Week 6, Fall Quarter 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself."
-Warsan Shire
A conversation with: Michael Nava
A conversation with: Michael Nava, author, poet, lawyer
Nov. 14 | 2pm | Raza Resource Centro
Michael Nava is one of the most important figures in LGBT Latino/a literature. Nava, due to his wildly popular Henry Rios series that featured a gay Chicano protagonist, is hailed as one of the creators of the Chicano mystery genre. Nava is currently at work on a new series of novels, with the first book, The City of Palaces being released this year to acclaim. The book sheds light on colonial Mexico and puts a queer spin on history.
More about Michael Nava at: michaelnavawriter.com
This event is co-sponsored by the Chican@/Latin@ Arts and Humanities (CLAH) minor and the Raza Resource Centro.
what's happening at the rc

Fluid Attraction Group
Tuesdays | 5-6p | LGBT RC
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.
Contact ucsdfluidgroup@gmail.com for more info.

Trans* Collective
Thurs. 11/13 | 5-6p | LGBT RC
Trans* Collective is a support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex.
Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info.

Queer Lunch with Guest Lecturer Ms Masha Gessen
Lecture: Mon. Nov. 24th | 10:30a | LGBTRC (to walk over to Library)
Lunch: Mon. Nov. 24th | 1p | LGBTRC
Join us for lunch and conversation at 1pm at the LGBT RC. Ms. Gessen will be answering graduate students follow up questions about her talk and about her most recent book on the recently incarcerated feminist punk band "Pussy Riot". Limited space is available, and we will distribute excerpts from "Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot" to all confirmed participants. (Graduate Students from Literature and Communication will join in the discussion.)

Undergrad 151
Graduate Student 5
Staff 9
Faculty 1
Alumni 0
Guest 4
Total 170
Transgender Day of Remembrance Altar
Making and Conversation
Thurs. Nov. 19th | 2 pm
The UCSD LGBT Resource Center honors Transgender Day of Remembrance to memorialize those who have died due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Throughout the day, the conference room will be reserved as a reverent space for reflection and learning.
We will be having a conversation regarding combating violence against our transgender community, grief and remembering.
*We will collectively create a community altar and tin box altars to take with you; bring any photos or items you would like to offer to the space. Materials will be provided
Q LEAGUE: Queer Leaders' Summit
Sat. Nov. 15th | 12-4p | LGBTRC
LGBTQIA student organization leaders, you are invited to the Q LEAGUE: Queer Leaders' Summit (lunch will be provided). It will be an opportunity to connect with the LGBT Resource Center staff and other students.
The objectives of the summit are to:
*foster leadership development
*collaboration among LGBTQIA organizations at UCSD
*discuss intersecting and multiple identities
*building community
The link to register is below. Deadline to register is November 12th.
For questions contact mpgomez@ucsd.edu
Queer Black Social
Wed. Nov. 19th | 12:00-1:30p | Black Resource Center
Join us and build community with other Black identified people. Queer Black Socials are closed spaces for Black identified students, staff, faculty, and community members to talk about queer issues.
For more info and to RSVP, please contact
The Asterisk Trans* Conference
February 27-28, 2015 UC Riverside
People of all gender identities and expressions are welcome to attend. Featured speakers and performers include: Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, D'Lo, Bamby Salcedo, Ollie Schminkey, Marsha Aizumi, Dr. Tey Meadow. Join us for a college conference to build community for trans* people and allies, to address trans* health and well-being, and to provide education and resources for trans* youth advocates. For more information and to register click here!
**You should not pay to register. The LGBT RC has it covered!
12 Step Recovery Group
Fridays, 3-4p | Heritage Room
The open 12 step meeting is a safe space for folks who are in, seeking, or have questions about recovery. We meet weekly to support one another as a non-judgmental peer group that respects each individual's privacy and process. Topics include, but are not limited to recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, sex and love addiction, and codependency.
More info: rainbow@ucsd.edu
Aces + Aros: An Orientation to Orientations
Thurs. Nov. 13th | 1:30-3:30p | LGBTRC Conference Room
Come to this program to learn about spectrums of romantic attraction and sexual attraction! Learn various terminology in regards to sexual orientation and romantic orientation! Finally, learn how to identify and intervene against acephobic and arophobic microaggressions! Snacks will be provided!
For more information, contact
Preuss Intern Good-bye
Wed. Nov. 12th | 1p | LGBT Resource Center
Come say bye to our Fall 2014 Preuss High School Interns Samantha and Nathali this Wednesday 11/10 at 1pm! They'll be sharing about their experience interning at the LGBT Resource Center and about the Gender Equity club they've been working on.
But I'm a Cheerleader Film Screening
Tues. Nov. 18th | 4-6p | LGBTRC Family Room
Come join us for FREE food and drinks while we watch But I'm a Cheerleader!! This is a satirical romantic comedy that explores issues relating to sexuality, the gender binary, ex-gay camps, religion, and bisexual erasure. After viewing the movie we will have a discussion. Don't miss out!
Library Highlight of the Week
Queer & Trans Artists of Color interviews by Nia King
From www.artactivistnia.com: Mixed-race queer art activist Nia King left a full-time job in an effort to center her life around making art. Grappling with questions of purpose, survival, and compromise, she started a podcast called We Want the Airwaves in order to pick the brains of fellow queer and trans artists of color about their work, their lives, and "making it" - both in terms of success and in terms of survival.
In this collection of interviews, Nia discusses fat burlesque with Magnoliah Black, queer fashion with Kiam Marcelo Junio, interning at Playboy with Janet Mock, dating gay Latino Republicans with Julio Salgado, intellectual hazing with Kortney Ryan Ziegler, gay gentrification with Van Binfa, getting a book deal with Virgie Tovar, the politics of black drag with Micia Mosely, evading deportation with Yosimar Reyes, weird science with Ryka Aoki, gay public sex in Africa with Nick Mwaluko, thin privilege with Fabian Romero, the tyranny of "self-care" with Lovemme Coraz�n, "selling out" with Miss Persia and Daddie$ Pla$tik, the self-employed art activist hustle with Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha, and much, much more.
Welcome to the future of QPOC art activism.
If you have any recommendations, comments, or concerns, please contact Sandra J., the Library Intern, at lgbtlibrary@ucsd.edu
Student Orgs & Staff Announcements
LGBTQIA Every other Monday, 7-9p | LGBT RC
LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community. For more information please email lgbtqia@gmail.com.
Men's Group Wednesdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Men's group is a social support group that strives to establish a safe, comfortable space for discussions being male and queer.

Queer & Trans* People of Color Thursdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Connect with other Queer and Trans* People of Color! Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, and fighting misogyny among other things.

Thurs. Nov. 13th | 3-5p | Cross-Cultural Center
"Job? Grad School? Travel? Another internship? What do I do after I graduate?! I'm confused!" Sound familiar? Craigslist or LinkedIn can't give you all the answers, so get the right ones "for you" by gaining practical advice and insight from a panel of experienced professionals sharing grad school, alumni and employer perspectives!
FREE UCSD Promotional Items will be provided. The Real World Career Series is a collaborative effort by:
ccc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-9689
Black Identity Series: Religion & Faith
Tues. Nov. 18th | 5:30p | Black Resource Center
Come by the Black Resource Center on November 18th at 5:30pm for the Black Identity Series. Engage in an intellectual conversation on religion and spirituality facilitated by Professor Gabriel Mendez. Food will be served! brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471 |

What is DACA? Presentation and Panel
Tues. Nov. 18th | 4-6p | Raza Resource Centro
What is DACA? Presentation and panel discussion. Jessica Mu�oz, Undocumented Student Services Coordinator, will discuss the basics of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), which provides for relief from deportation and work authorization for eligible youth and young adults. She will also explain how DACA is different from AB540 and the California Dream Act. A panel discussion featuring young people who have been approved for DACA will follow the presentation. Refreshments will be served and a casual reception will follow.
raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072
$tart $mart Salary Negotiation
Wed. Nov. 19th | 5-8p | Women's Center
Over the course of their working life, a woman will earn roughly $1 million less than a man - simply because they are a woman. $tart $mart is an interactive workshop designed to give college women the confidence and skills they need to earn fair compensation. Refreshments will be provided!
RSVP to wcprograms@ucsd.edu
women.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0074
Remembering Queer Korea: An International Symposium, Film Festival, and Exhibition
Nov. 13th to 15th
Structure and Materials Engineering Building
"Remembering Queer Korea" the first event of its kind, combines scholarship, film, and art in an attempt to critically reflect upon the place of non-normative sexuality and gender variance in the peninsula's history and culture. To be sure, these topics have become an increasingly important part of South Korean society since the 1990s, as evidenced by the upsurge of human rights organizations, representations in film and on television, and in practices of queer consumption.
There Is No "I" in NDN
Tues. Nov. 18th | 6:30p | Wagner Theater
The TMC Artist in Residence for 2014-2015 is LA based native American artist, Jennifer Bobiwash. She will be presenting "There Is No "I" in NDN" on Tuesday, November 18th at 6:30pm at the UCSD, Wagner Theatre. As part of the program, she will also be taking the show to Gompers Prep Academy in South East San Diego for about 200 6-12 grade students.
Okaeri: a Nikkei LGBTQ gathering
Sun. Nov. 15 | 8:30a-4:30p
Japanese American National Museum
OKAERI, meaning "Welcome Home" in Japanese, is a one-day gathering of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning individuals, family and allies who seek to find support and resources, information and motivation, and who wish to connect with others to build greater inclusion in the Nikkei community. It will be a day of connecting, education and storytelling in workshops and plenary sessions. You will leave the gathering inspired and motivated!
For more information & to register: www.okaeri-la.org
| HITO 165/265 Topics-LGBT History: "Queer Formations and the Global Sexual Revolution" (Winter 2015) Tuesday, 1-3:50p Since the late 1960s, the world has changed dramatically, especially in making visible (if not legitimizing) gender variance and non-normative sexualities. This observation is the starting point for an exploratory seminar on the global history of the sexual revolution. By examining a myriad of social, cultural, and economic transformations across different culture-areas, the class will investigate this phenomenon in comparative and transnational terms.
27th All Peoples Celebration
Mon. Jan. 19th | 10-11:30a | Balboa Park Activity Center
You are invited to join us in honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the 27th All Peoples Celebration. The celebration includes a seated brunch and a dynamic program featuring local musical and spoken word entertainment. The theme for this year's event is "I Am a Human, I Am the Dream," and will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
The Asterisk Trans* Conference: Submit a Workshop
The Asterisk Trans* Conference is seeking program proposals that focus on building trans* community, the health and well-being of trans* people, and education and resources for trans* youth advocates. All accepted workshops will be presented over 60 minutes on Saturday, February 28, 2015.
Submit a proposal online here by November 15th. For more information visit here.
APSA's 21st Annual High School Conference
Sun. Nov. 23rd
Our conference aims at increasing access to higher education by bringing high school students onto UCSD campus to learn about college, gain mentors, and have fun. Our theme this year is "Adventure Is Out There".We are currently looking for workshops! Workshops can be on any topic relevant to high school students' experiences, whether it be academic based, awareness based, or fun based. Our proposal form is here
Interested in volunteering?Click here!
Interested in being a funcilitators? Click
here! Interested in your high school participating? Click
| The UCSD BioClock Studio: Students creating innovative content to enhance courses, research, and outreach
UCSD's Center of Circadian Biology is the largest aggregate of circadian rhythm researches in the world! We study the "circadian" 24-hour biological clock in diverse organisms from bacteria to humans. Beginning fall 2014/winter 2015 there will be a BioClock Studio course as an innovative and collaborative writing/animation/design studio for scientific communication of circadian research. The BioClock Studio can fulfill 2-4 credits as a practicum, honors project, or independent study upon approval.
Contact us for questions. The application can be found here.
Survey: Are you interested in making your library more queer friendly?
Interested in making your campus and library more queer-friendly? Do you identify as part of the LGBTIQ community? Want a chance to win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards? If you answered yes to these questions, come be a part of an exciting study being conducted by Kai Ewing, a genderqueer library science student and LGBTIQ activist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! The study is being done online and requires minimal time commitment (less than one hour total). If interested, please send me an email at kai.ewing15@gmail.com for more information. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you! |