Trans Day of Empowerment - Friday, April 10
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
858-822-3493 | |

what's happening at the rc
"Muxes: authentic, intrepid seekers of danger" Film Screening
11:30-1p | Family Room 


Come watch this film that highlights the indigenous muxes third gender community in Juchit�n, Oaxaca, Mexico. "Muxe" is a Zapotec word derived from the Spanish "mujer," or woman; it is reserved for people assigned male at birth who live as women and have specific roles within their community.  Discussion to follow screening. 

Affirmation Booths
1-2:30p | Conference Room


Our conference room will feature various affirmation booths. This will be an open-house style event to encourage self- reflection, self-empowerment and community building.
Our Affirmation Booth event is aimed to center the experience of trans-identified individuals including people who identify as third gender, genderqueer, questioning and/or identify outside their assigned gender.

Booths will feature:

-Selfie Station- take digital and instant photos to take with you or post around our space.
-Affirmation Card-making station- come write love notes to yourself or those you love and appreciate.
-Aromatherapy Massage Oil station- come make your own massage oil blend for yourself to encourage self-care and reflection.


what's happening in san diego

Please join the San Diego LGBT Community Center for speakers, entertainment, awards and light refreshment as we celebrate the diversity and strength of San Diego's Trans* community.  Check out the Facebook event here!