Winter 2014, Week 1
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
"I woke up like this, I woke up like this We Flawless, ladies tell 'em"
Welcome Back Everyone to the new year of 2014. I truly hope all of you had an amazing and stress free winter break. Now don't be shy, come down to the LGBT Resource Center and say hi to me. I'd love to see all your lovely faces:)
I just wanted to take this time to express my love and appreciation for Beyonce's new album. I seriously cannot stop listening to her and watching all the videos. Right now she is my inspiration and gives me so much confidence!
Thank you for listening.
Now for logistics:
- New Year, New Newsletter
- Newsletter will come out on Wednesdays starting Week 2, Yay!
- Weekly statistics will come back starting Week 2 as well!
Now that is all!
-Jes, the Rainbow Newsletter Intern
what's happening at the rc
Financial Aid Pizza Lunch
Tuesday, Jan. 14 | 11:30a-1:30p
LGBT RC Conference Room
Meet with financial aid counselors to learn about the FAFSA and the CA Dream App. Drop by and have lunch, network and get your questions answered.
Please RSVP at: rainbow@ucsd.edu.
Crafternoon: Inspiration Boards
Thursday, Jan. 16 | 2:00-3:30p
LGBT RC Conference Room
Come start off this quarter by setting your goals and intentions for the New Year with an inspiration board! Materials will be provided.
MLK Day of Service 2014
Donate by Friday, Jan. 17 at the LGBT RC
Please support this year's donation drive for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Items collected will be donated to the Sunburst Youth Housing Project which offers supportive and affordable housing for homeless youth in San Diego especially LGBTQ and HIV positive youth.
For more info go here.
LGBT Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Applications are due February 3, 2014.
The LGBT Undergraduate Scholarship Program encourages gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender UCSD students to apply for the six scholarships made possible by generous contributions from many people, including Chris Arrott, Michael Marx and Donald Marshall, Russ Ty, and from funds in memory of Tracee Parsons and Stephen P. L'Italien, Jr.
All LGBT Scholarship applications will be submitted to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC). For more information, e-mail mpgomez@ucsd.edu
Click here for instructions how to apply.
Winter LGBT RC Volunteer Training
Tuesday, Jan. 21 | 4:00-5:00p
LGBT RC Conference Room
Become a volunteer at the LGBT RC! Learn the basics of social justice, working the front desk, and tabling.
Black History Month Film Screenings 2014:
The New Black
Thursday, February 6th | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
"The New Black" documents the story of African-Americans grappling with the LGBT issue through the lens of the recent marriage equality movements and the fight over civil rights. Activists, families and clergy examines the issue in the black community's institutional pillar-the black church.
*During February, the Campus Community Centers will also be having other Film Screenings. To get more information on what films will be played or where and when they will be shown, click here
Black Resource Center Events
Financial Aid Pizza Lunch
Thurs, Jan. 15 | 12:00-2:00pm
Located in the Old Student Center, Above Food
Save the date! Meet with financial aid counselors to learn about the FAFSA and the CA Dream App. Ask about the application deadline and bring a friend! Snacks and gifts from the Financial Aid Office!
Cross-Cultural Center Events
4th Annual CCC Leadership Conference: Speak Truth to Power
Sun, Jan. 25 | 9:00am-4:00pm
Located on the second floor of Price Center East next to the Loft
This year's theme of "Speak Truth to Power" emerges from the historical trajectories of resistance and self-expression. The conference will be about the issues that face our communities and how do we experience and navigate them through our own experiences of self, friends, family, and community. Keynotes will be presented by Dr. Dennis Childs of the Literature Department and by DJ Kuttin Kandi.
For more info contact 858.534.9689
Raza Resource Centro Events
Located on the east end of the Student Services Center
Stay tuned! The Raza Resource Centro is currently under construction, but look forward to events the RRC may be sponsoring!
Women's Center Events
Winter Wellness Series Kick Off
Wednesday, Jan. 15 | 12:00-2:00p
Located above Hi-Thai, near Main Gym
Express Yourself! Zine Workshop Feeling blah? Join us every other Wednesday at the Women's Center for crafting, relaxation, fitness, and fun! Our kick-off will be a workshop where we'll create a community zine. Express yourself and let your creative juices flow!
Come check out some of the student orgs that meet at the LGBT RC!
- LGBTQIA - Mondays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
- Men's Group - Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00p, Heritage Room
- Trans* - Odd Week Thursdays from 6:00-7:00p, Heritage Room
- Queer People of Color (QPOC) - Thursdays from 7:00-9:00p, Family Room
Couples Workshop
Brought to you by CAPS
Couples Workshop: a 4 session workshop to help you 1) Get off to a good start in a new relationship 2) Enrich an already good relationship 3) Work through difficulties 4) Resolve trust in your relationship and 5) Decide about continuing your relationship.
Interested? Click here to gain more information.
Student Health Services
1) Flu clinics @ the Zone: Jan 14th & Jan 24th 12-4 pm. Walk-in; students with SHIP no charge; other students $15/$25 for injectable/nasal spray.
2) Jan 27-31 is Medication Education week. Watch for opportunities to test your knowledge and win prizes.
3) Ready to Quit Smoking Workshops at Student Health - see web for dates. Walk in, no fee or call for individual appointment.