Week 2, Spring Quarter 2015
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"The absolute safetly of your soul will depend on whether you can find the commuity or the courage to bear witness to what has happened to you."
-Junot D�as
Trans Day of Empowerment
Fri. April 10th | All Day | LGBT Resource Center
"Muxes: authentic, intrepid seekers of danger" Film Screening 11:30-1p | Family Room
Come watch this film that highlights the indigenous muxes third gender community in Juchit�n, Oaxaca, Mexico. "Muxe" is a Zapotec word derived from the Spanish "mujer," or woman; it is reserved for people assigned male at birth who live as women and have specific roles within their community. Discussion to follow film screening.
Affirmation Booths 1-2:30p | Conference Room
Our conference room will feature various affirmation booths. This will be an open-house style event to encourage self- reflection, self-empowerment and community building. Our Affirmation Booth event is aimed to center the experience of trans-identified individuals including people who identify as third gender, genderqueer, questioning and/or identify outside their assigned gender.
Booths will feature:
-Selfie Station- take digital and instant photos to take with you or post around our space. -Affirmation Card-making station- come write love notes to yourself or those you love and appreciate. -Aromatherapy Massage Oil station- come make your own massage oil blend for yourself to encourage self-care and reflection.
what's happening at the rc

Fluid Attraction Group
Thursday 4/9 | 6-7p | LGBTRC
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.
Contact ucsdfluidgroup@gmail.com for more info.

Trans* Collective
Wednesday 4/8 | 4-5p | LGBTRC
Trans* Collective is a support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex.
Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info.
Healing from Childhood Sexual Assault
Wed. April 29th | 5p | LGBTRC
Hello community, my name is sandra j. and I am the Library Intern here at the UCSD LGBT Resource Center.
I identity as a survivor of childhood sexual assault and wanted to help create a healing space for all queer/trans identified survivors of childhood sexual assault, to bridge the gap in what it means to be a survivor of CSA (childhood sexual assault) and queer/trans identified, and to create space for those specific intersections of our identities in finding other folks to connect with.
This program will focus on healing through education and dialogue around CSA, healing from and through trauma, discussion, writing exercises, crafts, and plant potting.
Please note:
1. This is a CLOSED SPACE for CSA survivors and Queer/Trans-identified members of community.
2. This space can/will be triggering due to the nature of the content, please take the necessary time for yourself before, during, and after the event in the case of feeling triggered and overwhelmed. 3. Please let me know during, before, after the event of any accommodations necessary.
Please contact me with any questions, comments, and concerns here.

Graduate Student........................4
OUT at the Game
UCSD Baseball vs. Cal State Monterey Bay Sat. April 11th | 12p | UCSD Baseball Field
Join the LGBT Resource Center for our annual Out at the Game event. We'll be cheering our UC San Diego baseball team as they play Cal State Monterey Bay on Sat, Apr 11, 12:00 p.m.
Our very own Director, Dr. Shaun Travers will be the honorary coach! FREE for Students and five dollars for everyone else.
Directions to baseball Field can be found here!
The Role of the UCSD LGBT Resource Center in Community Building: An LGBT Community Town Hall
Thurs. April 16th | 4-6p | LGBT Resource Center
Join us for a community town hall with our LGBT Resource Center Advisory board. Your input will help inform the strategic direction of the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center. This event is open to students, staff, and faculty.
Information about the LGBT Resource Center Advisory Board can be found here!
Volunteer Training
Weds. April 15th | 5:30-7:30p | LGBT Resource Center
Join us for our Spring Volunteer Training where you'll meet new folks, learn about our opportunities, and learn how to: provide front desk reception, greet visitors, provide tours, table, assist with special projects, and more!
Out and Proud Week Work Party
Fri. April 17th | 2-4p | LGBT Resource Center
Come help us prepare for our Annual Out and Proud Week at our Work Party. Come build community, jam out to cool tunes, make posters and have fun!
Rate Your Professor: LGBTQ Experiences at UCSD
Wed. April 15th | 5-7 p | LGBT Resource Center
Contribute your experiences with professors and other faculty to a "Rate My Professor"-esque database for LGBTQ students. The focus will be on positive interactions. Open-house/social style. Snacks and beverages provided!
For more info, contact Lenny, the UCSD LGBT Resource Center's Sylvia Rivera Intern for Politics & Human Rights.
Intergenerational Dialogues
Tues. April 14th|12-1p | LGBT Resource Center
student orgs & staff announcements
Even Mondays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community. For more information please email lgbtqia@gmail.com.
Men's Group
Wednesdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Men's group is a social support group that strives to establish a safe, comfortable space for discussions being male and queer.

Queer & Trans People of Color
Thursdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Connect with other Queer and Trans* People of Color! Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, and fighting misogyny among other things.
12 Step Recovery Group
Fridays, 3:15-4:15p | Heritage Room
The open 12 step meeting is a safe space for folks who are in, seeking, or have questions about recovery. We meet weekly to support one another as a non-judgmental peer group that respects each individual's privacy and process. Topics include, but are not limited to recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, sex and love addiction, and codependency.
More info: rainbow@ucsd.edu

Myrlie Evers- Williams comes to UCSD
Thurs. April 9th | 3:30-4:30p | BRC
From the moment Myrlie Evers-Williams faced the murder of her husband, civil rights activist Medger Evers, she became a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement. For over three decades, she has fought to carry on his legacy, never relenting in her determination to change the face of race relations in this country. Evers-Williams has become a symbol of courage and perseverance, steadfast in her march towards social justice. She made history in becoming the first full-time female director to lead the NAACP. We hope that you join us for this amazing opportunity. She will be in the Black Resource Center to meet and talk with students. Please RSVP at here!
brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471

Dear White People: Screening, Reflection, and Dialogue
A 5 year retrospective of the events from Winter 2010
Fri. April 10th | 5:45p | Peterson Hall 108 & Sat. April 11th | 8a | CCC
Join us for an informed screening of Justin Simien's Dear White People. The screening will be followed by a reflective dialogue led by USC Cinematic Arts Professor Christine ACham, and will include alumni students leaders from 2010. On Saturday continue the conversation with key UC San Diego faculty members and alums who will lead discussions and encourage dialogue within and across communities.
Refreshments will be provided on both days. This event is free and open to the UC San Diego community. Register here.

Telling Our Stories Wed. April 8th | 3-5p & Thurs. April 9th 1-3p | Raza Resource Centro
Join us for a two day program with award winning film director Ray Telles. Refer to the flyer and link for more information. Join the facebook event here!
raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072
Zine Making Party: Women in STEM!
Wed. April 8th | 1:30-2:30p | Women's Center
Join us for an afternoon of creating submissions for our Women in STEM Zine! Submissions are due by Fri. APRIL 17th via email or as hardcopy at the Women's Center.
Contact Corina Cadiz for more info.
Apply today to join one of Advocates for Youth's programs!
Are you a young person (14-24 years old) who is: Passionate about fighting for young people's rights to sexual health information and services? Interested in connecting with youth leaders from across the country? Dedicated to developing skills to make a difference in your community? If selected, you will have opportunities to: develop new organizing and leadership skills; become informed on sexual and reproductive health issues; connect with passionate young people from across the country; and build skills to make a lasting impact in your community. You will also join more than 100 youth activists in Washington, DC for an intense four-day activist training institute free of charge!
Click here for more information!
Walk the Block Party
Sat. April 18th | 9a-12p
Walk the Block Party is the first dance party walk at UC San Diego benefiting the Triton Food Pantry. All students, staff, faculty, and alumni are encouraged to register for free at here. Students will gather on Ridge Walk near Revelle Plaza to do a 2 mile walk around campus. The course will include three Party Stations featuring Electric Dance Music from Deejay and Vinylphiles Club (DVC). The Walk the Block Party will encourage the UC San Diego community to come together at a fun and unique event while creating awareness for the Food Insecurity Program on campus. Food insecurity is an issue that directly affects the students here at UC San Diego. The Triton Food Pantry is an initiative that was developed to combat food insecurity on campus, an issue which we know to be prevalent in over 20% of our UC San Diego undergraduate community.
Wed. April 15th | 3:30-5:00p | Social Sciences Building (SSB) 107
The presentation examines the ways that anal erotics and bottom positioning refract the meanings of race, gender, sexuality, and nationality in Asian/American visual culture. Nguyen argues that "bottomhood" simultaneously enables and constrains Asian American men in moving-image media. Conceived as a sexual position, a social alliance, and an aesthetic form, bottomhood affirms a politics that embraces risk, receptivity, and vulnerability. Gay male video pornography and sex cruising websites constitute case studies. The talk will be supplemented by a short video screening. Nguyen Tan Hoang is a videomaker and a scholar of queer cinema, experimental video, and Asian/American visual culture. This talk is co-sponsored by the Thurgood Marshall College Film Studies Minor.
Float Into Spring: Peer Educator Info Session
Mon. April 13th | 3-4:30p |
Student Governance Chambers PC East 4th
Come enjoy ICE CREAM FLOATS (Root Beer Floats 2.0) with our CSI - CL Peer Educators! Get some information on how to become a Peer Educator and ask them your questions! If you'd like bring your resume and APPLY at the event! As mentioned above recruitment is now underway for our
2015-2016 Peer Educators. If you want to make a difference and take your communication and leadership skills to the next level - join our team! Peer Educators help co-facilitate our workshops and seminars, introduce our iLead presenters, and plan and coordinate fun events!
For more information visit here.
Femme to Femme: Call for submissions
Deadline: 11/1/15
Femme to Femme is a literary non-fiction, varied anthology seeking to explore femme* identity in the 20thand 21st century through poetry, prose, essays, stories/narratives, illustration/art and photography. Femme to Femme seeks to challenge public discourse about and around femmeness because it often has a white, classed, cis-gender woman center, and is only discussed in relationship to masculinity - never each other. It is a project that prioritizes the lives, needs, and desires of femmes of all lived experiences; It is a call to action and celebration of the personal, political, and transformative self.
Email submissions to: here
For more information visit: here
San Diego Pride Hiring: Marketing and Communications Manager
San Diego Pride is building its Dream Team. We seek an experienced professional dedicated to growing and improving our events and increasing our charitable contribution to the community. Job Summary: The Marketing and Communication Manager must have a true passion for navigating the spectrum of digital and traditional marketing and media communication strategies as tools to further the mission of Pride.
To apply, please send your cover letter, resume, and salary history or expectation electronically to: careers@sdpride.org
The 2015 Nicholas Papadopoulos Endowed Lecture in Gay & Lesbian Studies Presents: Out in the Night
Tues. April 28th | 6p | Great Hall, ERC
Screening of the award-winning OUT IN THE NIGHT, a feature documentary by blair dorosh-walther that tells the story of four African American lesbians from Newark NJ, who became criminals after they defended themselves against a homophobic street attack in 2006 in the West Village of NYC. A conversation with the filmmakers and the four women featured in this film, who became known as the NJ4 , will follow the screening.
For more information click here!
Tea With Tritons: An Interfaith Dialogue open to all faith and non-faith backgrounds
Mon. April 13th | 4:30-6p | Price Center West, Red Shoe Room (Located in Sun God Lounge on level 2)
Join us for an interfaith dialogue and refreshments. We will discuss our journey of spirituality, faith, and religion, learn from our differences and discover our commonalities. Students from all faith and non-faith backgrounds are invited to participate. Come prepared to learn from others, ask questions, and honor our shared humanity.
For questions contact Lisa Gates.
Myrlie Evers-Williams: Civil Rights Activist, NAACP Chairman Emeritus
Thurs. April 9th | 7p | PC West Ballroom
Tomorrow's Leaders: Building on the Legacy of Selma. From the moment Myrlue Evers-Williams faced the murder of her husband, civil rights actigvist MEdger Evers, she become a pivotal figure in the civil ruights movement. For over three decades, she has fought to carry on his legacy, bever relenting in her determination to change the face of race relations in this country.
UC Berkeley's 8th Annual Queer and Asian Conference
Fri. May 1st - Sun. May 3rd | UC Berkley
This year's theme, "AMPLIFY", seeks to amplify our collective voices in addressing the perception that Asian Americans are silent on political matters and understand how queer and Asian bodies are perceived and influenced by society in relation to other marginalized identities. Participants are then able to engage in Workshops, share personal stories in intimate "Storytime" sessions, listen to Keynotes from prominent activists, watch Performances from of community members, and of course, mingle at the Afterparty!
For more information visit us here!
Internship at the Getty Museum Summer 2015!
The internships are intended specifically for outstanding students who are members of groups currently underrepresented in careers related to museums and the visual arts. Students gain experience in key areas such as curatorship, conservation, education, publications, and related programmatic activities. Candidates are sought from all areas of undergraduate study and are not required to have demonstrated a previous commitment to the visual arts.
2015 Gender Spectrum Conference and Professionals' Symposium Sat. July 11 and Sun. July 12 | Saint Mary's College of California in Moraga, CA
Gender identity and expression isn't about a single child, a single family, or a single school. It's about all of us. Gender roles, stereotypes, and definitions shape how we understand ourselves and those around us. At the heart of this understanding are the stories we bring with us. The experiences we've had. The moments we've shared. In shaping the dialogue and conversation about gender inclusivity and acceptance, it is crucial that all of us have an opportunity to tell our gender story, and see ourselves reflected in the stories of others. For more information visit us here.
SAAM 3k Walk/Run: Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2015
Thurs. April 16th | 5p | Library Walk
Join us for a fun 3k walk/run through campus and take a stand against sexual assault. For more information visit: here.
Flying Without A Helicopter: How to Prepare Young People for Work and Life
Tues. Apr. 21st | 11:30-1:30p | UCSD Career Services Center- Horizon Room
Forget academics for a moment, learn what is important to be healthy, independent, self-reliant employee who will thrive on your own in any career. RSVP on Port Triton. For more details contact us here!
The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship
GAPA is a scholarship that seeks to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Asian and Pacific Islanders who are currently in high school or postsecondary school. We award several scholarships of $2000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community. For more information visit us here!
UCSD Conference Services is Hiring!
Looking for a FUN summer job? Over 40+ student positions available. Work on-campus and earn $10 to $14 hour. Some positions include FREE Summer Housing! Paid training begins in Spring Quarter. All positions are exposed to fields of hospitality, conference and event planning, and office administration. Apply Today! Applications accepted until Friday, April 10, 2015. Apply Online: here
Questions? Contact Charlotte Curtis (858) 534-4226
2015 Family of the Year Award.
The Family of the Year Award was created to acknowledge that parents and family members play an instrumental part in the success and development of their student's academic journey. Our hope is that the Family of the Year Award will remind the UC San Diego community that loving relationships and mutual support are important institutional values. Please see the attached flyer and distribute it to any students that you believe would be interested in nominating their family.
For more information regarding the Family of the Year Award and for detailed contest instructions, visit: here.
Students Against Food Insecurity
Tues. April 14th | 6-8:30p | PC Theater
In a riveting journey that will change forever how you think about the hungry, A Place at the Table shows how the issue of hunger could be solved forever, once the American public decides - as they have in the past - that it is in the best interests of us all." Join Students Against Food Insecurity for this powerful film screening and bring a donation for the UCSD Triton Food Pantry.
For more information visit here.