Week 3 Spring 2014
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"It is radical to present yourself femininely knowing that masculine is still valued and privileged, even in a queer community made up entirely of females. It is a radical and subversive act to continually go through the ritual of beauty in spite of alienation from one group and unwanted attention from another. Being femme will stop being radical once it is seen as valid as being butch is."
-Michelle Cheever
Out and Proud Week 2014 Week 4: 4/21 - 04/25 Out and Proud Week presents the largest opportunity for community visibility on the UC San Diego campus. It is a week-long group celebration and private refection on the achievements of LGBT-identified students, staff, and faculty and our allies. It is also a time for public awareness and discussion of current LGBT issues on the state and national levels. Check out the full listing of events here. |
A Conversation with Janet Mock
A Conversation with Janet Mock
May 1 | 7:00 p.m.
Price Center Theater
Join UC San Diego in a conversation with Janet Mock.
Parking at Gilman Parking Structure for $2 per hour. Parking and map information at parking.ucsd.edu
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
This event is Free and open to the public
Janet Mock is a writer, an advocate and the New York Times bestselling author. After publicly proclaiming her identity as a trans woman in a 2011 profile in Marie Claire magazine, Janet focused her efforts on speaking about the struggles, triumphs and portrayals of girls and women like herself. In 2012, she launched #GirlsLikeUs, a movement that encourages trans women to live visibly. She currently writes and speaks about her experience of living at the intersections of identities.
View the full flyer here.
what's happening at the rc
Weekly stats will return next week.
Fighting Sexual Assault and Deconstructing Gender
Friday, April 18 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Price Center Theater
Spoken word performance by Guante! Do you think sexual assault is an issue on college campuses? Do you think that gender constructs affect the way people conduct themselves? Do you want to learn about these issues through spoken word as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Learn about Guante! View Facebook event.
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Grads and Romance
Wednesday, April 23 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Thank you to all who attended last week's QGrad Appreciation event! Next week we will be holding an Open Conversation event entitled "Grads & Romance" where we will talk about the challenges graduate school presents for maintaining healthy romantic relationships. As graduate students, many of us rarely have spare time and money for dating and are often under immense stress which can spill over into our relationships. This is sure to be a discussion in which people of all relationship statuses can participate. Feel free to share your success and challenges along with peer graduate students and professional CAPS representatives. *refreshments will be served Email climate-intern@ucsd.edu for question
Out and Proud Week: Open Mic
Wednesday, April 23 | 5:30p-7:30p LGBT Resource Center
Looking for a night filled with self-expression, talent and deep thought? Then you don't want to miss the Out and Proud Open Mic.
We strongly encourage you to sign up to perform at: bit.ly/outproudopenmic
This is a great opportunity during Out and Proud Week to speak up and show off any talents you might have! There will be spoken word, some music, poetry and etc.
Snacks will be provided!
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Queer Talks: Community Specific Dialogues
Join the LGBT Resource Center in the following community specific dialogue groups:
- Trans UCSD (Tuesdays, 5-6pm)
- LGBTQIA Women's Collective (Tuesdays, 3-4pm)
- Fluid Sexuality Group (Thursdays, 5-6pm)
These groups meet for one hour on a weekly basis. Check out our website to see when the groups will start meeting for Spring Quarter!
Campus Climate Listening Sessions
The Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is holding a series of Listening Sessions for students at the Campus Community Centers to identify and respond to important student issues in the Climate Survey. At these sessions the Climate Survey results relating to students will be discussed and we invite your ideas and recommendations on areas that require action. We invite you to attend one of the following sessions. Light refreshments will be served.
- Thursday, April 17, 3:30 - 5 pm, Location: Raza Resource Centro
- Thursday, April 24, 4 - 5:30 pm, Location: Women's Center
Black Resource Center Events
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food Co-op
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Wed., April 16 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Interpersonal communication is an art. Some people are naturally good at it, and they can't really tell you why. They are just great communicators. Interpersonal communication is truly an art, but also a science. The science of clear communication is based on active listening, persuasion and collaboration. In this interpersonal communication workshop, we will teach the art and science of effective communication based on specific situations.
Cross-Cultural Center Events Located in Price Center 2nd Floor, next to the Loft
CCC Breather Series Presents" Therapy Fluffies Wed., April 23 | 6:30p-7:30p CCC Art Space Take a breather and de-stress by petting and playing with some adorable fluffies! Link to flyer. For more info contact: Sandy Garcia at smg006@ucsd.edu NEPANTLA: A Collective Blogxicanagoestocollege.blogspot.com
Submissions will be accepted on a weekly basis. This blog is a brave space for womyn of color to express themselves, challenge one another, and grow together. For more info contact Tania at t41romero@gmail.com.
For more info contact 858.534.9689
Raza Resource Centro Events
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Grand Opening & Dedication
Wednesday, April 23 | 3:30p-5:30p Matthews Quad & Student Service Center, #184, 1st Floor You are cordially invited to the Grand Opening & Dedication to the Raza Resource Center. The Agenda for the event will consist of: a program, Ribbon Cutting, Tour of the RRC and Light Refreshments. Please RSVP by Friday, April 18 to vcedi-events@ucsd.edu or contact Margaret @ Ext. 24793 For more information, contact the RRC at raza@ucsd.edu | Visit the Facebook Page
Women's Center Events
San Diego's Social Justice Comic Con April 16 | 12:00-2:30p
Do you enjoy pop-culture, games, series, TV shows, movies, fantasy? Do you also feel that these mediums sometimes further sexist, racist, heterosexist, ablest or other oppressions? Come talk about Batman, Game of Thrones, vampires, and more! *Free Food, Cosplay, Dialogue, Prizes & Panels.
For more information contact 858.822.0074 or e-mail women@ucsd.edu | Visit Website for More Events
Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room
Queer People of Color (QPOC) - Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
| QPOC Youth Conference Planning Committee
Mondays | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. LGBT Resource Center
Come out tot he LGBT RC Mondays 4-5pm to be a part of planning for the QPOC Youth Conference which will take place May 24th, 2014.
The Nicholas Papadopoulos Endowed Lecture in Gay & Lesbian Studies featuring: Zanele Muholi
Tuesday, April 28 | 6:00 p.m. Calit2 Auditorium - Atkinson Hall
Focus on South Africa BLACK QUEER BORN FREES featured in Faces and Phases
A lecture series exploring the visual culture of black LGBTI youth from various South African townships.
For more info on the event, click here.
LGBT 12-Step Recovery Meeting
Beginning April 22, Every Tuesday | 6:30-8:00p LGBT RC, Heritage Room
The LGBT 12-Step Recovery Meeting is open only to those who participate in any of the 12-step programs or are questioning whether or not they have an addiction problem. If you are new and still deciding if a 12-step program is right for you, you are most certainly welcome! If you are concerned with your anonymity and would like to speak to someone one on one to ask questions about recovery please contact the Recovery Community Intern, Christina Carter at cacarter@ucsd.edu. The 12-step meeting is one hour long, with an optional half an hour time slot available to hang out or ask questions.
BlaqOUT Conference
April 18-19, 2014 | UC Riverside
UC Riverside cordially invites all folks who self identify as Black/African American or of African descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somwhere on the LGBT spectrum to apply to attend the inaugural BlaqOUT Conference on April 18-19, 2014.
Please check out their website for more info here.
Queer People of Color Conference
May 2-3, 2014 | San Diego State University
This year's Queer People of Color Conference aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for queer communities of color and allies to come together to engage in meaningful dialogues focused on the intersections of the multidimensional identities of queer people of color.
For more info check out their website here.
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FAQ: A Salon Series in Feminist and Queer of Color Critique - Graduate Student Conference
Friday-Saturday, May 2-3 Cross-Cultural Center, Comunidad Room
7th Annual Queer & Asian Conference for 2014: RefrAction
May 2-4 | University of California, Berkeley
QACON14 is fast approaching, and the sponsors would love to extend this invitation for you to join them. This conference is free and open for all to attend. Please register as soon as possible especially if you would like free housing.
Register by clicking here!
UCSD Women's Conference May 6 | 8:15a-2:00p PC West Ballroom
The UC San Diego Women's Conference brings together business professionals, healthcare providers, scientists and award-winning faculty to share ideas on motivating today's working woman.
Free and Open to all UCSD faculty, staff and students.
Need for volunteers. If interested email angarrison@ucsd.edu
Creating New Connected Economies April 16 | 5:00p The Great Hall, UCSD
In this conversation, Chris Locke and Craig McIntosh will discuss how emerging economics benefit from leapfrogging to a 21st century technology industry model, as well as the opportunities and challenges this brings to governments and policy makers.
Free to attend, but registration is required. Click here for more info.
| Victory Congressional Internship deadline: May 5
The Victory Institute will bring outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including a Congressional internship with an LGBT-friendly member of Congress.For more info, click here. | Let Your Voice Be Heard! Deadline: Fri., May 26
The San Diego HIV Youth Leadership Council, a part of the UCSD Youth HIV Program (ages 13-24), is conducting a survey to learn more about the successes and challenges youth in San Diego have experienced around 1) HIV education 2) HIV testing and 3) HIV treatment and care (if it applies). Here's the survey.
For questions contact Christian Fuentes at (619)543-8089 or cfuentes@ucsd.edu.
Visit their webpage here. | 2nd Annual Gender Beyond Boundaries Graduate Conference April 18 | 10:00a - 6:30p Social Sciences Bulding, Rooms 101 & 107
Join us for a day of interdisciplinary sc holarship as we welcome graduate students from across California to discuss their research within the fields of gender and gender inequality. Our keynote speaker this year is Dr. Andrea Smith. Lunch will be provided. There will also be free refreshments available throughout the day.
For more info, click here.
| Issues Binding Seven Billion: Oil, Blood, & Water Tuesday's | 12:00p International Center
How has your community been shaped by these issues? Join the discussion over a free light lunch in the International Center Courtyard. This participatory discussion series supports the exchange of ideas and viewpoints among students from around the globe. No need to register. For more info, contact Martin Lahtov at mlahtov@ucsd.edu.
| Out at the Park
April 19
On April 19th, Out at the Park, will be held at the Padres stadium which will be an exciting day to root for the San Diego Padres with the hundreds of folks from San Diego LGBTQ community and our supporters. Click here to visit the San Diego LGBT Pride website for any questions or concerns.
| Search Now for LGBT Scholarships Across the Country
This new online dynamic database is free and provide LGBT and ally students with the largest, most comprehensive source of LGBT scholarship and funding resources in the nation. Learn more here.
Also check out this site for Scholarships!