Leading Today

for the

Workforce of Tomorrow 




WCN Grant Updates

Taking the LEAD for Nursing: Leadership,

Educational Advancement & Diversity



The Diversity Collaborative is developing an information fact sheet for dissemination and an assessment tool to track diversity initiatives in employment, education, and leadership.


The Leadership Collaborative is conducting a statewide survey to ascertain number of nurses serving on Boards. To participate in this short survey follow this link Nurses on Boards survey 




Laura Hieb, CNO from Bellin Hospital, is committed to 80% BSN by 2020. Laura and her leadership team have set goals for ADNs at her institution. Her attendance at WCN-sponsored regional meetings provided her with information related to the IOM goals for RN progression. Laura has agreed to showcase her efforts at educational progression as a pilot for the RWJ SIP grant.


Mary Beth White Jacobs and Melissa Bergerson from Black River Falls Hospital have agreed to be the rural pilot for RN progression. Having an 80% BSN or higher nursing workforce by 2020 is their goal. They will be using an RN Readiness survey developed by Lepaine Sharp Mchenry (her DNP project), Dean at Oklahoma Baptist University College in Oklahoma


The 2012-2013 Wisconsin Nurse Education Survey data collection is nearing a close. The majority of Wisconsin Nursing schools have participated (78%). Brent MacWilliams and Stephanie Stewart are the primary investigators.


Taking the LEAD for Nursing

State Implementation Project Grant Staff:


WCN Executive Director: Judith Hansen



Diversity and Leadership Coordinator: Barbara Nichols Nichols@wicenterfornursing.org 


Education: Stephanie Stewart



Administrative Assistant: Molly Gottfried




Diversity and inclusion are core values of the Wisconsin Center for Nursing and its RWJF State Implementation (SIP) Grant reflected in our mission, goals, and activities. We believe in order to ensure that the citizens of Wisconsin receive safe and quality care that a diverse workforce is necessary, regardless of race, religion, creed, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, and socioeconomic status. The Center encourages state, local, and tribal policy makers to promote diversity and inclusion in their programs and services.
Follow our progress at

Wisconsin Center for Nursing





WLN Conference Addresses Nursing Workforce Needs


Over 80 participants attended the annual Wisconsin League for Nursing (WLN) conference on October 25 at Waukesha County Technical College. Keynote speaker was Dr. Rachelle Lancaster,

UW-Oshkosh College of Nursing, "Embracing Challenges:

The Future of Nursing in Wisconsin." Full story



Committee members & speakers for the event from left to right are: Nancy Burruss, Zarina Dawoodhbai, Dr. Judith Westphal,

Judith Hansen, Dr. Rachelle Lancaster, Dr. Maureen Greene,

Diane Skewes, Paul Freeman






Wisconsin Nurses at Capitol Hill


Deans and directors of Wisconsin nursing programs met with state legislators and their staff in Washington, DC last month in an effort to highlight the challenges and solutions involving a developing nursing shortage. Full Story 


Pictured left to right are Deb Jenks, Dean of Nursing, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Elizabeth Markham, Dean of Nursing, Herzing University; Representative Tom Petri; and

Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Chair/Director of Nursing, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay






Wisconsin Leadership Program Review 

Now Available 


Promotion to leader is a pivotal juncture in a nursing career for both the individual and the organization. The Leadership Collaborative of the WCN Taking the LEAD grant reviewed 4 exemplars of leadership programs in Wisconsin. The programs are representative of models developed and implemented by a university/hospital system, a state government system, a rural healthcare system, and a nursing leadership organization. These programs are utilized by nurses in their professional settings. 


Full report available at Wisconsin Center for Nursing


Seasons greetings from the WCN Board Directors & Staff

with best wishes for a Happy, Healthy 2014!



















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Did you know...  ?


By 2035, population projections in Wisconsin show an increase of people aged 65 & older by 111%. 


By 2035, people over the age of 85 will increase by 133%.


By 2018, 24% of all jobs in Wisconsin will be in nursing or health-related fields.


47% of nurses licensed in Wisconsin are over the age of 50.


43.5% of Wisconsin nurses plan to leave direct patient care in 10 or more years.


Read more about the nursing workforce in Wisconsin in The Wisconsin Workforce in Wisconsin: Status & Recommendations, the new report from the Wisconsin Center for Nursing.







New Academy of Nursing Fellows   


Four WI nurse leaders were recently inducted into the New Academy of Nursing Fellows: 


Congratulations to


Mary E. Hagle,


Zablocki VA Medical Center


Nancy Korom,


Children's Hospital of WI


Judith K. Payne,


UW Hospital &Clinics


Susan J. Zahner,


UW-Madison School of Nursing  







In the News!


Wisconsin Nursing Education Awarded $3.2 Million 


New Partnership in Wisconsin to Improve Access to Care with APRNs 


UW-Milwaukee College of Nursing RN to BSN Flex Option 


Marquette University Awarded $5 Million Grant for VA Partnership 


Million Dollar Gift to Create Nursing Innovation Center in Wisconsin 









Jason Mott and Bellin College of Nursing for launching a new chapter of the American Association of Men in Nursing, one of only 3 in Wisconsin!