Week 3, Summer Session I
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"Where are we as an LGBT community over 45 years after the Stonewall Rebellion?...Sylvia Rivera warned us about becoming a movement that was only for white, middle class people. And forty-five years later, the most marginalized of our communities are still struggling." -Laverne Cox
San Diego LGBT Pride 2014
March in the San Diego Pride Parade!
Sat, July 19 | 10AM | Hillcrest Pride Flag
The big day is here! We will be meeting at Hillcrest at 10:00am as the parade kicks off at 11:00a. The best way to find us is by looking for Number 35 in Zone F near Normal Street and Harvey Milk Street.
*View our meeting location and transportation details here.
*Register at http://bit.ly/ucsdpride2014
Pride Work Party
Fri. July 18 | 11:00a-3:00p | LGBT RC
Join the LGBT Resource Center at this year's Pride Work Party! This is where we really pull things together and build energy for the parade. From our signs, t-shirts, other decorations, and logistics! It will be a fun afternoon filled with pizza, ice cream, and good company. We can't do it without you so please come out, show your support, and bring a friend!
For more info please contact Chris at cdatiles@ucsd.edu.
Spirit of Stonewall Rally w/ Laverne Cox
Fri. July 18 | 6pm | Hillcrest Pride Flag Join the Resource Center and kick-off pride with San Diego Pride's 40th Anniversary Spirit of Stonewall Rally. It's a time to recognize and honor leaders who are working hard to preserve our gains and meet the challenges still facing our community.
Trans* Pride & March!
Fri. July 18 | 12-4PM | Balboa Park The first Trans* Pride event in San Diego is happening this Friday! There will be a potluck style bbq, art, music, games, family, and friends! After the BBQ cleanup and prep for the march will happen, then folks will march from Balboa Park to the Spirit of Stonewall Rally at 5pm.
Check out the Facebook event here.
what's happening at the rc
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Statistics - Week 2, Summer Session I
Undergrad Student: 11
Grad Student: 0
Staff: 0
Faculty: 0
Alumni: 0 Guest: 1
Total: 12
September 27, 2014
Join the UC San Diego AIDS Walk team and take part in San Diego's largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser!
You can register for the UC San Diego team at http://www.aidswalksd.org. Just go to "regsiter" and then go to "join an exisintg team." Then at Team Name type in "UC San Diego" or go to "College/University Team" and choose the team captained by Shaun Travers, Director of the UC San Diego LGBT RC.
See you there!
We're hiring (6) Group Facilitators for our Queer Talks Program!
Group Facilitators are undergraduate students who are knowledgeable about LGBT issues and facilitate our Fluid Sexuality Group, Trans* Group, and Women's Group. Facilitators use their life experiences, training, and ongoing education to assist their peers. Facilitators lead weekly group meetings, outreach to community members, and make referrals to campus and community resources.
To apply download our application at lgbt.ucsd.edu . Applications due August 6, 2014.
Queer Yo Mind Conference Call for Papers
Queer Yo Mind is a public conference aimed at briding the gap between activism and academia. This year's theme is "Queerstories," which emphasizes the importance of looking at our queer past.
Please send abstracts and CV's to queeryomind@gmial.com
*Want to attend? Register here. *Check out the Facebook Page.
Call for Papers: Resisting Force and Discourse
Fri. Sept. 26
CSUSM USU Ballroom
The conference brings into critical light the way that bodies are marked and regulated by discursive practices and spaces, and institutional procedures.
Submit a 250 word abstract by August 15 here.
QGrad 2014
Queer W/O Borders
Fri. Oct. 17
UCLA's 2014 Queer Graduate Student Conference focuses on global trends for LGBTQ rights, culture, health, and safety relating back to the conference's theme Queer Without Borders.
Visit the conference website here.