Week 9, Winter Quarter 2015
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
858-822-3493 | rainbow@ucsd.edu | lgbt.ucsd.edu
Facebook Twitter Instagram Tumblr 

"Sustained grief is particularly disturbing in a culture that offers a quick fix for pain. Sometimes it amazes me to know intuitively that the grieving are all around us yet we do not see any overt signs of their anguished spirits. We are taught to feel shame about grief that lingers. Like a stain on our clothes, it marks us as flawed, imperfect. To cling to grief, to desire its expression, is to be out of sync with modern life, where the hip do not get bogged down in mourning."


-bell hooks

centering lgbtq+ and two-spirit native voices: a film screening & critical dialogue



Centering LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Native Voices: A Film Screening & Critical Dialogue

Mon. March 9th | 6-9p | ERC Room (near InterTribal Resource Center and SPACES)

In collaboration with the Native American Student Alliance (NASA), Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC), and SPACES, the UCSD LGBT Resource Center programming team will be screening the PBS documentary
Two Spirits. Following this, there will be a critical discussion with Amrah Salomon, a UCSD Ethnic Studies graduate student whose research interests range from Indigenous Studies, Autonomy, Decolonization to Native Feminism, Non-Western and Indigenous Political Thought, and Women of Color Feminism, in addition to a community speaker. The intention is to continue the conversation around unsettling dominant perspectives and assumptions on LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Native identities, and in doing so, encourage self-reflection and positive (re)action.


The PBS documentary, Two Spirits, will be screened, followed by a critical discussion with Amrah Salomon, a UCSD Ethnic Studies graduate student whose research interests range from Indigenous Studies, Autonomy, Decolonization to Native Feminism, Non-Western and Indigenous Political Thought, and Women of Color Feminism, in addition to a community speaker. The intention is to continue the conversation around unsettling dominant perspectives and assumptions on LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit Native identities, and in doing so, encourage self-reflection and positive (re)action. 

Join the facebook event here
what's happening at the rc 


Fluid Attraction Group

Thursday 3/5 | 6-7p | LGBTRC


This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.


Contact ucsdfluidgroup@gmail.com for more info.


Trans* Collective 

Wednesday 3/4 | 4-5p | LGBTRC

Trans* Collective is a support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex. 

Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info. 


Out and Proud Week Call for Programs


Out and Proud Week presents the largest opportunity for community visibility on the UC San Diego campus. It is a week-long opportunity, to be in community, learn about the community, and reflection on the struggles and achievements of LGBTQIA-identified students, staff, and faculty and our allies. It is also a time for public awareness and discussion of current LGBT issues on our campus, as well as local, state and national levels. 

 The LGBT Resource Center is doing a call out for programs, events, educational opportunities, and gatherings that represent the mission of Out and Proud Week. Out and Proud Week will take place Monday, April 20th - Friday, April 24th, 2015.

Last Day for Submissions: Friday April 3, 2015


To submit your program go here






 Graduate Student......................3







Rethinking Leadership Workshop                     Thurs. March 5th | 2:30-4p | LGBTRC


This workshop will be an introduction to Leadership Theories and build interest in developing ones skills.

Crafternoon: Nail Art

Wed. March 11th | 1-3p | LGBTRC


Come to the LGBTRC to de-stress through nail art with community! Materials will be provided, simply bring your creativity.


Spring QCamp

Weds. April 1st |  5-7p | LGBTRC  


Spring Q Camp is different than Fall Q Camp, because it's a less formal way to re-connect with community members and with the LGBT Resource Center.  It's also our tradition for kicking off the new quarter together.  Come hang out, reconnect, and learn about everything going on at the LGBT Resource Center. 



Healing from Childhood Sexual Assault

POSTPONED until next quater! | LGBTRC

Hello community, my name is sandra j. and I am the Library Intern here at the UCSD LGBT Resource Center. I identity as a survivor of childhood sexual assault and wanted to help create a healing space for all queer/trans identified survivors of childhood sexual assault, to bridge the gap in what it means to be a survivor of CSA (childhood sexual assault) and queer/trans identified, and to create space for those specific intersections of our identities in finding other folks to connect with.

This program will focus on healing through education and dialogue around CSA, healing from and through trauma, discussion, writing exercises, crafts, and plant potting. 

Please note:

1. This is a CLOSED SPACE for CSA survivors and Queer/Trans-identified members of community. 

2. This space can/will be triggering due to the nature of the content, please take the necessary time for yourself before, during, and after the event in the case of feeling triggered and overwhelmed. 
3. Please let me know during, before, after the event of any accommodations necessary. 

Please contact me with any questions, comments, and concerns here.

24 Hour Study Jam

Sun March 15-Mon March 16| 6pm on Sunday-9pm on Monday| LGBT RC

Come study for finals at the LGBTRC, we'll have lots of coffee and tasty snacks for you!






student orgs & staff announcements

Mondays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community.  For more information please email lgbtqia@gmail.com.

Men's Group

Wednesdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC

Men's group is a social support group that strives to establish a safe, comfortable space for discussions being male and queer.

More Info: rainbow@ucsd.edu


Queer & Trans People of Color
Thursdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Connect with other Queer and Trans* People of Color!   Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, and fighting misogyny among other things.


12 Step Recovery Group

Fridays, 3:15-4:15p | Heritage Room


The open 12 step meeting is a safe space for folks who are in, seeking, or have questions about recovery. We meet weekly to support one another as a non-judgmental peer group that respects each individual's privacy and process. Topics include, but are not limited to recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, sex and love addiction, and codependency.


More info: rainbow@ucsd.edu 

campus community centers




African-American Male Leadershape Institute 

Deadline: March 5, 2015

If selected to participate in the African American male leadershape institute, (The Allerton Conference Center in Monticello, Illinois) a six day leadership experience, The Black Resource Center will cover all costs!! Apply today for this life changing opportunity! The applicaition is open to any UCSD undergraduate student who identifies as a Black/ African American male. Visit this website to apply or email sssolomon@ucsd.edu for more information! 

brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471




Arts & Crafts Breather Series

Thurs. Mar. 12th | 12-3p | CCC ArtSpace
Come to de-stress or take a break from worl or school. Take home what you create, whether it is a pciture fram, wooden boxm dcanvas, etc. All supplies are provided! All are welcome! 

ccc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-9689 



RRC Presents: Speak Your Truth                                                          Fri. March 6th | 5-7p | Raza Resource Centro

We want to invite everyone to join us for a night of consciousness and storytelling. This is an open mic and open sharing event but if you don't consider yourself an artist no problem! We believe that by sharing our stories we can connect, build beautiful relationships and build community! 


raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072 






International Women's Day

Fri. March 6th | 1:30-3p | PC Ballroom A


This event features live spoken word and dance performances along with a keynote presentation by Division of Global Public Health faculty members Dr. Lianne Urada and Dr. Elizabeth Reed on "Social and Economic Empowerment to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health among High-Risk Women and Girls". Guests are welcome to attend the free event that begins at 1:30pm (light refreshments served as doors open at 1:15pm), and raise awareness for women's issues on an international scale. Departments and organizations that represent women's resources on-and-off campus will also be tabling within the venue. We encourage all visitors to see how they can get involved! Celebrated globally on Sunday, March 8th, this year's International Women's Day theme is "Make It Happen." In tandem with this internationally-recognized theme, UC San Diego has launched its own #makeithappenucsd social media campaign. The campus community is welcome to join in and share their own statement of what they personally would like to "make happen" with respect to international women's issues. For more information, as well as other events on campus that celebrate Women's History month and other International Women's Day activities, visit: iwd.ucsd.edu


women.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0074 
community classifieds 

Would you like to play a role in making the 2015 Women's Conference a success?  


We invite you to join us in the University's ongoing commitment to staff development.  We need volunteers for a variety of tasks and shifts on 3/10/15 between 7.45 am and 2 pm. If interested, please respond with your availability and how you would like to contribute.  This event does not happen without extraordinary and dedicated volunteers.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Please sign up here!


Second Annual Undergraduate LGBT Studies Research Symposium

Wed. Apr. 22nd | UCLA


The theme, Staging Queers: Identity, Performance, and Bodies of Entertainment will highlight the ways in which activism through performance and art has catalyzed the queering of popular culture and politics. The symposium will set the stage for presenters to focus on queer topics that spotlight challenges to heteronormative structures that work to appropriate, exoticize, and (mis) represent, the queer body. For any questions or concerns not addressed on this website, please email the Symposium Organizers at  here

 with any questions.


Requiem by Hector Berlioz

Friday, March 13 7:30 PM | Saturday, March 14 7:30 PM | Sunday, March 15 2:00 PM


Renewal is the nature of any requiem - it's less an acknowledgment of death as it is a celebration of what comes next. This is an enormous piece and we will have nearly 300 musicians on stage to perform it in all its glory. Best known for its Tuba mirum, when the trumpets sound and the dead are called, four brass bands will crank up around the audience as 16 timpani join the orchestra and chorus. 75 members of the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus will join the regular chorus members to make this a stunning production. For more information, visit us here





First Year Experience Program: We're Hiring!


The First Year Experience Program is hirking Undergraduate Discussion Leaders for Fall 2015 to teach for the Freshman First Year Experience course and piolet Trabsfer Year Experience course at each of the six colleges. Attend an info session to learn more. Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 10th. For more information visit us at fye.ucsd.edu.



Fathers, Fathering, and Fatherhood: Queer Chicano Desire and Belonging


The editors invite contributions to an anthology that brings together work by queer/gay Chicanos/Mexicanos on their fathers, the act of fathering, and/or notions of fatherhood whether fathers are/were present or absent, accessible, inaccessible, engaged, disengaged, accepting or rejecting of sons.


Please submit an abstract (ideas or thoughts about your topic) or first draft of your work with a title by March 15th, 2015 to here and here.

We Alive: A Celebration of Black Lesbian Womanhood

March 8th | 6-9p | Diversionary Theatre
The Multicultural LGBT Literary Foundation presents a celebration of International Women's Day unlike any other in San Diego. Attendees will be treated to a reading and performance by Haitian American lesbian spoken word poet and performer Lenelle Mo�se as well as a reading by the award winning novelist, Chinelo Okaparanta. Join us as we celebrate the brilliance, struggle, and perseverance of Black lesbian women! For more information, click here


PFLAG 2015 Scholarships

Application deadline is March 16, 2015


PFLAG San Diego and its collaborators are pleased to offer these scholarships in 2015. Minimum scholarship amounts are $1,000, and more than one scholarship may be awarded in a given category. Applicants are encouraged to address the additional award factors considered for these named scholarships when they submit their essays. For more information visit here! 

Calling all women in STEM!

Fri. March 6th | Women's Center


Be a part of a community ZINE: It will be a form of self-expression, and way of healing or dealing with misogyny in STEM fields! Submit a creative work that represents your experience! Share your feelings, frustrations, successes, the good bad and ugly! Can be in the form of: Sketch, Cartoon, or comic, Poetry, Prose, Comedy, Anecdote. 




Summer Interships at HCR 

Deadline: March 22nd 

We are excited to inform you that our summer application for internships at the Human Rights Campaign is now live! We have offices in Washington, D.C., Montgomery, Ala., Little Rock, Ark., or Jackson, Miss. 



BlaqOUT Conference on April 10-11, 2015 @ University of California, Riverside.

Apply by March 28th, 2015

We cordially invite all folks who self identify as Black/African American or of African Descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBTQ Spectrum, to apply to attend. Through this conference, we hope to create safe and courageous spaces that foster the discussion of issues relevant to those who self identify as Black/African American or of African Communities on the LGBTQ Spectrum. Various Workshops, keynotes, and activities will be designed to unite our community and equip us with the resources necessary to face issues that affect us as marginalized individuals. To submit a workshop click here!

To apply to attend, click here! 

Q-Summit @ CSUSB 

Sat. April 25th | 10a-6p


Q-Summit is meant to be a conference for queer identifying students across Southern California for a day of movement-building, skill-sharing, and best-practices development, with emphasis on building a stronger connection with local Gay Straight Alliances, youth groups and college campuses in the Inland Empire. The hope is that by providing this event with the help of local community partners, CSU San Bernardino can host its first Q-Summit to help LGBTQA students and youth find a place where they can not only be themselves, but also make sense of the multiple identities that many carry.

 For more information about registering or submitting a program proposal, please visit us here!


2015 Gender Spectrum Conference and Professionals' Symposium Sat. July 11 and Sun. July 12 | Saint Mary's College of California in Moraga, CA

Gender identity and expression isn't about a single child, a single family, or a single school. It's about all of us. Gender roles, stereotypes, and definitions shape how we understand ourselves and those around us. At the heart of this understanding are the stories we bring with us. The experiences we've had. The moments we've shared. In shaping the dialogue and conversation about gender inclusivity and acceptance, it is crucial that all of us have an opportunity to tell our gender story, and see ourselves reflected in the stories of others. For more information visit us here. 


Building on a Positive Life Weekly Support Group

Thursdays 6-8p |  Mercy Gardens


An ongoing educational/social support group for HIV+ men who have sex with men. Learn to be positive about being HIV+. Be empowered, share and grow with other men who can relate to your journey.


Learn, Laugh, and love yourself

-          Living with HIV

-          Healthy Relationships

-          Sexual Health

-          Self Esteem

-          Normalizing Conversations about sex

-          Self-Disclosure (telling family, friends, and partners)

25th Annual Asian Pacific Islander Issues Conference (APIICON) which will be held on Sat. Mar. 14th | 9a 

APIICON is a space for students, professors and community members to engage in dialogue about pressing issues and to discuss shared solutions. By bringing underrepresented issues to the forefront, the conference promotes awareness about ethnic diversity and fosters community building among API students from the Bay Area. The ultimate goal of this conference is to educate, empower, and organize our communities on API issues.

Click here for more information!

Telling Out Stories-LGBT Q Oral History

Sat. March 21st | 2-4p | Diversionary Theatre


Presented by Lambda Archives of San Diego. See and hear about capturing the storuies of our LGBTQ family. Our presenters are Steven Dansky, Meredith Vezinan, Ellen Holzman, and Robert Lynn. Join the facebook event here See and hear about capturing the stories of our LGBTQ family. Our presenters are Steven Dansky, Meredith Vezina, Ellen Holzman and Robert Lynn. Join the facebook event here!

Juniors + Seniors, one last chance to Teach For America!-Deadline March 6th. 


See the Impact you can have as a Teacher:

  • Bring your passion into the classroom (1min video)
  • Our mission in a nutshell (2min video)


  • ALL majors and backgrounds welcome
  • Minimum 2 year commitment starting in June 2015 for Seniors, June 2016 for Juniors
  • Full salary and benefits ranging up to $51,000/year
  • Teach in 1 of 50 different regions nationwide
  • Positions range from pre K through high school
  • Teacher training and ongoing support throughout 2 year commitment
  • Receive a teaching credential and an opportunity to pursue an M.A. in Education.

David Alvarez: "The Value of Urban Planning from the Border to the Suburbs" a

 Mon. March 9th |  6-7p | Ledden Auditorium


The series, presented by Muir College and UC San Diego's Division of Arts & Humanities, explores a range of environmental issues. Admission is free. Alvarez represents the 8th District in San Diego, which includes Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, San Ysidro and the Tijuana River Valley, as well as the Otay Mesa West and Otay Mesa East master planned communities. Alvarez, who was elected to the city council in 2010, grew up in Barrio Logan, a waterfront neighborhood with a long history of environmental degradation, high asthma rates, and industrial-residential conflicts. His childhood home was next door to a chrome plating plant, and he says he can trace his own asthma to the constant presence of toxic emissions affecting residential areas, school playgrounds, and parks. That experience sharpened his resolve to fight for social, economic and environmental justice. 

Essay Contest Prompt

Friday, March 6, 2015, 11:59p


Cesar Chavez was a prolific community organizer and a champion of social change. He used ten core values to guide his life. Using one or more of these core values with which you most identify, please discuss how you have contributed to equity and social justice at UC San Diego. How will you apply Cesar's core values to create positive change in the Latina/o community and the greater society?

Deadline to Apply:


 Please email us here for any questions!