Welcome Week, Fall Quarter 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Phone: 858-822-3493
Website: lgbt.ucsd.edu 
How to get to the LGBT RC (click here!)
Connect With Us! Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram 

"Every day I get better at knowing that it is not a choice to be an activist; rather, it is the only way to hold on to the better parts of my human self. It is the only way I can live and laugh without guilt." -Staceyann Chin
Welcome back to UC San Diego!

Hi Friends! 
We're glad to have you back on campus and hope that your summers brought some peace and clarity with how you want to start off this academic year.  For those that are just getting acquainted to campus we're glad you're here!

This year will be an exciting one as we lead into our 15th anniversary.  We hope you all stop by and build community with us by taking a nap in the center, finding your favorite spot to study, attending one of our programs, to connecting with the staff, students, and faculty that have felt at home here.

During the school year we are open Mondays thru Thursdays from 8:00a-9:00p and Friday from 8:00a-4:30p.  Hope to see you soon!

-LGBT RC Staff
Join us in our 15th Anniversary Symposium!

We Cannot Live Without Our Lives: A conversation on Anti-blackness, Trans Resistance and Prison Abolition 
Tues. Nov 4 | 7-9p | UCSD Student Services Center Multipurpose Room

Trans women and gender non-confirming people of color have a long and brutal history in relation to the prison industrial complex. However, there are also countless ways trans women of color have, and continue to organize against the PIC and toward a world where gender self-determination can flourish.

Join us for critical dialogue and a historic panel that will bring together formally incarcerated Black trans women and organizers to talk about the specific ways trans women of color are impacted by imprisonment and to highlight strategies of growing prison abolition.

Panelist include CeCe McDonald, Reina Gossett, Janetta Johnson, moderated by Eric A. Stanley, UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Communication and Critical Gender Studies.

Facebook Event