Week 1, Summer Session II
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"Everything Matters. Time is precious." -Jessica Hagedorn
Did you know we will celebrate 15 years on our campus this November?
Our current space being built in 2005.
In 1992 a request from a single student representing the student organization, then called LGBA, and now the LGBTQIA, said "What LGBA really needs is a resource center for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals." The Chancellor's Advisory Committee on LGBT issues (CACLGBTI), which had been founded in 1992, recommended a staffed Resource Center which resulted in a formal request entitled "Proposal to Establish a Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center At UCSD" which was submitted to Chancellor Robert C. Dynes on September 10, 1998.
In the final formal request for a Center, some specifics were detailed, including "A LGBT Resource Center should be located in the University Center neighborhood. An overall floor space of approximately 3,000 sq. ft. should comprise conference rooms, offices, and library/computing resource space."
In November 1999, Chancellor Dynes officially dedicated a 300 square foot space on campus for the LGBT Resource Center (although back then it was designated an "office"). In February 2002, the Resource Center upgraded to its former location of 960 square feet in Building 312 of the University Center (where the current Prebys Music Building is located). That was also the year the Campus Community Center's concept was created- working together formally with the Cross-Cultural Center and Women's Center. In 2006, the Center opened in what is one of the largest LGBT Resource Centers on any public university campus in the nation, our current home! Just this past year our Campus Community Centers team expanded to include the Black Resource Center and the Raza Resource Centro.
This year the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center will celebrate 15 years on our campus. Our plans are to host a UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center 15 year anniversary symposium highlighting the struggle and resistance of Trans Women of Color in the prison system, in cooperation with the UC presidential fellow Eric Stanley. It is set for Wednesday, November 5th. Save the date and stay tuned for more info!
Apply to be a Group Facilitator!
We're hiring (6) Group Facilitators for our Queer Talks Program!
Group Facilitators are undergraduate students who are knowledgeable about LGBT issues and facilitate our Fluid Sexuality Group, Trans* Group, and Women's Group. Facilitators use their life experiences, training, and ongoing education to assist their peers. Facilitators lead weekly group meetings, outreach to community members, and make referrals to campus and community resources.
To apply download our application at lgbt.ucsd.edu . Applications due August 6, 2014.
Welcome to UC San Diego Summer Bridge 2014!
To all those participating in Summer Bridge 2014, welcome to UC San Diego! During your 4-week residential component in August please stop on by, check out the center, meet the staff, and even connect with current students. We're open from 8:00a-4:30p Monday thru Friday. The RC is a great place to hang out, use computers in our David Bohnett Cyber Center, study in between classes, check out LGBT literature in our library, and connect with folks.
Hope to see you here and at the Queer Forums this year! Make sure to ask your ATC about the Queer Forums, and we'll keep you updated here as well :)
-LGBT RC Staff
what's happening at the rc
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Join us at QCamp and Q Fair 2014!
Weds. Oct. 1 | 9am-1pm | LGBT RC
is an orientation to the UC San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community for incoming students! If you are a new or incoming student sign up on our website:
Q Fair is a resource fair for new and incoming students to learn about the many and wonderful resources at UCSD! Please register your organization or department for Q Fair at: http://lgbt.ucsd.edu/events/Q-Fair.html
September 27, 2014
Join the UC San Diego AIDS Walk team and take part in San Diego's largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser!
You can register for the UC San Diego team at http://www.aidswalksd.org. Just go to "regsiter" and then go to "join an exisintg team." Then at Team Name type in "UC San Diego" or go to "College/University Team" and choose the team captained by Shaun Travers, Director of the UC San Diego LGBT RC.
See you there!
Hours of Operation
The LGBT RC is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00a to 4:30p during the summer. Please note that we will be closed on August 11 for staff development.
Free HIV Testing at the Center in Hillcrest
HIV tests are available at The Center (3909 Centre Street) Monday/Wednesday, 9 am-2 pm, Tuesday/Thursday, 9 am-3:15 pm and Friday, 9 am-1:45 pm. For more information, call 619.692.2077 x101. For information on HIV and STD testing locations throughout San Diego County, visit the website's HIV and STD Testing page at here.
Call for Papers: Resisting Force and Discourse
Fri. Sept. 26
CSUSM USU Ballroom
The conference brings into critical light the way that bodies are marked and regulated by discursive practices and spaces, and institutional procedures.
Submit a 250 word abstract by August 15 here.
QGrad 2014
Queer W/O Borders
Fri. Oct. 17
UCLA's 2014 Queer Graduate Student Conference focuses on global trends for LGBTQ rights, culture, health, and safety relating back to the conference's theme Queer Without Borders.
Visit the conference website here.