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February 19, 2014 Edition
In This Issue
Creating Business Continuity and Financial Flexibility
Introducing Financial Alternative Analysis
Benefits of Reasonable Rates
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Upstate Special Risk Services, Inc.
400 West Metro Park
Rochester, New York 14623
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What More Do You Get With Life Choice UL?

Take a look at the top ten reasons to sell Banner Life Choice UL.


More than lifetime guaranteed coverage...guaranteed cash values!



Creating Business Continuity and Financial Flexibility

An important but often overlooked part of the business relationship is planning for what could happen if one of the owners no longer participates in the business. Two of the most common reasons an owner would stop participating in the business are retirement or  untimely death. No matter the reason, a plan needs to be in place to help protect the business, the remaining owner, and the retiree or his beneficiaries. A written buy-sell agreement can be an effective strategy.




Introducing Financial Alternative Analysis

The Financial Alternatives Analysis is a supplemental illustration showing how purchasing a cash value life insurance policy compares to investing the same money into different alternative investments including a taxable account, a tax deferred account, and a qualified retirement plan.







Benefits of Reasonable Rates

High Illustrated rates and cap rates may provide an attractive story for indexed UL- but at the client's expense.

Protective Life Insurance Company offers a more practical approach to telling the indexed UL story.


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