TopSeptember 2014
In This Issue
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K-12 Standards September Newsletter Now Available

For more information on current
K-12 Standards happenings, please click here to read their September newsletter.

Also available is a list of Fall 2014 Mathematics professional development opportunities - to view it, please click here.
Seeking Success Stories
Do You Have a Success Story You Would Like to Share?


We would love to hear it, from students excelling in statewide or national competitions to teachers being honored for their passion and dedication.

Please send your Success Story suggestions to and a member of ADE's Communications team will reach out for more information.
Thank you for helping us share the great work that Arizona students, teachers, and schools are doing every day!
New Statewide Assessment: The Basics

Why does Arizona need this new test?

In 2010, the Arizona State Board of Education adopted new standards in English language arts and mathematics for all students in Arizona. These academic standards outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. With the adoption and implementation of new standards, a new test is necessary.


How is this test different than the AIMS test?

Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) tested the old standards. Spring 2014 was the last time AIMS was administered for reading, writing, and mathematics.


The new English language arts and mathematics test, based on the new standards, will tell teachers, students, and parents if students are on track to be college and career ready upon graduation from high school.


The Arizona Science Standards did not change, so students in grades 4, 8, and high school will still take the AIMS Science test.


High school students graduating after December 31, 2016 will no longer be required to pass the AIMS test to graduate high school.


Who will take this new test?

Arizona public school students in grades 3 through high school will take the test.


Students in grades 3 through 8 will take an assessment in English language arts and mathematics at their grade level.


Students taking high school level English and mathematics will take end-of-course assessments that will test their proficiency in these subjects.


When will the test be given?

Students will take this new statewide test in the spring of 2015. A statewide testing window will be announced in the coming months, and schools will be able to select a range of testing dates within that window. Schools will inform students and parents of testing dates.


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A Message from Superintendent Huppenthal

The greatest honor of my life has been to serve as your Superintendent.  I am very proud of the work we've done together, the great partnerships and relationships we've built, and the innovative and effective education you have provided to students.


During my term as the Superintendent of Public Instruction, it became evident to me that Arizona's educators are among the finest, the brightest, the most resourceful, and above all, determined to provide students with the very best education. In the face of challenging times, Arizona's education community has made enormous strides in providing high quality education to its students. As I have travelled around the state visiting your schools, I saw the enormity and power your work has on each child's life. It is true - the work you are doing is truly remarkable and inspiring.


Although there will be changes coming to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), I want you to understand that nothing has changed in terms of meeting the needs of the students, schools, teachers, administrators, adult learners and the many others that are the focus of ADE's programs and services.  ADE personnel and I will continue to focus on the work that needs to be done and will continue to provide the highest level of service. It is my commitment to the education community that we continue to make a greater difference in the education opportunities for all students for the duration of my term.


In the next months ADE will be talking about how we can continue our work with the same commitment and dedication we have always shown, while smoothly and effectively transitioning into the visions of the next administration.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your efforts in educating Arizona's youth. I applaud you for all you have done to improve education quality during my time in office.



John Huppenthal


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School Updates

September is National Attendance Awareness Month

Passing a test or completing homework may be a difficult part of a student's day; however, simply attending school every day may be an even more difficult task. On August 30, an Arizona Daily Star article reported that grade school dropouts are not predominantly students who suddenly make a quick decision to abandon school; instead, students who miss school repeatedly over time are the ones seen to drop out. Studies have shown the significance of missing school just a few days a month, and the results are eye opening. To view the article, click here.


September is Attendance Awareness Month, a nationwide campaign to recognize the connection between school attendance and academic achievement. Read On Arizona and other organizations around the state are working together to help spread the word about the critical importance of school attendance. Please visit for promotion materials, toolkits, and ideas and engage families and community members.

October is National Farm to School Month

As part of an effort to highlight the ever-growing importance of farm to school programs as a means to improve child nutrition, ADE recently submitted a blog post to the Arizona Farm Bureau to help boost Arizona's participation in October's National Farm to School Month festivities. In it, you will find five great ways to celebrate with your students and further engage with the many partners across our state committed to supporting farm to school programs.

Farm to school programs help enrich the connection that communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by changing food purchasing and education practices at schools. According to a recent USDA report, 31% of Arizona schools are already engaging in some form of farm to school activities, which can include building a school garden, visiting a farm, serving locally produced food in school meals, taste education with local foods, inviting a farmer to school, writing to a farmer, rancher or dairyman, or learning about Arizona agriculture through classroom activities.


For additional information about Arizona's Farm to School program, please visit the program web page at

Opportunities for Educators

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Competition Now Open to Arizona Educators

Samsung is searching for teachers and students with innovative ideas for solving problems in their local communities. Don't miss the opportunity to participate in Samsung's school competition - Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, which awards over $2 million in technology to winning schools throughout the U.S.


Teachers in all disciplines from grades 6-12 are invited to participate and answer a few, simple questions about their school and STEM education at

In appreciation for submitting ideas to Solve for Tomorrow, the first 5,000 teachers who apply will be awarded a select self-paced teacher development course from PBS TeacherLineIn addition to the above mentioned awards, we will be awarding five teachers in every state two Galaxy tablets. There will also be one winner from each state that will receive a $20,000 technology package for their school.


Prizes will be awarded at each stage of the competition, beginning with the 255 State Finalists. Fifteen National Finalists will receive a trip to attend Samsung's first ever pitch event, where they will present their video to a panel of judges. Finally, the selected five National Winners will also be invited to attend a celebratory event in Washington D.C. in addition to winning $120,000 technology package for their school.


Apply today! The application deadline is October 31, 2014.


The full contest rules and additional information are posted at: Once there, you can also see examples of videos from previous winning schools.

ADE Establishes New Community Engagement Initiative

On August 29, 2014, the Arizona Department of Education began its Community Engagement Initiative. The program highlights partnerships within the community that will encourage academic achievement and also create a safe and comfortable environment for students while decreasing juvenile crime.


For the first year of the initiative, the ADE will focus its efforts on the Phoenix metropolitan zip codes 85040, 85042, 85033 and the area immediately surrounding Grand Canyon University. The Community Engagement Initiative will provide pilot schools with resources that offer solutions concerning the reduction of crime among juveniles, give the schools the opportunity to network with community leaders, and encourage higher academic achievement in students. Research shows that the partnerships and community participation will give students the opportunity for greater success by removing obstacles that may hinder academic achievement.


"This is an opportunity for us to all come together, utilize each other as resources, and tap into networks in our own neighborhood for the betterment of our students and community," said Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal.


Presently, Grand Canyon University, the Phoenix Police Department, the City of Prosecutor's Office, the Maryvale Revitalization Corporation, and Shared Hope International are in partnership with the initiative. It is overseen by a committee of 19 diverse individuals with an array of professional backgrounds.


If you are interested in learning more about these partnerships, please contact Christopher Dickinson at


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Opportunities for Students

Cyber Security Awareness Poster Contest

Do you have a child or know a child in kindergarten through 12th grade? Every child in Arizona is encouraged to enter the Cyber Security Awareness Poster Contest presented by ADE and the "Helping Keep Kids Safe Online" campaign. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 13th, 2014.  For more information about the contest and the associated prizes, please visit
ADE Now Accepting Applications for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program
In partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, ADE will be nominating up to 10 Arizona students (five girls and five boys) as part of this year's U.S. Presidential Scholars Program via an open application process. Interested students must be planning to graduate or receive a diploma between January and August of 2015, the current program year. In addition to outstanding scholarship, applicants should demonstrate leadership, character and involvement in and service to the community .

The 2014-2015 application form is available here, and all applications must be received by Wednesday, November 19, 2014.


The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964, by executive order of the President, to recognize and honor some of our nation's most distinguished graduating high school seniors. In 1979, the program was extended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, creative and performing arts. Each year, up to 141 students are named as Presidential Scholars, one of the nation's highest honors for high school students.


For more information, please visit our web site at

Arizona Coyotes 2nd Annual HS Leadership Night

The Arizona Coyotes are hosting their 2nd Annual High School Leadership Night on Thursday, December 4, 2014. They look forward to building off the success of their inaugural event and seeing students from across who will have the opportunity to learn from industry-leading sports and entertainment executives about sports business. The event will focus on marketing, facilities, social media & community relations as well as what life is like post-career from a Coyotes player.


Coyotes Executive speakers will include:

  • Guest Emcee - Coyotes Announcer, Matt McConnell
  • EVP, Corporate and Suite Sales - Mike Humes
  • General Manager of the Arena - Monty Jones Jr.    
  • Executive Director Arizona Coyotes Foundation/Director Community Relations - Kimberly Trichel
  • Chief Marketing Officer - TBD
  • Senior Advisor, Business Development & Alumni Relations - Cale Hulse


Please pass this information along to any interested educators so that you can include all of your students in this exciting educational night. All information regarding the Arizona Coyotes High School Leadership Night can be found on


If you have any specific questions, please contact Steve Gonzales by phone at 623-772-3485 or by e-mail at

Students Can Apply Now for the 53rd Annual U.S. Senate Youth Scholarship Program

ADE is pleased to announce that it is now accepting student applications for this year's U.S. Senate Youth Scholarship. This program will provide two outstanding Arizona high school juniors or seniors with a $5,000 scholarship and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to meet their nation's leaders. Winners will be chosen by a panel of prominent government representatives following a detailed civics exam and an interview with the panel.


School coordinators will be asked to administer the qualifying exam within a tight window of time, not only to ensure the integrity of the exam, but also to prevent the necessity of students' travel to the Arizona Department of Education's office in Phoenix.


All applications are due to ADE by Monday, October 20, 2014.


The following time-line will be observed: 


Monday, Oct. 20:

Applications must be postmarked by no later than this date.

Wednesday, Oct. 22:

Testing packets shall be sent.

Friday, Nov. 7:

All testing materials are due (not postmarked!) at ADE.

Monday, Nov. 10:

Top 10 percent of Arizona test-takers will be notified of finalist status.

Friday, Nov. 21:

Finalists will be interviewed at 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix.


Winners will be notified.

March 07-14 2015:

Winners will spend one week in Washington, D.C.


For more information and to access the program application, please visit our web site at


Thank you for your support of this unique program. Please do not hesitate to e-mail your questions to 


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Survey Says
Monthly Newsletter Survey Designed to Help ADE Better Serve Educators
Thank you to everyone who participated in last month's survey! In case you missed it, we are asking you to participate in a brief, three question survey about the implementation of Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards (AZCCRS) in order to help us design future correspondence and professional development.
Below you will see the results of last month's survey. We plan to tailor future surveys based on your responses.
We greatly appreciate your participation and thank you for your time. 


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September 2014 Calendar of Events


FFA (Future Farmers of America): Greenhand and 360� Conference (Safford, Chandler, Tucson, Millennium, Yuma and Flagstaff, AZ)

FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America): Chapter Leadership Camp (Prescott, AZ)

HOSA (Future Health Professionals): Chapter Officer Leadership Camp (Prescott, AZ) 

Free Event - Moving Forward: Secondary and Higher Ed Partnerships for College and Career Readiness with ASU-ELA Educators (Tempe)
Webinar: Academic Writing: (6-12) Entering the Conversation

DECA (A marketing organization for students): DECAlympics


HOSA: Washington Leadership Conference (Washington, D.C.)
SkillsUSA (Student organization for preparing America's workforce): Washington Leadership Training Institute (Washington, D.C.)
Addition and Subtraction in K-2 Using Table 1 (Phoenix)
Teaching Reading Effectively Training - Fall 2014 at K-12 Learning Center (Phoenix) 
(Five total days this fall)
Directors Institute 2014 - Twenty-Five Years of Excellence
Webinar: AZCCRS-Mathematics Shifts & Instruction, High School
Webinar: K-2 Writing Foundations - Handwriting Fluency
Webinar: Writing in Mathematics K-5
Webinar: Integrating Mathematical Practices in Instruction, 6-12

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America): Leadership Camp (Prescott, AZ)


FEA (Future Educators Association): Chapter Officer Leadership Training Camp (Prescott)

Geometry in Middle School, Grades 6-8 (Phoenix)
Evaluating Lessons & Units Aligned to AZCCRS Mathematics & ELA (Phoenix)


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ADE Office of Communications Staff

Sally Stewart, Public Information Officer

Ashley Dammen, Communications Officer

Charles Tack, Electronic Communications Manager
Cassandra Cothron, Communications Intern