Winter 2014, Week 8
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
| This past month has definitely been a struggle, but what I learned from the experiences that have spanned this time frame is that I am a strong queer womyn of color and I will not give up. - Jes, Rainbow Newsletter Intern
Join us for LGBT Health Day!
LGBT Health Day
Wednesday, Feb. 26 | 1:00-3:00p | LGBT RC
Come join the LGBT Resource Center and Student Health Services for LGBT Health Day!
There will be fun and interactive stations such as free massage, ask a sexper, ask a dietitian, and much more. You don't want to miss out on this free event! Grab a friend to go with you!
what's happening at the rc
Week 7 Statistics
Undergrads: 128 Grad Students: 3 Staff: 8 Faculty: 0 Alumni: 0 Guests: 1 Total: 140
OUT at the Game: UC San Diego vs. Cal State Monterey Bay Softball
Friday, Feb. 28 | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Triton Softball Field next to RIMAC
Join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we go OUT to the game: UC San Diego vs. Cal State Monterey Bay in a Softball double header! UC San Diego Intercollegiate Athletics will be recognizing Shaun Travers, Director of UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center, as the honorary coach for the 1:00 p.m. game, and we will gather in the RIMAC Annex Dugout Room in between the two games for hotdogs, peanuts and Cracker Jacks! Come out with all of your Triton LGBT pride and support the UC San Diego Tritons as they take on Cal State Monterey Bay!
RSVP to Shaun Travers, stravers@ucsd.edu, so we have enough food!
(Maybe postpone due to rain)
Fluid Sexuality Group
Every Thursday starting Week 7 | 5:00-6:00pm LGBT RC
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected.
For more info, please email Bill and Jasmine at ucsdfluidsexuality@gmail.com.
Trans UCSD
Every Monday starting Week 8 | 6:00-7:00pm
Heritage Room
Trans UCSD is a committed and organized support and discussion group designed for trans folks, including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside their assigned gender. There will be weekly group meetings on trans and gender related issues, group activities and group outings! It's a good opportunity to meet new faces and share each other's experiences. This is a closed space.
For more info please email Sam at sfort.57@gmail.com and Ava at qdhoang@ucsd.edu.
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LGBTQIA Women's Collective First Social
Wednesday's | 6:00-7:00p
LGBT RC Conference Room
Come out to LGBTQIA Women's Collective. A space for lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, transgender women at UCSD. Join us to have swell times, eat some groovy snacks, and meet other chums from the LGBTQIA community. ~~invite cool cats to attend~~
Make sure to check out the Facebook event here as time is subject to change!
Crafternoon: Dream PillowsThursday, March 6 | 12:00-1:30p
Join us for a stress-relieving crafternoon! Stressed out about finals? Trying to find a way to relax? We will be making dream pillows to help you relax and have a good night's sleep!
Materials will be provided.
Check out the Facebook event here.
"Ecosexuality: Notes for an Orgasmic Earth" talk by Serena Andderlini-D'Onofrio, PhD
Thursday, March 6 | 4:30pm
Join Dr. Serena Anderlini D'onofrio, PhD in a talk about ecosexuality- a new sexual identity and the cultural trope that is likely to galvanize a movement of movements that places love and its infinite modes of expression at the gravitational center of cultural formation, dynamics, and organization.
For more info check out the Facebook event here.
BlaqOUT Conference
April 18-19, 2014 | UC Riverside
UC Riverside cordially invites all folks who self identify as Black/African American or of African descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somwhere on the LGBT spectrum to apply to attend the inaugural BlaqOUT Conference on April 18-19, 2014.
Please check out their website for more info here.
Queer People of Color Conference
May 2-3, 2014
San Diego State University
This year's Queer People of Color Conference aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for queer communities of color and allies to come together to engage in meaningful dialogues focused on the intersections of the multidimensional identities of queer people of color.
For more info check out their website here.
Black Resource Center Events
Located on the second floor of Price Center East next to the Loft
Logo Design Contest
This is YOUR opportunity to help establish the BRC's visual identity with a creative, innovative, and professional logo design! Deadline is April 9th at 4pm.
More info on eligibility, rules, and the prize can be found here!
Cross-Cultural Center Events
Located on the second floor of Price Center East next to the Loft
750 STONG | CCC ASSESSMENT SURVEY 2014 fill out by Friday, March 7
Hello Community! It's that time again where we ask for your help by filling out our anonymous survey about the CCC. Our goal is to get 750 people to fill it out so tell your friends as well! As an incentive this time around, you can enter in a raffle for a chance to win a $100, $50 or $25 gift card to Amazon.com when you complete the survey at the website here.
If you were unable to enter the raffle after filling out the survey please email ccc@ucsd.edu.
For more info contact 858.534.9689
Raza Resource Centro Events
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Stay tuned! The Raza Resource Centro is currently under construction, but look forward to events the RRC may be sponsoring!
Women's Center Events
Located above Hi-Thai, near Main Gym
Open Mic Night: Empowered Voices
Thursday, Feb. 27 | 6:00-7:30pm
A night of poetry, music, and other forms of expression. Feel free to sign up at the event or if you'd like to sign up to perform in advance, please fill out the online form here.
student orgs and campus events
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Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm
Men's Group - Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm
Queer People of Color (QPOC) - Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p
Check out what UC San Diego is doing for Black History Month! A full listing of events can be found here: blackhistorymonth.ucsd.edu
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Cosmic Bowling with Triton Recovery Group!
Saturday, March 1 | 6:30-8:30p
Parkway Bowl, 1280 Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon 92020
Triton Recovery Group is a student org dedicated to helping create a safe, fun environment for students in recovery. We will be providing food and will cover your bowling cost! Please email us at TRG@ucsd.edu if you would like to attend so that we can reserve lanes and include you in our carpool.
Represent UCSD in the Directing Change Video Contest for a chance at $1000!
Submission Deadline: March 1
Students throughout California are invited to Direct Change by submitting 60-second videos in two categories: "Suicide Prevention" and "Ending the Silence about Mental Illness." The winning teams will win cash prizes and will be recognized at a statewide award ceremony.
Visit the campaign website for contest rules and information here.
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| Queering Masculinity After Bruce Lee
featuring Glen Mimura
Thursday, February 27 | 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. RIMAC 4th floor Conference Room Reception to follow
In the past several years, Asian American scholarly and popular discourses have 'reclaimed' the image and career of Bruce Lee, Chinese American martial arts superstar, to recuperate an Asian American masculine 'cool' from its subordinate status of orientalized, emasculated nerdiness. This talk traces the political-economic and media coordinates of this nerd-cool binary, producing its most spectacularized instance of 'failed' masculinity in 2004 American Idol appearance of UC Berkeley civil engineering major, William Hung.
Thinking Race, Gender, and Place: A Black Studies Project at UCSD presents... Race, Politics, and Neoliberalism After 9/11
Wednesday, March 5 | 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Qualcomm Room, Jacob's Hall School of Engineering
Race, Politics, and Neoliberalism After 9/11 will be composed of a conversation with Erica R. Edwards, an Associate Professor in the English Department at UCR, and Sohail Daulatzai, an Associate Professor in Media Studies & African American Studies at UCI.
A Reception will follow the conversation.
This event is sponsored by the Department of Ethnic Studies.
Search Now for LGBT Scholarships Across the Country
Campus Pride announced the launch of the National Scholarship Database in partnership with Point Foundation. The new online dynamic database is free and provide LGBT and ally students with the largest, most comprehensive source of LGBT scholarship and funding resources in the nation.
Learn more: CampusPride.org/Scholarships
| Queer/Trans* Youth Clothing Drive Now - February 28
Want to support queer/trans* youth by cleaning up your closet? We will be accepting clothing donations at the LGBT Resource Center to support the Hillcrest Youth Center's Clothing Swap for queer, trans*, and gender non-conforming youth!
Items on our wish list include: Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, "Women's" shoes (Size 8+), "Men's" shoes (Size 6-7), belts, etc.
For more information click here!
"Fugitive Bodies: Critical Writings on Race, Queerness and Contemporary Dance" April 21st - April 23rd, 2014
We invite emerging scholars and artists in all fields to join us for a half-day graduate student conference. Thomas F. DeFrantz and Kyle Abraham will be on campus, in public conversation with each other about the issues of race, queerness, and contemporary dance. We join this conversation through our sharing of conference papers and embodied theory presentations that investigate the intersections and conflicts between these three experiential modes. Please send 250 word abstracts or 250 word performance proposal paragraphs to graduate conference coordinator Brian Granger at: briangranger@umail.ucsb.edu by March 1, 2014.
Preuss School UCSD's Annual Application Reading Applications will be read now till Friday, March 3 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Monday - Thursday) 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Friday)
The Preuss School UCSD is a unique charter middle and high school for low income, highly motivated students who strive to become the first in their families to graduate from college. Each year, community members help score the applications of interested applicants and The Preuss School then uses these scores to provide better support to incoming students.
We are currently looking for Community Members to help read and score the applications for the Fall 2014 Admission. Lunch will be provided for those who sign-up.
If you are interested in participating click here.