MAY 2012
Stay Connected
Moo Roo
3015 Kimball Ave.
Waterloo, IA * (319) 234-3309
Hansen's Dairy Outlet
127 E. 18th St.
Cedar Falls, IA * (319) 266-3044
The Real Deal
| In May, spend $15 in our stores and get $3 off a half-gallon of ice cream! Click here to print coupon from our website.
We're blogging!
| We decided to start a blog as a way of opening up a conversation with you, our customers. Every day we get the opportunity to speak with customers in our stores and at events in the community. We hear your questions, your opinions, and your concerns. The blog is a way for us to share new information, recipes, and slices of farm life.
The blog can be found at
If you have ideas for blog topics or questions you'd like answered, please leave a comment on the blog! |
Cow of the Month
In honor of Mother's Day in May, we chose one of the best mamas on the farm to be Cow of the Month. Dazzle is 11 years old and has delivered 8 calves in her lifetime - including 7 girls, which is what we like!
This year Dazzle should reach the 300,000-pound mark for lifetime milk production. She is a real sweetheart to work with. Happy Mother's Day to all!
| Along with the beautiful May weather, many local farmers markets are getting started. Shopping at farmers markets is a great way to support the local economy, meet your friends and neighbors, and try delicious and interesting local produce. Markets are held almost every day of the week during the summer in Black Hawk County - Saturday mornings in Cedar Falls and Waterloo, and Tuesday through Friday in several different locations. For more information about markets and other ways to buy fresh and buy local, check out the guide produced by the Northern Iowa Food and Farm Partnership or go to their website.
Cash Cow
There were no big winners in April. So in May, we will mark 8 jugs with $100 each (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Your best chance to find it is in the next few days!
Remember, there are still 10 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize, so keep your eyes open! View details here on our website.
There was only one $5 winner in April: a customer from Walker.
We are officially accepting recipes for the Hansen's Dairy Summer 2012 Recipe Collection! Please submit your favorite summer recipes to be featured in the collection - submit one or several. The only rule is that all recipes must feature at least one ingredient that can be purchased in one of our stores. That includes our milk, cream, butter, ice cream, and cheese curds, as well as cheeses, yogurts, meats, produce, and other goodies. Salads, main courses, side dishes, breakfast, desserts, breads - the sky is the limit.
Please submit your recipes online to Disa Cornish at The submission deadline is May 31.
To see the holiday recipe collection we put together last fall, click here. |
Getting to know the Hansens
 Each month we will feature one of the Hansen family members who make the business a success. This month we meet Blake Hansen, the youngest son of Jay and Jeanne Hansen. Birthday and Age: 12/7/1978, 33 years old Favorite ice cream flavor: Orange Blast
Role at Hansen's Dairy: Herd management. Blake takes care of the 400 cows that live on the farm, from newborns to 11-year-old cows.
What is a typical day like? Blake gets up at 3:30 a.m. to milk cows and feed calves. He then spends the day taking care of their needs, including breeding cows, ultrasounding to see if cows are pregnant and helping moms deliver their calves.
Family and life:Blake lives on the farm with his wife, Jordan, and daughter Reese (2). He has a son on the way. Blake enjoys working with his nieces and nephews while doing chores. In his free time he likes to play racquetball and basketball.
Customer of the Month
Thanks to all of our Outlet and Moo Roo customers who submitted entries for the May Customer of the Month! If chosen to be in the newsletter, you will receive a $5 gift certificate and a Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy vehicle decal.
This month's winner is ... Lynn Piper of Waterloo.
What is Lynn's favorite Hansen's product? "I use Hansen's milk and butter in everything I cook and drink (and no other). I came in for eggs today. Also chicken and buffalo and free range beef."
Why does Lynn shop at Hansen's? "I found the dairy west of Hudson on a hot summer day driving with my husband. We bought ice cream for the road, enjoyed the wallabies and because everyone was busy we experienced a 'make your own change' cigar box (good old Iowa trust)! I work at Fareway and for 3 years I've turned sooo many people onto Hansen's no-growth-hormone milk and butter!"
Dairy cow judging results
 The results are in for the Hansen's Dairy Cow Judging Contest, in conjunction with Hoard's Dairyman magazine! We were excited to see so many people try their hand at picking out the best-looking Holsteins, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys and Jerseys. These are the winners of our contest, using the scores from Hoard's Dairyman official judges: 1. Lowell Cannell, Sumner, 428 points (out of 500) 2. Shelby Smith, Cedar Falls, 416 points T-3. Burton Newgard, Waterloo, 414 points T-3. Karen Cannell, Cedar Falls, 414 points 5. Peg Newgard, Waterloo, 412 points Each of these winners will take home CASH for their efforts. Great job everyone! These winners even beat members of the Hansen family who judged: Jay Hansen, 406; Brent Hansen, 364; Blake Hansen, 358; Sara Hansen, 356; Jordan Hansen, 346; and Sadie Hansen, 314. For those customers who entered and are not listed here, complete results are available in PDF format, at Moo Roo and at Outlet. Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations!
Tomato plants at the Outlet
Rob and Tammy Faux of G enuine Faux Farm in Tripoli will be selling heirloom tomato plants at the Cedar Falls Outlet in May. On Friday, May 18, and Friday, May 25, tomato plants will be on sale from 4 to 6 p.m.
For more information about the Faux tomatoes, go to their website.
While you're at the tomato plant sale, you can also get more information about the Genuine Faux Farm CSA.
Cooking with Hansens
Here is another great recipe submitted by one of our customers. The asterisk items can be purchased at our stores.
Honey Baked Chicken
Submitted by Kate H., Cedar Falls
Ingredients 1 to 3 lbs of chicken* (Suggested: drumsticks from Bell & Evans) 1/3 cup Hansen's butter* 1/3 cup honey* 2 T. prepared mustard 1 pinch salt 2 to 3 tsp curry powder
Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Arrange chicken in a shallow baking pan, skin side up. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over chicken. Bake until chicken is done. (for a 3 lb chicken it would be around 1.25 hours), basting every 15 minutes until chicken is tender and browned. Serve with rice.