Special Edition: Get Involved!
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"The only way out is in." -Junot D�az, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
What's that!? Opportunities!
There are different opportunities to get involved, engage with others, and build community. Check out the list below to find out what's happening during Week 1 at the LGBT RC!
Get Involved! Here's what's going on :]
Mon. 10/6 | 7-9p | LGBT RC LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community and work toward this goal in many ways: holding regular meetings to provide a space to talk and socialize; putting on social dances open to all, allowing people to have a good time without fear; holding rallies to show our pride; promoting education, both within the LGBTIQ community and to the larger San Diego community.
Fluid Attraction Group
Tues. 10/7 | 5-6p | LGBT RC This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.
Weds. 10/8 | 12-1:30p | LGBT RC An afternoon of crafting and community! Materials will be provided.
Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info.
Weds. 10/8 | 7-9p | LGBT RC
Men's Group is a space for male-bodied and/ or male-identified members of the UCSD community to discuss what it means to be bisexual, gay, transgender, queer, straight, or questioning within the context of UCSD and beyond. The setting is personal and confidentiality is a prime objective. Thus, a safe discussion space is created for discussing these issues with trained and friendly facilitators.
Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info.
World AIDS Day Planning Group
Thurs. 10/9 | 1-2p | Student Health Services Conference Room
Each year UC San Diego honors World AIDS on December 1st. Faculty, staff and students come together weekly throughout the fall quarter to organize this powerful event. Please join us, and help #BeTheGeneration to stop HIV/AIDS.
Thurs. 10/9 | 2-3p | LGBT RC
Come learn more about what it means to be a LGBT Resource Center Volunteer, identify your strengths and leadership potential, and meet new folks!
Check out the Facebook event here!
Thurs. 10/9 | 5-6p | LGBT RC
Trans* Collective is a committed and transformative support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex.
Join the group for weekly activities, outings, and meetings on trans* related issues!
Queer & Trans* People of Color
Thurs. 10/9 | 7-9p | LGBT RCLooking to get connected with other QT*POCs? Cultivate structural support with one another on- and off-campus, and beyond? Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, fighting misogyny, engaging queer love, facilitating wellness, and holding multiple communities, among other things? Swing by the LGBT Resource Center on THURSDAYS, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM for UCSD QT*POC's General Body Meetings (GBMs).
Questions or concerns? Please feel free to connect with ucsdqpoc@gmail.com.
Make sure to check if there is a GBM on Week 1 by going to the Facebook page!