Week 9 Spring 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Phone: 858-822-3493
Website: lgbt.ucsd.edu 
How to get to the LGBT RC (click here!)
Connect With Us! Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram 

"I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival."  
-Audre Lorde
Rainbow Graduation 2014

Rainbow Graduation & Induction into the LGBT Alumni Ceremony
Saturday, June 7th, 4:00pm
at the Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club
Please join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we come together to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our scholarship recipients and all who have impacted our community over the last year. The event serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBT Alumni. Although many people do get dressed up for the event, it tends to be a queer little get together, with all the trappings of our community, so be yourself. We conclude our ceremony with a scrumptious spread of good food. 
Graduating and want to participate? Register here!
Want to help and volunteer? Click here!

what's happening at the rc

Week 8 Stats

Stay tuned for the return of weekly stats next week.
thank you and have a great rest of the week:)

Rainbow Book Fair 

Wednesday, May 28 | 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join us at the UC San Diego Resource Center for the 1st annual UCSD LGBT RC Rainbow Book Fair. Over 50 LGBT authors and 80 LGBT titles will be represented at this unique, exciting event. Take pride in our literature!

Books range from $7.99 to $19.95
For more info contact Chris Datiles at cdatiles@ucsd.edu
Transitioning from UCSD: Finding Community and Self 
Tuesday, June 3rd  | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
This workshop will cover the natural reactions that occur when we close one life chapter and begin a new one, exploring how to translate our values and passions from college into the next step, and strategies for continuing to find community after graduation. 
For more info contact rainbow@ucsd.edu.
  A(sexual) film screening
Tuesday, June 3rd | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
 A(sexual) follows the growth of a community that experiences no sexual attraction. Join us as we watch the film and have a discussion about David and four other characters that grapple with dealing with life as an outsider in a society obsessed with sex.
To view the Facebook event.

campus community centers

Black Resource Center Events
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food Co-op
1st Year Summer Send-Off
Friday, May 30 | 2:00pm - 5:00pm
You've almost made it through your 1st year at UCSD and the BRC wants to celebrate YOU and prepare you for the SUMMER! Join the BRC for free food, raffle prizes, BFC swag, and learn about some campus resources!
*All students welcome
RSVP for Black Graduation 
June 13 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Student Services Center, Multipurpose Room
Respond by: Wednesday, June 4  
UCSD's Black Graduation for the Class of 2014 is quickly approaching and the BRC would like your presence at the event. The ceremony is public, but we need your reservation in order to make proper accommodations! Please RSVP and prepare to arrive early for the event as seating and food are available on a first come, first served basis!
To RSVP click here.
Sweet & Salty Study Break @ the BRC

Mon. & Tues., June 9 & 10 | 9:00am - 6:30pm

Come over to the BRC this finals week and enjoy some sweet and salty treats. Whether you prefer salty or sweet, there will be tons of healthy, non-Cheeto choices to keep you chugging through the night! Also, you don't want to miss out HAPPY DANCE BREAKS! See you there!

BRC Peer Mentor Program

Want to gain experience mentoring? Love having fun at social events? Love meeting new & exciting people? Want to make a difference in someone's life? The BRC-PMP pairs every incoming African American/ Black student with a continuing student to assist in their transition to the university. All BRC-Peer Mentors will be required to attend training during Welcome Week Fall 2014. Sign up at: http://bit.ly/brc_pmp

For more info contact 858.534.0471
Cross-Cultural Center Events  
Located in Price Center 2nd Floor, next to the Loft
Breather Series: Yoga
Thursday, May 29 | 12:00pm-1:00pm
CCC Comunidad Room

Breathe with the CCC as you stretch, strengthen, move and simply let go. Bring your own yoga mat if you have one. Limited yoga mats provided.
Free healthy snacks!
Questions? Contact Violeta Gonzales at vigonzales@ucsd.edu

Graduating Senior Send-Off
Thursday, May 29 | 5:00pm-7:30pm

CCC Comunidad Room

The CCC would like to honor the graduating seniors for their hard work and commitment in helping their community. Please come for a dinner, toast, recognition, post-graduation resources, gifts, and special gifts. Please RSVP by May 14 either at the CCC front desk or by emailing Violeta Gonzales at violetag@ucsd.edu.


Breather Series: Arts & Crafts

Thursday, June 5th | 12:00pm - 3:00pm
CCC ArtSpace
Come to de-stress or take a break from work or school. Take home what you create, whether it is a picture frame, wooden box, canvas, etc. All supplies are provided! All are welcome! For more info contact Violeta Gonzales at vigonzales@ucsd.edu

For more info contact 858.534.9689

Raza Resource Centro Events 
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center

Stay Tuned for event Updates!










For more information, contact the RRC at raza@ucsd.edu | Visit the Facebook Page 

Women's Center Events
Located next to the old student center, above
Stay tuned for event updates!

For more information contact 
858.822.0074 or e-mail women@ucsd.edu
Visit Website for More Events 
student, staff, and faculty events

Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at th  e LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room

Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room

Queer People of Color (QPOC)
- Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
International Summit Series 
Friday's | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Friday Cafe (Oceanid's Pavilion)

Rina Shul, our CAPS liaison, facilitates a forum of international graduate students each week during the International Friday Caf�. All international graduate students are invited to come and share experiences and discuss issues specific to them. 

Topics by Date:
May 30
- Career Plans 

Revolution and Other Chatter: Women's Solidarities and the Voice of Black Power

Thursday, May 29 | 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Galbraith Conference Room (HSS Room 4025)


The Black Internationalism and Transnationalism Center for Humanities Research Group and the Department of History invite you to attend: "Revolution and Other Chatter: Women's Solidarities and the Voice of Black Power".


A talk by Shana Redmond, Associate Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California.


community classifieds
Triton 5k
Saturday, June 7

Race for the future!
All proceeds collected through registration fees for the Triton 5k will go to support UC San Diego student scholarships.

For info about the Triton 5k, visit 5k.ucsd.edu

Gender Odyssey Conference
August 14-17
Seattle, Washington

Gender Odyssey is a conference for transgender/gender nonconforming people of all ages, their families and partners, allies, and providers who serve them. With a full schedule of workshops, social events, speakers, and films, the conference offers attendees education, resources, entertainment, and most importantly, community. They offer reasonable group rates for university students traveling together.

For more info click here.
Wanted: UCSD students willing to tutor children K-12
Wednesday's | 3:00pm-8:00pm
Linda Vista Public Library
Because it matters! You will be able to help a child in their homework, and if you are interested and can commit, you could even create a pilot program of any subject of your choice to teach during the summer.
*Can also work with whatever days or hours you're available to tutor
For more info, please contact Gaby or Tayton at UCSDLVHwHelp@gmail.com
Research on Asian American MSM Identity and HIV Risk
About the Survey: Are you an 18-24 year old Asian American MSM (man who has sex with men) who uses apps such as GRINDR and JACK'D? Are you interested in winning either $15 or $25 amazon gift cards? Then please fill out the following survey, which can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/apimsmsurvey2!

GAPA Foundation Scholarship

Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship awards up to three scholarships of $1000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community.

Visit www.gapafoundation.org for updates about the scholarship process and for more info.     

Search Now for LGBT Scholarships

Across the Country   
This new online dynamic database is free and provide LGBT and ally students with the largest, most comprehensive source of LGBT scholarship and funding resources in the nation. Learn more here.

Also check out this site for Scholarships!