Winter 2014, Week 5
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Hello Rainbow Newsletter Fans! I would like to take this precious moment in time and inform y'all that UCSD Women's Rugby team defeated UCLA last Saturday. We are now 2-0, baby:) Come out to our next game this Sunday on Warren Field at 11:00am against the Arizona Wildcats.
-Jes, Rainbow Newsletter Intern
LGBT RC Open House!
Wednesday, February 5 | 11:30am - 1:30pm
Join us for our Open House! If you've always meant to stop by, if you haven't been in years, or are one of our regulars...all are welcome to stop by to our open house!
Meet the staff, check out our offerings, and reconnect with UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center.
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Practicing Feminist, Queer, Crip a talk by Alison Kafer
Wednesday, February 5 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm
LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Alison Kafer is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Feminist Studies at Southwestern University and the author of Feminist Queer Crip (Indiana University Press), a path breaking book that links the three elements of her title in an interrogation of alternate futurities and the intersection of genders, sexualities, and abilities.
what's happening at the rc
Week 4 Statistics
Thank you all so very much with participating in our Census that went on last week. We, here at the LGBT Resource Center, appreciate your patience.
Week 5 Statistics will be back in next week's Rainbow Newsletter, so stay tuned in.
The intersectionalitites of Pilipin@ Migrant Labor
Thursday, February 6 | 3:30pm - 6:00 pm
Join us in a film screening of the documentary "Paper Dolls" and engage in a discussion around migrant labor, queerness, systems of power, and globalization.
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Fluid Sexuality Group Every Thursday starting week 6 | 5:00pm - 6:00pm
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer and questioning experiences. People of all sexual identities are welcome to attend, listen, and participate. We welcome you to share your experiences and learn from others as we explore fluid sexualities. This is a community space so confidentiality will be respected.
For more information, please emal Bill Le and Jasmine Williams at ucsdfluidsexuality@gmail.com.
Black History Month Film Screenings 2014:
Thursday, February 6th | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
"The New Black" documents the story of African-Americans grappling with the LGBT issue through the lens of the recent marriage equality movements and the fight over civil rights. Activists, families and clergy examines the issue in the black community's institutional pillar-the black church.
*During February, the Campus Community Centers will also be having other Film Screenings. To get more information on what films will be played or where and when they will be shown, click here
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Tuesday, Feb. 11 | 2:00pm - 4:00pm Cross-Cultural Center Library
Are you a Queer Graduate Student? Join us for a networking afternoon with UC San Diego's LGBT Professors and Graduate Students!
Out & Genderqueer on the Job in collaboration with Career Services Center
Thurs, February 13 | 2:00pm - 4:00pm LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Thinking about what the job search will be like? Come to this program to get tips on what to include in your resume and get your questions answered.
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If you would like to be featured in the Rainbow Newsletter please submit a blurb and image to rainbow@ucsd.edu by 12'noon on Mondays. Please include [for Newsletter] in the subject line.
Black Resource Center Events
Black History Month Film Screening: American Promise
Thursday, Feb. 6 | 9:00am - 4:00pm Conference Room
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food
Come kick-back, wind-down, de-stress & have a laugh during midterms. "Old School" (from the 80's and 90's) Black Movies will be on continuous play in the BRC Conference Room. Popcorn and Drinks will be Provided.
Cross-Cultural Center Events
The House I Live In
Thursday, February 6 | 5:00pm - 7:0
0pm Comunidad Room
Located on the second floor of Price Center East next to the Loft
Please join the Cross-Cultural Center for a viewing and discussion of the documentary "The House I Live In". The film, by Eugene Jarecki, focuses on the human rights implications of the so called "war on drugs." For more info contact German Octaviano or click here to visit the Facebook event.
For more info contact 858.534.9689
Black History Month Film Screening: American Promise
Monday, Feb. 24 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
UCSD BSU & the Black Resource Center will be screening American Promise.This intimate documentary follows the 12-year journey of two African-American families pursuing the promise of opportunity through the education of their sons. Cameras followed five-year-olds, Idris, and his best friend, Seun, as they started kindergarten at the prestigious Dalton School just as the private institution was committing to diversify its student body. They followed both families for another 12 years as the paths of the two boys diverged, one continued private school while the other pursued a very different route through the public education system.
*Refreshments will be provided.
Community Workshop Series: Documenting & Publicizing through Digital Media
Tuesday, February 11 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm CCC Art Space
Interested in learning how to edit videos or slideshows with ADOBE PREMIERE? Learn about resources on campus and how editing can be a fun and valuable skill to document and publicize your org, programs and life events with photos, videos, sound & music! For more info contact Diana Li at
To view the Facebook event page click here.
Unity, Movement, Change: A look at Forms of Resistance
Thursday, February 13 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm Comunidad Room
Resistance is a dynamic process that takes many forms. Join us as we look at the different dimensions of resistance from physical protest to fashion resistance, political art and hactivism. Gain different perspectives and share visions with community.
To view the flyer click here.
Raza Resource Centro Events
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Stay tuned! The Raza Resource Centro is currently under construction, but look forward to events the RRC may be sponsoring!
Women's Center Events
Black History Month Film Screenings 2014:
Say My Name
Thursday, February 13 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Located above Hi-Thai, near Main Gym In a hip hop and R&B world dominated by men and noted for misogyny, the unstoppable
female lyricists of "Say My Name" speak candidly about class, race, and gender in pursuing their passions as female MCs. This worldwide documentary takes viewers on a vibrant tour of urban culture and musical movement, from hip hop's birthplace in the Bronx, to grime on London's Eastside, to Philly, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, and L.A., and points in between.
Winter Wellness Series Kick Off
Wednesday's of Even Weeks | 12:00pm - 2:00p
Express Yourself! Zine Workshop Feeling blah? Join us every other Wednesday at the Women's Center for crafting, relaxation, fitness, and fun! Our kick-off will be a workshop where we'll create a community zine. Express yourself and let your creative juices flow!
student orgs & campus events
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Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room
Trans* - Odd Week Thursdays from 6:00-7:00p, Heritage Room
Queer People of Color (QPOC) - Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
Week 5 Events
Wed, Feb. 5 | 3:00pm-5:00pm
Cross-Cultural Center
Week 6 Events
Law School Panel with Ethnic Studies Alumni
Wed, Feb. 11 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Cross-Cultural Center
| Black History Month: February 2014
Check out what UC San Diego is doing for Black history Month! A full listing of events are here: blackhistorymonth.ucsd.edu.
| Playing with Trauma Submissions due by February 12
Trauma and the struggles that we go through often serve as our inspiration or the fuel to our fires. What is this trauma that we have been through and that often haunts us 'till this very day? However, the flip-side to trauma is healing. We would also like to focus on how we healed through this trauma, if we have at all, as we all have our own personal forms of healing... read more.
Submissions DO NOT need to relate to the theme above! All submissions are welcome. You can also choose to remain anonymous.
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We Got Your Back!
Tuesdays at 11:00am (weeks 3-9) at the Zone in Price Center Plaza
A free, interactive workshop on how to maintain a healthy back. Learn about proper body mechanics and go through a series of exercises to help strengthen your back.
This workshop is not intended for individuals who have been diagnosed with severe back conditions. Brought to you by Student Health Services--Health Promotion Department.
*Watch for event regarding a campus health and well-being survey, and a chance to win a gift card. They need your input!
LGBTQIA Conference
February 21-23 University of the Pacific The University of the Pacific would like to invite you to Reconstructing the Rainbow: Building for a Brighter Future 2014, and exciting LGBTQIA conference in Stockton, Ca. Come for the dynamic conversations, interactive workshops, inspiring speakers, and much more as we explore the past, present, and future of the LGBTQIA movement. Register here by this Friday, January 31 for early registration before the registration fee goes up.
Valentine's Day Dance February 7 | 7:00pm - 9:30pm The Center in Hillcrest
HRC San Diego, a nationwide organization that advocates for human rights, particularly for LGBT equality, is having their first Valentine's Day Dance Party at The Center in Hillcrest. HRC will be providing complimentary non-alcoholic drinks, snacks and a chocolate bar for everyone to enjoy as well as dance music from a special DJ. Please visit their FB event here for additional details. Make sure to RSVP by joining the event.
Victory Congressional Internship:
Deadline Feb. 10, 2014
The Victory Institute will bring outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program.
Apps for Summer 2014 are due Monday, Feb. 10 - find out more and apply now at here.
LGBTQI Health Forum February 22 | 8:00am - 7:00pm
UCSF Parnassus Campus, HSW building
The LGBTQSA at the University of California, San Francisco, is proud to be hosting its 6th annual LGBTQI Healthcare Forum. The forum educates attendees about healthcare disparities faced by many members of the LGBTQI community, and aims to prepare current and future healthcare providers on how to better serve the needs of the LGBTQI people in a clinical setting.
For more information, contact lgbt@ucsf.edu and to register, please click here.
Call For Papers: 3rd Annual Native American Studies Graduate Student Symposium April 17-18, 2014 UC Davis
We are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Native American Studies Graduate Student Symposium, to be held on the UC Davis campus on
April 17-18th, 2014. We welcome proposals from all
current UC graduate students whose research critically addresses the issues, concerns, and lives of Indigenous peoples worldwide.
This year's theme is
"Dreaming to Knowledge: Acorn Eaters in Transnational Water s. For Submission forms click here and to submit the forms email them to vdesquivido@ucdavis.edu by February 14, 2014.
SPRINKLE: Call for Papers
Deadline March 24, 2014
Sprinkle, a peer-reviewed undergraduate Feminist and Queer Studies journal orignally conceived in 2007 as a collection of students works from the McGill Sexual Diversity Studies course, seeks academic submissions for Spring 2014 edition. Please send submissions via email as .docx, .doc, .pdf or rtf attachments to sprinkle.journal@gmail.com. For more information, click here.