Reverse shopping spree

August 2011  

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The Iowa Food And Family project, with the support of Hy-Vee, held a reverse shopping spree July 21 to benefit the Iowa Food Bank Association. Two teams had to put a cart full of items back on the shelf and cross the finish line. The Purple Team, Jordan Hansen of Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy and Mayor Buck Clark, came in first, beating the Gold Team, Danielle Wagner and Liz Neiman. Everyone is a winner though, because a donation of $2,000 was made in honor of the contestants to the Iowa Food Bank Association.

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Price changes

The market price of cream has increased, so Hansen's prices will reflect the change.

Hansen's Heavy Cream, 1 quart: $3.75
Hansen's Heavy Cream, 1 gallon: $12.00
Hansen's 1 lb. Butter: $3.25
Hansen's 3.9 lb. Butter: $12.50

Choose Hansen's for back-to-school snacks

Start out the school year right by shopping at Hansen's Outlet in Cedar Falls or MooRoo in Waterloo for all of your lunch box needs! We have cheese sticks, mozzarella whips, yogurt, beef sticks, dried beef and granola bars, certainly making a healthy lunch for all students!

More chances to win!
cash cow

No one won a big cash prize in July, so the amounts go up in August! 5 jugs will have $190 written under the label (look inside the jug at your label when it's empty). Remember, there are still 5 jugs EVERY WEEK marked with a $5.00 prize, so keep your eyes open! View details here on our web site.

July $5 winners: Jim Kokotan, Waterloo; Stephanie Gates, Waterloo; Marilyn Pinkley, Waverly; Dani Olson, Cedar Falls; and Rebekah McCarthy, Springfield, Va.

Schools cut flavored milk from lunch program
Hansen's chocolate milk

School districts have been debating whether to eliminate flavored milk from schools. Los Angeles and Minneapolis school districts have completely cut flavored milk out of their school lunch programs.

"Flavored milk accounts for about 70% of the milk served in U.S. schools. Some schools have banned flavored milk all together but studies sponsored by the dairy industry show that when this happens, milk consumption overall drops about 37%."

Read the full article here.

Statement from Midwest Dairy Association: "We believe there are better ways to trim calories and sugars from school menus than removing nutrient-rich foods like chocolate milk."

What do you think? Add your comments on our Facebook page.

Summer fun
Hudson Days, farmers' markets and Taste Iowa
Hudson Days parade

We had a great time at Hudson Days in mid-July. We hope our ice cream sandwiches helped you beat the summer heat! Thanks for your support!

Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy will be at the Independence Farmer's Market from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 20. Milk, cheese curds, butter and ice cream will be available.

Hansen's will also be at the Taste Iowa Food Expo from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27, at the Grundy National Bank in Conrad. There are many events during this festival to help celebrate locally grown food and educate Iowans on the social, economic and health benefits of Iowa agriculture. Click here for more details.

Cow of the Month

August's Cow of the Month is Jenga. She is still a youngster, born Jan. 18, 2009. She had her first calf (a bull) at 1 year, 10 months of age, which is about 2 months earlier than most cows first give birth. She has been milking for 240 days and has produced 16,882 lbs of milk.

The most interesting fact about Jenga is that her father was born Aug. 30, 1965. That's old! The semen we used to breed her mother has been stored in liquid nitrogen on the farm here for decades. As you can see, it's still fertile! Cows back then tended to live a lot longer because they didn't produce as much milk. Genetics have changed a lot over those years, and longevity has declined immensely. But Jenga has the characteristics and mobility to hopefully live a long time.

Say cheese!
Silos & Smokestacks Photo Contest

Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage is having a Photo Contest. This is a great opportunity to show off your photography skills and images of your family touring Hansen's Dairy Farm or enjoying ice cream at either of our retail locations!

Photos can be submitted under the following categories: Farm Life, Farmscapes, Festivals & Fairs, Heritage Area Sites�and Images of the Past. See contest rules here.

Sweet butter recipes

Try these three different compound butter recipes for a little extra flavor on your meals. The ingredients are different but the directions are the same.

Berry Butter
1 pound unsalted Hansen's butter, softened
1/2 to 1 cup raspberries or blackberries, preferably fresh but thawed if using frozen

Honey Butter
1 pound salted Hansen's butter, softened
1/4 cup honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Herb Butter
Great with baked potatoes, steak, veggies, etc.
1 pound salted Hansen's butter, softened
2 garlic cloves, minced finely
1/4 cup fresh herbs (parsley, chives, basil, etc.), chopped finely
Sea salt (to taste)

Put the butter in a stand mixer with the whisk attachment (or use an electric hand mixer and large bowl). Whip until creamy. Stir in the other ingredients with a large spoon. Scrape the butter onto a large piece of plastic wrap and roll up into a log, about 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Wrap the log in more plastic or aluminum foil and refrigerate until firm.

Our goal in creating this newsletter is to keep customers informed of new products, specials, helpful hints, interesting facts, and recipes using our products. If you have any comments, suggestions, ideas, recipes or general input, e-mail us at

Hansen's Farm Fresh Dairy