Raymore-Peculiar School District News

June 24, 2016
In This Issue
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Bid awarded for RPHS additions/renovation
Crossland Construction Co. selected for high school construction
The School Board on June 23 approved a bid from Crossland Construction Co. for the additions and renovation at Ray-Pec High School.

The contract price of $23.1 million includes the building construction package -- a site development package bid was awarded in April. Crossland Construction, based in Columbus, Kan., and with offices in the Kansas City metro area, was the low bidder of four companies that submitted bids.

The project includes new construction of about 110,000 feet, including a two-story addition at the north of the current building. There will also be interior renovation to some areas of the school. Bond Issue 2016
Board approves 2016-2017 budget
Plan includes improvements in educational programming
Fiscal responsibility has allowed the Raymore-Peculiar School District to achieve at very high levels, while spending near the lowest per pupil among area schools.
Ray-Pec operating expenditures per student were $8,881 in 2015. The statewide average was $10,486. With a tax levy rate that has not increased for more than 13 years, the District continues to make gains in student achievement and graduation rates, and also has an ACT composite score above the state average. The total property tax levy of $5.0397 is expected to remain unchanged this year.
The Ray-Pec Board of Education on June 23 approved a budget for 2016-2017 that supports the second year of implementation of the International Baccalaureate program, introduces the Project Lead the Way program at the middle and high schools in the area of engineering and computer science, expands the availability of technology devices for students, includes more than $25 million in capital improvement projects, including those supported by the 2016 bond issue, and provides salary and benefit enhancements for employees.
Superintendent Dr. Kari Monsees praised the budget plan, saying that "By focusing on very specific goals and initiatives, the District has performed well thanks to the support of our community."
Read more: 2016-2017 budget
Detour outlined for curve on School Road
Traffic to be re-routed through Ray-Pec campus June 27 to July 22
(See map above)
As part of the Peculiar Way road construction project, a detour will be implemented on School Road.

Traffic at the curve on School Road at 211th Street will be re-routed to use the Ray-Pec School District campus drive around the Administrative Services Center.

The detour will impact northbound and southbound traffic from approximately June 27 to July 22.

The construction will essentially remove the "curves" where School Road meets 211th Street. The improvements are associated with the construction of the new interchange at I-49 and 211th Street. The portion of 211th Street from Peculiar Drive to School Road has been re-named Peculiar Way.

The Missouri Department of Transportation and City of Peculiar hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the interchange project on Aug. 25, 2015. The project, with a cost of approximately $14 million, is funded with general obligation bonds that voters approved in April 2009 and financing from MoDOT's Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

(The project is separate from Phase II of School Road construction from 195th Street to 203td Street.)

Raymore-Peculiar School District | 21005 S. School Rd | Peculiar | MO | 64078