Week 6 Spring 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Phone: 858-822-3493
Website: lgbt.ucsd.edu 
How to get to the LGBT RC (click here!)
Connect With Us! Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram 

"Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but ... life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves." 
-Gabriel Garc��a M�rquez
Career Paths of Queer Black Women
Career Paths of Queer Black Women

Join the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center for a series of conversations with queer black women regarding their career paths. Over the spring quarter, four women will individually share their stories over dinner on four separate dates. The series will conclude with all four of these amazing women on a panel comparing and contrasting their career paths.

Please RSVP to stravers@ucsd.edu for each gathering separately so we are able to provide dinner for you, and include any dietary concerns.

Check out the last two events of the series!

Career Paths of Queer Black Women with Dr. Alina R. Payne, Business and Personal Consultant 
Monday, May 12 | 6:00 p.m. | LGBT RC

Panel of Speakers 
Monday, May 19 | 6:00 p.m. | LGBT RC

Join us in a panel discussion among all speakers.
  • Dr. Ekaette (Philo) Mbong, Research Scientist and Science Advocate
  • Fofie Amina Bashir, Nonprofit Management/ Community Organizer
  • Kishalynn Elliot, Educator and Life Coach
  • Dr. Alina R. Payne, Business and Personal Consultant

what's happening at the rc

Week 5 Stats

Undergrad: 131
Grad: 15
Staff: 18
Faculty: 0
Alumni: 5
Guest: 6

Total: 175

Anonymous HIV Testing

Monday, May 19 | 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

LGBT RC Heritage Room 


We will be providing FREE Oral Rapid HIV testing. That means no needles and your results are ready in 20 minutes. Testing is provided on a first come, first serve basis.

Gender and Queerness Abroad
Tuesday, May 15 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad Room

Please plan to attend next week's Diversity Dinner focused on Gender and Queerness Abroad. There will be brief presentations from graduate students and free dinner!

Come and bring a friend!
Also, feel free to contact Jahmese, Campus Climate Intern, at climate-intern@ucsd.edu

Celebration of Graduate Mothers
Ice Cream Social 
Thursday, May 8 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
Cafe Vita 


Please join us during this enjoyable, family-friendly even as we celebrate graduate student mothers.

Parents, please accompany your children as we enjoy free ice cream and crafts.


Queer API Dialogue 
Wednesday, May 21 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Interested in building community? Come share your experience and connect with other Queer Asian American & Pacific Islander American folks. Dialogue is open to faculty, staff, undergrads, graduate students and alumni.

*Refreshments provided 
Rainbow Book Fair 
Wednesday, May 28 | 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join us at the UC San Diego Resource Center for the 1st annual UCSD LGBT RC Rainbow Book Fair. Over 50 LGBT authors and 80 LGBT titles will be represented at this unique, exciting event. Take pride in our literature!

Books range from $7.99 to $19.95
For more info contact Chris Datiles at cdatiles@ucsd.edu

campus community centers

Black Resource Center Events
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food Co-op
Black Grad Ceremony  
June 13 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Student Services Center, Multipurpose Room
Respond by: May 16  

Participation Requirements:
  • Refundable fee of $20 by May 16, 2014. (Submit check or money order to Black Resource Center (BRC). This payment will be returned to you following your participation in the ceremony.
  • Mandatory participation at the ceremony rehearsal (Date and Time TBD)

Please submit a recent photo of yourself to brc@ucsd.edu for inclusion in the program booklet. 

Cross-Cultural Center Events  
Located in Price Center 2nd Floor, next to the Loft
Intro to 1950's Jitterbug Swing Dancing  
May 7 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm


Take a flashback to the 50s and join the CCC for an intro to Jitterbug swing lesson! It's fun and energetic partner dance. No partner required to participate. Lesson will be instructed by Violeta and Brandon from the San Diego swing dance community.

Poets in Justice
Jagged Edges | Beautiful Souls | Stories Untold

May 8 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm

CCC Comunidad Room

Storytelling is powerful for oneself and others, yet many stories go untold. Join the Cross-Cultural Center for a night of students speaking to empower.

Got a story? Contact Annie at avasishy@ucsd.edu.

Policing Sexuality: Women of Color Body Politics  Monday, May 12 | 5:00pm-6:30pm
CCC Library

Join the CCC as they explore the topic of women of color and body politics with Professor Jillian Hernandez. The program will address questions of racialization, sexualities, embodiment, girlhood, and the politics of cultural production among others. * Refreshments provided.

For more info contact Sandy Garcia at smg006@ucsd.edu.

All People's Celebration 2014 - It's Going to be a Party - The Prequel
Thursday, May 22 | 6:00pm-8:00pm

Join the CCC in their 19th Year Celebration! Part of the event is dedicated to recognizing individuals that have made a positive impact in the community, and we need your help! Check out the nominations link below.

Facebook link & Nominations link.

For more info contact 858.534.9689

Raza Resource Centro Events 
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center

Stay Tuned for event Updates!


For more information, contact the RRC at raza@ucsd.edu | Visit the Facebook Page 

Women's Center Events
Located next to the old student center, above

Gender Buffet
Friday, May 9 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm 

Join the Women's Center through a critical discussion. Everyone is welcome.
*Refreshments provided!

For more information contact 
858.822.0074 or e-mail women@ucsd.edu
Visit Website for More Events 
student, staff, and faculty events

Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room

Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room

Queer People of Color (QPOC)
- Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
International Summit Series 
Friday's | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
International Friday Cafe (Oceanid's Pavilion)

Rina Shul, our CAPS liaison, facilitates a forum of international graduate students each week during the International Friday Caf�. All international graduate students are invited to come and share experiences and discuss issues specific to them. Any sort of advertisement of this program will be greatly appreciated!

*All participants receive a free voucher for a Friday Cafe lunch!

Topics by Date: May 9 - Social Relations,
May 16
- How to Manage Adviser Relationships, May 23 - Language and Communication,
May 30
- Career Plans 

TransVisible: Bamby Salcedo's Story 
Friday, May 9 | 10:00am-2:30pm
CCC Library

Join UCSD Queer and Trans* People of Color in a film screening of a documentary film on the life of renowned Trans Latina activist and leader, Bamby Salcedo.  Q&A to follow the film screening with Bamby Salcedo and director, Dante Alencastre.


Facebook event link here.   

Nominations for BSA Exective Board 2014-15 
Friday, May 16

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming an active member of a progressive organization, BSA invites you to submit a nomination at http://goo.gl/Yjt9KL.

The deadline for submitting nominations is closed Friday, May 16 and Elections will be held
May 19 - May 30.


Academic Abolitionism:

Native/Women of Color Feminist/Queer of Color Learning and Living Beyond the (Re)Production of Death - A Symposium in Memory of Rosemary Marangoly George

Saturday, May 17 | 3-6:15pm

Comunidad Room, Cross-Cultural Center


RSVP here



internship opportunity

HIV Prevention Intern 


Chicano Federation of San Diego is seeking an intern to assist with the Beehive Project, a National HIV Behavioral Surveillance. This year the Beehive Project will interview and administer HIV tests to over 500 gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.  This behavioral study is funded by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the California State Office of AIDS, to evaluate the effectiveness of local and national HIV prevention efforts. This position is an excellent opportunity for field experience collecting important HIV surveillance data, while also offering a great deal of flexibility within the position.


To apply, send resume to:

Elizabeth Lampley, MPH

3180 University Ave., Suite 317

San Diego, CA 92104

619-285-5600 x 315  

Fax: 619-285-5517


community classifieds
TWOC Network Gathering
June 19-22

First ever International Trans* Women of Colour Network Gathering. The creators are hoping to create an international network that can be used to organize and address issues that this group faces.

Invite any TWOC that you know! To register click here.
They offer partial & full scholarships to select participants.

For more info on this event click here.
Triton 5k
Saturday, June 7

Race for the future!
All proceeds collected through registration fees for the Triton 5k will go to support UC San Diego student scholarships.

For info about the Triton 5k, visit 5k.ucsd.edu

Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Deadline: Fri., May 26

The San Diego HIV Youth Leadership Council, a part of the UCSD Youth HIV Program (ages 13-24), is conducting a survey to learn more about the successes and challenges youth in San Diego have experienced around 1) HIV education 2) HIV testing and 3) HIV treatment and care (if it applies).
Here's the survey.

For questions contact Christian Fuentes at (619)543-8089 or cfuentes@ucsd.edu.

Visit their webpage here.

National Competitive Scholarships  

May 14 | 4pm 


UCSD's National Competitive Scholarships program helps undergraduates and graduating college seniors win major national scholarships and fellowships.

Info Session will be held May 14 from 4pm at AEP Conference Room   




GAPA Foundation Scholarship

Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship awards up to three scholarships of $1000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community.

Visit www.gapafoundation.org for updates about the scholarship process and for more info.     

Search Now for LGBT Scholarships

Across the Country   
This new online dynamic database is free and provide LGBT and ally students with the largest, most comprehensive source of LGBT scholarship and funding resources in the nation. Learn more here.

Also check out this site for Scholarships!