Week 5 Spring 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"If you don't know me, don't judge me." - Tupac Shakur
A Conversation with Janet Mock
A Conversation with Janet Mock
May 1 | 7:00 p.m.
Price Center Theater
Join UC San Diego in a conversation with Janet Mock.
Parking at Gilman Parking Structure for $2 per hour. Parking and map information at parking.ucsd.edu
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
This event is Free and open to the public
Janet Mock is a writer, an advocate and the New York Times bestselling author. After publicly proclaiming her identity as a trans woman in a 2011 profile in Marie Claire magazine, Janet focused her efforts on speaking about the struggles, triumphs and portrayals of girls and women like herself. In 2012, she launched #GirlsLikeUs, a movement that encourages trans women to live visibly. She currently writes and speaks about her experience of living at the intersections of identities.
View the full flyer here.
what's happening at the rc
Week 4 Stats
Undergrad: 109 Grad: 5 Staff: 8 Faculty: 2 Alumni: 5 Guest: 4
Total: 133
Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion
Monday, May 5 | 4:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Since 2009, the Against Equality collective has been challenging mainstream gay and lesbian politics of inclusion and revitalizing the queer political imagination. This launch of Against Equality: Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusin, a collection of all of the collective's books in one concise edited volume published by AK Press in April 2014, is the collective's first opportunity to share its newest work with a southern California audience. Ryan Conrad, the co-founder of the Against Equality, will be joined digitally by collective members Yasmin Nair and Karma Chavez for this exciting book launch and discussion.
*Copies of the book will be sold if you want to get your own signed copy.
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Pride Parade Info Session
Tuesday, May 6 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center
Join the LGBT RC and reconnect with friends, meet new people, learn a bit about the history of pride, and learn how you can get involved in the San Diego LGBT Pride Parade!
Pizza will be provided!!
Queer Talks: Community Specific Dialogues
Join the LGBT Resource Center in the following community specific dialogue groups:
- Trans UCSD (Tuesdays, 5-6pm)
- LGBTQIA Women's Collective (Tuesdays, 3-4pm)
- Fluid Sexuality Group (Thursdays, 5-6pm)
These groups meet for one hour on a weekly basis. Check out our website to see when the groups will start meeting for Spring Quarter!
Black Resource Center Events
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food Co-op
Midterm Movie Marathon:
Thurs., May 1 | 9:00am - 4:00pm BRC Conference Room
Come to the BRC and kick-back, wind-down, de-stress & have a laugh during midterms. They will be showing black stand-up comedian acts. Refreshments will be provided.
Black Grad Ceremony
June 13 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm Student Services Center, Multipurpose Room Respond by: May 16
Participation Requirements:
- Refundable fee of $20 by May 16, 2014. (Submit check or money order to Black Resource Center (BRC). This payment will be returned to you following your participation in the ceremony.
- Mandatory participation at the ceremony rehearsal (Date and Time TBD)
Please submit a recent photo of yourself to brc@ucsd.edu for inclusion in the program booklet.
Cross-Cultural Center Events
Located in Price Center 2nd Floor, next to the Loft
Exploring Life Post-College: A Talk with Latina Professionals
May 1 | 5:00pm - 7:00pmComunidad RoomCome connect, build community, and network with Latinas in established professional careers. Hear panelists share their stories and knowledge of their post-college experiences as well as tips on how one can navigate the professional world as a Latina.Intro to 1950's Jitterbug Swing Dancing May 7 | 6:00pm - 7:00pmArtSpaceTake a flashback to the 50s and join the CCC for an intro to Jitterbug swing lesson! It's fun and energetic partner dance. No partner required to participate. Lesson will be instructed by Violeta and Brandon from the San Diego swing dance community.Poets in Justice Jagged Edges | Beautiful Souls | Stories Untold May 8 | 6:30pm - 8:30pmCCC Comunidad RoomStorytelling is powerful for oneself and others, yet many stories go untold. Join the Cross-Cultural Center for a night of students speaking to empower.Got a story? Contact Annie at avasishy@ucsd.edu.
For more info contact 858.534.9689
Raza Resource Centro Events
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Women's Center EventsLocated next to the old student center, above hi thai
Gender Buffet Friday, May 2 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm Join the Women's Center through a discussion challenging the stereotypes about introversion and explore feminism and leadership through the lens of quiet power. Introverts and Extroverts welcome! *Refreshments provided!
For more information contact
858.822.0074 or e-mail women@ucsd.edu | Visit Website for More Events
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Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room
Queer People of Color (QPOC) - Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
| Q Promo presents... Locating Power & Empowerment in Hip-Hop: Workshop
May 3 | 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. @ the Loft
Doors Open at 7pm and show begins at 7:30pm. This event is free!
UCSD's Q Promo presents a night of learning and building together about the empowerment of women in hip hop.
7:30pm-9:00pm: The workshop will be hosted by Miki Vale and Professor Jullian Hernandez Bernal of the UCSD Ethnic Studies Department
9:00pm-9:30pm: Solo performance by Miki Vale 9:30pm-11:00pm: DJ set/social hour by Niomie Soulfully
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Nominations for BSA Exective Board 2014-15
Friday, May 16
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming an active member of a progressive organization, BSA invites you to submit a nomination at http://goo.gl/Yjt9KL.
The deadline for submitting nominations is closed Friday, May 16 and Elections will be held May 19 - May 30.
| LGBT 12-Step Recovery Meeting
Beginning April 22, Every Tuesday | 6:30-8:00p LGBT RC, Heritage Room
The LGBT 12-Step Recovery Meeting is open only to those who participate in any of the 12-step programs or are questioning whether or not they have an addiction problem. If you are new and still deciding if a 12-step program is right for you, you are most certainly welcome! If you are concerned with your anonymity and would like to speak to someone one on one to ask questions about recovery please contact the Recovery Community Intern, Christina Carter at cacarter@ucsd.edu. The 12-step meeting is one hour long, with an optional half an hour time slot available to hang out or ask questions.
QPOC Youth Conference Planning Committee
Mondays | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center
Come out tot he LGBT RC Mondays 4-5pm to be a part of planning for the QPOC Youth Conference which will take place May 24th, 2014.
7th Annual Queer & Asian Conference for 2014: RefrAction
May 2-4 | University of California, Berkeley
QACON14 is fast approaching, and the sponsors would love to extend this invitation for you to join them. This conference is free and open for all to attend. Please register as soon as possible especially if you would like free housing.
Register by clicking here!
Queer People of Color Conference
May 2-3, 2014 | San Diego State University
This year's Queer People of Color Conference aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for queer communities of color and allies to come together to engage in meaningful dialogues focused on the intersections of the multidimensional identities of queer people of color.
For more info check out their website here.
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FAQ: A Salon Series in Feminist and Queer of Color Critique -Graduate Student Conference
May 2 - 3 Cross-Cultural Center, Comunidad Room
UCSD is pleased to announce an inaugural graduate student conference in feminist and queer of color critique, which will take place May 2-3, 2014. The conference seeks to open dialogue about the intersections of women of color feminism and queer of color critique. Graduate students from UCSD and elsewhere are invited to participate in our two day conference, with a keynote and a closing musical performance. We are honored to have Professor Sharon Holland from Duke University as our keynote speaker.
Issues Binding Seven Billion: Oil, Blood, & Water Tuesday's | 12:00p
International Center
How has your community been shaped by these issues? Join the discussion over a free light lunch in the International Center Courtyard. This participatory discussion series supports the exchange of ideas and viewpoints among students from around the globe. No need to register. For more info, contact Martin Lahtov at mlahtov@ucsd.edu.
Victory Congressional Internship deadline: May 5
The Victory Institute will bring outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including a Congressional internship with an LGBT-friendly member of Congress.
For more info, click here.
UCSD Women's Conference May 6 | 8:15a-2:00p PC West Ballroom
The UC San Diego Women's Conference brings together business professionals, healthcare providers, scientists and award-winning faculty to share ideas on motivating today's working woman.
Free and Open to all UCSD faculty, staff and students.
Need for volunteers. If interested email angarrison@ucsd.edu
| TWOC Network Gathering June 19-22 Detroit
First ever International Trans* Women of Colour Network Gathering. The creators are hoping to create an international network that can be used to organize and address issues that this group faces.
Invite any TWOC that you know! To register click here. They offer partial & full scholarships to select participants.
For more info on this event click here.
| Triton 5k Saturday, June 7
Race for the future! All proceeds collected through registration fees for the Triton 5k will go to support UC San Diego student scholarships.
For info about the Triton 5k, visit 5k.ucsd.edu |
Let Your Voice Be Heard! Deadline: Fri., May 26
The San Diego HIV Youth Leadership Council, a part of the UCSD Youth HIV Program (ages 13-24), is conducting a survey to learn more about the successes and challenges youth in San Diego have experienced around 1) HIV education 2) HIV testing and 3) HIV treatment and care (if it applies).
Visit their webpage here.
National Competitive Scholarships
May 14 | 4pm
UCSD's National Competitive Scholarships program helps undergraduates and graduating college seniors win major national scholarships and fellowships.
Info Session will be held May 14 from 4pm at AEP Conference Room
GAPA Foundation Scholarship
Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship awards up to three scholarships of $1000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community. Visit www.gapafoundation.org for updates about the scholarship process and for more info.
Search Now for LGBT Scholarships
Across the Country
This new online dynamic database is free and provide LGBT and ally students with the largest, most comprehensive source of LGBT scholarship and funding resources in the nation. Learn more here. Also check out this site for Scholarships! |