Freely we serve,
Because we freely love,
as in our will
To love or not;
in this we stand or fall.
John Milton
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ISSUE NO. 18/ March 2014 
Save the Dates -
VMM-USA Delegation!

Join a VMM-USA Delegation this fall to

November 1-8, 2014

Highlights of the trip: 
  • Meet our missioners and project partners to learn about our work in Central America  
  • Visit historic, cultural and natural sites  
  • Join Edwina Gateley reflections discussing the events of the day
  • Enjoy local cuisine and artisans in traditional markets

Accommodations, meals, transportation, interpreters and guides included for 8 days and 7 nights. 


This unique opportunity is available for only $850!

(airfare not included)


Down payment of $200 due by August 31st


Space is limited and early reservations are encouraged.  For more information and to reserve your place, contact our office at 414-423-8660 or today!



Fantastic Fundraisers

Each year we ask our missioners to help raise funds to help support VMM. This year they have done an exceptional job and our Mission Services Committee would like to thank them for their outstanding  fundraising efforts for VMM. Thank you missioners!


Welcome, Tom!
Tom Boswell is the new Development Director of VMM-USA. Tom has 35 plus years as an accomplished grant writer, publicist and community organizer with nearly a dozen local, regional and statewide groups, including a foundation that awarded grants to social justice organizations throughout Wisconsin. 


He has worked as editor of a weekly newspaper and was a founding editor of a Milwaukee neighborhood newspaper. As a freelance journalist, his feature articles and photos have been published in various periodicals including The National Catholic Reporter, America, Sojourners and The Christian Century.


He earned a journalism degree from Marquette University and studied fine art photography at the Milwaukee Center for Photography and other schools. He is also a prize-winning poet.
Thank You, Katie!

On January 14, 2014, at the age of 84, long-time VMM supporter Katie Hiemer passed away. In her will, Katie
generously remembered VMM and we are very grateful for her commitment to our mission. Her legacy will live on in the service of our missioners accompanying with the poor of Central America. Thank you Katie!  
Edwina Speaking Event

On Friday, May 2 Edwina Gateley will be speaking at the West Coast Regional Conference Call to Action conference in Sacramento, California. The theme of the conference is Empowering the People of God: A Prophetic Call to Justice. Other speakers will include Matthew Fox and Simone Campbell as they help us cultivate greater consciousness, explore sacred stories and further equip us to live lives of justice.
For more information, contact Caryl Callsen

Vincent Kenny, who has served as the Executive Director of VMM-International (formerly VMM-Europe) for the past 15 years is stepping down this September. A search firm has been selected to help with the search for a successor. We has been a friend of VMM-USA and we wish him well in his future endeavors. For information about VMM International, visit their Facebook page or go to their website at