Week 10, Fall Quarter 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center


"Healing from our personal experiences is not just a matter of personal health; healing is also a matter of social change."


-Ana-Maurine Lara 


24 hour study jam! 



24 Hour Study Jam

December 15th | Sun-Mon| 6pm on Sunday-9pm on Monday| LGBT RC


Need a place to study for finals? Come study with us! We'll be open 24 hours. We'll have study space, games, fun, and a ridiculous amount of coffee. 


Lookout for other campus community centers and SPACES special hours! 

world aids day 2014 



Congratulations to Bianca Angulo for winning the iPad Air we gave away at World AIDS Day 2014!! Bianca is a fifth year Sixth College Environmental Systems (Earth Science) major. She says, "Nicole really encouraged my participation because she knew I would enjoy it. She knew I would take a lot from the experience. From attending these events I realized how much more I want to be involved in things like this and not be afraid to talk about HIV/AIDS. Educating Others on the topic is as important as educating yourself." Congratulations again Bianca! 



what's happening at the rc 


Fluid Attraction Group

Tuesdays | 5-6p | LGBT RC

This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.


Contact ucsdfluidgroup@gmail.com for more info.


Trans* Collective 

Thurs. 12/11 | 5-6p | LGBT RC

Trans* Collective is a support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex. 

Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info. 





LGBT Resource Center Internship Program Hiring for 2015-2016

8 Undergraduate Internship Positions Offered:

  • Audre Lorde Programming and Facilitation Intern
  • Bayard Rustin Programming and Facilitation Intern
  • Community Engagement Intern
  • Library Intern
  • Rainbow Newsletter and Marketing Intern
  • Speakers Bureau and Social Justice Education Intern
  • Sylvia Rivera Programming and Facilitation Intern
  • Art and Activism Intern

Deadline to Apply: January 16, 2015 at 4pm.

Applications and Job Descriptions can be found at lgbt.ucsd.edu

Info Sessions

Come to one of the following info sessions to learn about the internships we offer!

Fall Quarter: Week 10 | 12/9 | Tues | 12-1pm

Winter Quarter: Week 1 | 1/6 | Tues | 4-5pm








 Graduate Student.....................11










Queer and Trans People of Color Self-care Wednesday

Wed. Dec. 12 | 4-6p | Conference Room


Join us for this program to share community self-care practices as we approach finals and winter season. We'll have warm tea and tasty snacks for you along with some winter-wellness skill shares. Come participate or simply hangout.


Rebozo skillshare- learn more about this mesoamerican technique using a rebozo or shawl for massage and support.


*we'll have rebozos, and shawls available for practice, bring your own if possible.


Dream pillow- making- We will be making dream pillows to help you relax and have a good night's sleep!


Affirmation Card-making- Want to show love and affirmation to a friend or yourself? Come make yourself a card.


This space is intended for people of color to decompress and practice self-care.


Materials will be provided.



Winter QCamp

Week 1 Winter Quarter| Wed. Jan 7th | 4-5pm | LGBTRC


Winter Q Camp rings in the new quarter by welcoming new members to the community and welcoming back old ones. This is a time for ALL

of us to (re)connect and to hear about this quarter's upcoming events. 


Come have some cocoa and tea with us!



The Asterisk Trans* Conference

February 27-28, 2015 UC Riverside


People of all gender identities and expressions are welcome to attend. Featured speakers and performers include: Miss Major Griffin-GracyD'LoBamby SalcedoOllie SchminkeyMarsha AizumiDr. Tey Meadow. Join us for a college conference to build community for trans* people and allies, to address trans* health and well-being, and to provide education and resources for trans* youth advocates. For more information and to register click here


**You should not pay to register. The LGBT RC has it covered!

The Q-Class List is out for Winter 2015! 


The Q-Class List is a list of all the classes offered at UCSD which pertain to gender or sexual orientation. To view the list, click here






Now hiring Group Facilitator for Queer and Trans Women of Color Group for Winter 2015 and Spring 2015 (2 positions open).


For application go to lgbt.ucsd.edu and more information contact mpgomez@ucsd.edu by December 12th.


student orgs & staff announcements

Every odd Monday, 7-9p | LGBT RC
LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community.  For more information please email lgbtqia@gmail.com.


Men's Group

Wednesdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC

Men's group is a social support group that strives to establish a safe, comfortable space for discussions being male and queer.

More Info: rainbow@ucsd.edu


Queer & Trans People of Color
Thursdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Connect with other Queer and Trans* People of Color!   Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, and fighting misogyny among other things.





Overnight Program 2015

We would like to invite you to apply to be a host for the Overnight Program 2015. The Overnight program is a free 3-day, 2-night program that provides UCSD-admitted high school seniors an opportunity to experience the university environment and campus life at UC San Diego, network with other admitted high school seniors and current college students and learn about campus resources. The high school participants will be paired up with a current UC San Diego undergraduate who will serve as their host and mentor/femtor throughout the duration of the program. This is a great opportunity to build leadership and community, so apply to be a host! Applications are now out and they are due by December 8, 2014 at 11:45pm! Click here to apply!


12 Step Recovery Group

Fridays, 3-4p | Heritage Room


The open 12 step meeting is a safe space for folks who are in, seeking, or have questions about recovery. We meet weekly to support one another as a non-judgmental peer group that respects each individual's privacy and process. Topics include, but are not limited to recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, sex and love addiction, and codependency.


More info: rainbow@ucsd.edu 


campus community centers





Indigenizing Museums and the Move Toward Decolonization:

Successes and Ongoing Challenges  (Amy Lonetree Lecture) 

Thurs | Dec 11 | 3-4:30p | CCC Comunidad Room

Followed by a Reception


The relationship between Indigenous communities and mainstream museums has changed significantly in recent decades as a result of Indigenous activism and new museum theory and practice. These changes include the sharing of curatorial authority, collaborative partnerships, and efforts to decolonize museums.  My research examines the current state of contemporary exhibition practices at both national and tribal museums.  Central to my analysis is exploring how museums can serve as sites of decolonization through honoring Indigenous knowledge and worldview, and discussing the hard truths of colonization in exhibitions in an effort to promote healing and understanding.  

ccc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-9689 





The Black Resource Center is Hiring!

Applications due Winter Week 2

Friday | January 16, 2015 | 4:00p


Does promoting black student recruitment, retention, and matriculation on campus sound exciting to you? You might be interested in applying to be one of the Black Resource Center's Student Success Leaders! An internship with the BRC will provide you with an opportunity to contribute to the growth of the BRC while gaining personal and professional development. Info Sessions: Thursday 12/11/14 12-1p, Wednesday 1/7/15 12-1 p.


*Applications available at the BRC

brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471 



Stress Relief Series

Thurs. Dec. 11th | 12-1p | Raza Resource Centro


Take a break from finals...get a tattoo instead! Some participate in temporary henna tattoos where YOU become the artist! Light refreshments will be provided! 


raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072




Finals Study Break

Tuesday | December 16 | All day/night! | Women's Center 


Each day during Finals week, a different Campus Community Center will be open for 24 hours. Join the Women's Center on Tuesday, December 16th for an all-night study session. Refreshments provided.


women.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0074 

community classifieds 


UCSD's Black Student Union Annual Kwanzaa Celebration

Mon. Dec. 8th | 6:30-9p | PC East Ballroom


Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration created to encourage the seven principles which include: unity, self-determination, collective work/responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Although it is an African-American holiday, everyone is welcome and

encouraged to celebrate Kwanzaa through the purpose of strengthening family, community, and cultural bonds.




Resident Assistant/ House Advisor Applications OPEN!

Application Deadline:

Tuesday January 13 at 4:30pm
Become a leader in your residential community and across campus by applying to become a RA or HA!  For many students, this is one of the most transformative experiences of their college careers and offers excellent preparation for their careers after graduation.


Click here for the application. 


Please refer any college specific questions in each residential area's website and offices.






HITO 165/265  Topics-LGBT History: "Queer Formations and the Global Sexual Revolution" (Winter 2015)

Tuesday, 1-3:50p
Since the late 1960s, the world has changed dramatically, especially in making visible (if not legitimizing) gender variance and non-normative sexualities.  This observation is the starting point for an exploratory seminar on the global history of the sexual revolution.  By examining a myriad of social, cultural, and economic transformations across different culture-areas, the class will investigate this phenomenon in comparative and transnational terms. 


Call For Papers, Hysterical Bodies: Disabling Normative Behavior in Contemporary Art

Mon. Dec. 29th


What is the current state of hysteria within contemporary art praxis? This symposium will focus on how might we begin to expand our definitions of hysteria, so that it is utilized as a critical tool for disabling normative behaviors. Papers and artist project presentations are welcome relating to a broad theme of hysterical bodies and ancillary behaviors in contemporary-based art practices with a special


emphasis on performance, film, video, and installation.
E-mail submissions here!

27th All Peoples Celebration

Mon. Jan. 19th | 10-11:30a 

Balboa Park Activity Center


You are invited to join us in honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the 27th All Peoples Celebration. The celebration includes a seated brunch and a dynamic program featuring local musical and spoken word entertainment. The theme for this year's event is "I Am a Human, I Am the Dream," and will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.




Do you have what it takes to be a superstar?


If you can sing, you can win $5,000! Sign up now to audition for Campus SuperStar, a new event coming to San Diego in March. Auditions will take place in January on campus and all full-time college students in San Diego are eligible. More information here. Good luck!




Enrolled students are responsible for attending lecture, writing field notes, and spending three hours per week engaging with youth and adults at a specially-designed after-school community setting. This experience "in the field" is supplemented by a weekly lecture at UCSD which provides students with background in ethnographic research methodology and exposes them to topics such as intergenerational learning and development, the role of storytelling in the development of shared perspectives and identity formation across socio-cultural contexts, as well as systems of power and equality. 


Email the course instructor, Dr. Camille Campion here for more information.

MEDS Conference


MEDS, Medical Education for Diverse Students, is an all-day conference designed especially for underrepresented, minority, or first generation UCSD students who are �interested in applying to medical or pharmacy schools. MEDS highlights all components of the application process, in addition to giving attendees an exclusive hands-on look behind the scenes at UC San Diego Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy.  Register at here orhere (access code:


Contact MEDS Conference Coordinator Katherine Vilchez here for questions.



The UCSD BioClock Studio: Apply now for Winter 2015!


The BioClock Studio, developed as part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Professor program, is an innovative and collaborative writing/animation/design studio for scientific communication focused on the circadian clock - the daily internal clock that times biological processes across species, from sleep/wake cycles to rhythmic gene expression. We seek motivated students with diverse interests (science, computer science, writing, communication, art, media, etc.) to collaborate in the development of creative educational materials for students and the public. 

Contact us for questions. The application can be found here.