Week 5, Summer Session II
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Phone: 858-822-3493
Website: lgbt.ucsd.edu 
How to get to the LGBT RC (click here!)
Connect With Us! Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram 

"The more I know, the less I understand / All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again." -India.Arie
Join us at QCamp and QFair 2014!

Check out QCamp and QFair this year!!!
Weds. Oct. 1 |  9am-1pm | LGBT RC


is an orientation to the UC San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community for incoming students! It is free of charge and open to all students. Priority is given to the first 100 students that register!! If you are a new or incoming student sign up on our website:
Q Fair
is a resource fair for new and incoming students to learn about the many and wonderful resources at UCSD! Please register your organization or department for
Q Fair at: http://lgbt.ucsd.edu/events/Q-Fair.html 

Hope to see you all there!

-LGBT RC Staff
what's happening at the rc

Be on the lookout for Queer Talks! 
That's right, our community specific dialogues known as Queer Talks is coming back this academic year!  Specific times for each group are still to be determined so make sure to check the newsletter in the future. Check out the groups below!

Fluid Sexuality Group
A space for those who identify with bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer and questioning experiences.

LGBTQIA Women's Collective
A space for lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, transgender women at UCSD.

Trans UCSD

committed and organized support and discussion group designed for trans folks, including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside their assigned gender.
AIDS Walk 

September 27, 2014 


Join the UC San Diego AIDS Walk team and take part in San Diego's largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser!   


You can register for the UC San Diego team at http://www.aidswalksd.org.  Just go to "regsiter" and then go to "join an exisintg team."  Then at Team Name type in "UC San Diego" or go to "College/University Team" and choose the team captained by Shaun Travers, Director of the UC San Diego LGBT RC.


See you there!

Hours of Operation
The LGBT RC is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00a to 4:30p during the summer.  Please note that we will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 3rd for a staff retreat.  We will move to our academic schedule on Oct. 1.

campus community centers

Join the BRC Peer Mentor Program
Want to gain experience mentoring? Love having fun at social events? Love meeting new & exciting people? Want to make a difference in someone's life? Want to gain valuable leadership experience?

The BRC-PMP pairs incoming African American/Black student with a continuing student to assist in their transition to the university. All BRC-Peer Mentors will be required to attend training during Welcome Week Fall 2014.

Sign up here!

brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471

CCC Block Party
Tues. Sept. 30 | 2:30-4:30p | Cross-Cultural Center

The CCC's Annual Block Party brings together social justice oriented student organizations, campus departments, community organizations, and friends! We'll have music, free food, and lots of information. Meet current student organization members and staff when you play our mingle mixer game. Enter to win raffle prizes! The Cross-Cultural Center is located on the 2nd floor of Price Center East.

ccc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-9689
The Raza Resource Centro is hiring
Interested in helping us create a home away from home for Latin@ students on campus? We are now hiring for student staff positions! Job card now posted on Port Triton. Applications must be submitted by Friday Sept. 4th. Visit Port Triton for more information, or contact us at raza@ucsd.edu!

raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072
Wise Wanderings Workshop for Staff
Weds. Sept. 17 | 12pm | Women's Center

Join us for this workshop where you will create a personalized "visual map" that connects key strengths, experiences and themes to assist with professional and personal growth through a fast paced, interactive session.

RSVP required to women@ucsd.edu, by 9/8/14.

women.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0074

community classifieds
A Regathering of Spirit: Native Lesbian Writers
Sat. Sept. 13 | 6:00p 
San Diego Central Library  

The legendary Chrystos and Janice Gould will read selections from their work and be available for book signings afterward. There will also be a small book fair focused on Native writing as well as booths featuring organizations from throughout San Diego.Don't miss the first Native American authors EVER to read in our new and beautiful Central Library!

Get your tickets here!
Native Student Research Study

This survey is voluntary and your identity will remain confidential. This study will examine Native students' perception of the effects of their participation in a Native student organization on their personal and academic success within the predominately White institution. Please contact Molly Springer, Citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and Doctoral student at New England College at mspringer_gps@nec.edu for more info.

If you're interested in being part of the study, please click here.
QGrad 2014
Queer W/O Borders
Fri. Oct. 17 

UCLA's 2014 Queer Graduate Student Conference focuses on global trends for LGBTQ rights, culture, health, and safety relating back to the conference's theme Queer Without Borders.

Visit the conference website here.