing a Berkshire hog from local producer Wayne Watts in Clarion, Iowa.
Want more information?
Visit the Farm Crawl web page. They have pre-planned routes, maps, and information about the farms.
Cow Family of the Month
Blake Hansen chose a cow family to be featured this month. Laos, who is due this week with her sixth calf, has had four daughters:
- Lipstick was born on 3/31/08 and is due in three weeks with her third calf.
- Lois and Lane (twins) were born 7/25/09 and both had their second calves in June. Blake says he sees the two of them eating next to each other in the barn more often than not!
- Lasse was born 10/22/10 and is due with her first calf in three weeks.
This L family is great to have on the farm. All the offspring carry the Red & White recessive gene (they could have Red calves) and some are polled (they have no horns). Altogether, the family has produced 325,700 pounds of milk to feed the community. From their family to yours, drink up!
Thanks to our intern
 If you took a tour of the farm this summer, chances are our intern Christine Schick was your tour guide! She's back at UNI now for her senior year but w e wanted to give her a big thanks for all her help this summer.
Christine's marketing internship was partially funded with a grant from Silos & Smokestacks. She gave lots of tours, designed dairy displays, developed our on-farm store, helped plan our Tour Center open house and Hudson Days participation, and strengthened our online presence by posting to our blog and Facebook sites. She was a great addition to our staff and we wish her luck. P.S. You will see her at the Farm Crawl!
Customer of the Month
Our customer of the Mont h for September is Carol Seufferlein of Cedar Falls! Although Carol grew up on a dairy ranch milking 480 cows at Supreme Dairy Farms in La Puente, CA, she's been a resident of CF for 53 years.
Favorite Hansen's product: "BUTTER - on everything! I was raised on a dairy ranch in California. I always have used butter."
Why do you shop at Hansen's? "Great products. I buy butter for my 4 married sons and take it to them when we go visit."
Thanks Carol!
We choose a new customer of the month from each month's entries - go ahead a submit one every month (or every week!) if you think of a new favorite product or reason to shop local at Hansen's.
Cooking with Hansen's
 This month's recipe comes from Cedar Falls customer Marie Stigliani. She makes an amazing overnight, no-cooking-required oatmeal - perfect for busy weekday mornings. Make a few on Sunday and you've got breakfast for the week! Thanks Marie!
Overnight Oatmeal
Ingredients 1/4 cup regular oats (not quick-cooking kind) 1/3 cup Hansen's milk 1/4 to 1/2 cup Greek or regular yogurt (both available at the Hansens' stores) 1 T Chia seeds, optional (or ground flax or sesame seeds)
Directions Combine oats, milk, yogurt, and chia seeds in a half-pint or one-pint mason jar (or other glass container with a lid). Stir gently and place in the fridge overnight. The acid in the yogurt will "cook" the oats, leaving you with a delicious breakfast. Add fruit and nuts if desired.
Check out the blog The Yummy Life for variations like Mango Almond and Banana Cocoa!