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Watch Dr. Margaret Smith, Volusia County Schools Superintendent, as she discusses the 'Beacon of Excellence' for 2012-2013.
VCS Back to School Video 2012-2013
VCS Back to School Video 2012-2013

News From School Partnerships
Nancy new
Greetings! It's hard to believe the 2012-2013 school year is about ready to start! Teachers went back to school on Monday, August 13th and our students will start school on August 20th. WOW. Time surely does fly!

In this newsletter, I will be sharing with you tips, resources and other helpful information on how to market to this powerful buying group and ways you can promote your products and services to Volusia County's Parents, Students and Employees....more than 188,000 of them.

Did you know that 85% of ALL consumer purchases are made by moms?? And, these moms are STRONGLY influenced by their children.

If this sounds like a market you would like to reach, School Partnerships can get your message in front of them.

Nancy Holman
Volusia County Schools Launches NEW Website


Thank you for your support of Volusia County Schools and School Partnerships!


Volusia County Schools and School Partnerships wish to thank you for your participation in our in-school advertising program.  We wanted to let you know that we have just launched our new website and invite you to be one of the first to preview it.  


We are excited about this interactive and informative website. Not only is the new Volusia County Schools website more inviting and easier to navigate, you will find that more pictures and videos have been added to engage visitors and drive additional traffic to the site. This means MORE visibility for you, your company and your products and services! 


We are looking forward to the 2012-2013 school year! For our new advertisers and those that have renewed their contract for 2012-13, thank you very much for your continued support!  If you haven't already renewed your contract, we invite you to revisit the program and also look at the new website to see the enhancements that have been made.


Our 120,000+ parents, 60,000+ students, and 8.000+ employees will be thrilled to see the new website and will be using it constantly. This means much more exposure and visibility for your advertisement.  


In addition, the new website has been designed to offer you even better exposure because your ad will receive 'TOP BILLING'. It will be posted in the upper right hand corner, so that all visitors to the site will see your ad first. In addition, the ad size has increased to a rectangular 300 x 250 pixel size.  Click to take a sneak preview of the new Volusia County Schools website! 


Thank you for making this innovative advertising program a success, and for Helping YOUR Business as You Help OUR Schools!



For information on how you can help YOUR Business as you Help OUR Schools, please contact me at

Nancy Holman
School Partnerships