Graphics & Web Design Intern
I'm the Rosa, the Web and Graphics Design Intern of the LGBT RC. As a designer, I'm always interested in both the aesthetics and usability of anything from websites to toys (especially Transformers). I'm looking forward to welcoming new members of the community to this space!
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors:
Fall Quarter Week 4
Undergrad: 236 Grad : 3 Staff: 4 Faculty: 0 Alumni: 4 Guest: 1
Total: 248
Did you Know...
Data from the Staff@Work in 2010 survey indicates that 6% of the staff identify as part of the LGBT community on campus
If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused. |
Speaker's Bureau Facilitator Training
November 13 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Are you currently a trained Speaker's Bureau panelist looking forward to taking your involvement in this program to the next level? Come be facilitator trained! Without these folks, Speakers Bureau can't function.
As long as you have done one panel, you are eligible to be trained.
Already trained? Come on back and get a refresher course. Want more practice being on a panel? Come to the last hour of training when we will be doing mock panels. If you have any questions, contact Robyn Grand at
Queer Black Social
November 4 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Join us for November's Queer Black Social and build community with other Black people at the LGBT Resource Center!
Queer Black Socials are closed spaces for Black identified students, staff, faculty, and community members to talk about queer issues.
For more information, please contact or see
The LGBT Resource Center is committed to making our space accessible for anyone that enters our communities' program, events, and space. If you require specific accommodations, please contact Maribel Gomez at or (858)822-3493.
Queer Grad Coffee Hour
November 5 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Are you a Queer Graduate Student? Want to meet other Queer Grad Students and build community? Stop by the LGBT Resource Center to chat and sip coffee.
Our Space: Zines + More
November 14 | 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center
Interested in helping make changes to the LGBT Resource Center?
Come by and learn how to make a zine, contribute to our first community zine on food justice, and create art for our kitchen.
For more info please email or call (858)822-3493.
Join the World AIDS Day Planning Committee
Thursdays | 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center
Each year UC San Diego honors World AIDS Day in December. Students, faculty and staff come together to organize the events. If you would like to be on the planning committee, please contact Shaun at The committee meets on Thursday from 1-1:50pm. Get involved in this powerful, educational event!
Student Orgs at the LGBT Resource Center:
Times & Locations
Monday: LGBTQIA, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Family Room Wednesday: SAAC Board Meeting, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Conference Room Wednesday: Men's Group, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Heritage Room Thursday: Trans*, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Family Room Thursday: QPOC, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
November 1 | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Raza Resource Centro
Not to be confused with Halloween celebrated in the U.S., Dia de los Muertos is a holiday where friends and family come together to celebrate the lives of loved ones who have passed. It's a holiday that originated in Mexico and is celebrated in many Latin American countries and other countries around the world.
Join us for an afternoon to learn more about the tradition and to celebrate and honor the lives of those loved ones who have passed.
Light refreshments and craft activities will be provided. Contact for more info.
Applying to Grad School this Fall or in the Near Future?
November 4 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Raza Resource Centro
 Join us for a HOW TO WRITE A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE workshop facilitated by current UCSD Graduate Students. Whether you are applying to Grad School this year or in the coming years, you are welcome to come! Come gain great info on how to write this ticket to your future and possibly get your very own graduate mentor at the end of it! For more into contact: Mandy Lucas at or (858)882-0072.
Chicana/os & Latina/os Aborad:
Study Abroad Opportunities in Latin America and
Making it Count Towards CLAH Minor
November 13 | 3:00 p.m.
Raza Resource Centro
 Thinking about studying aboard but worried about time-to-graduate, courses, or having them count towards your major/minor? Interested in learning about Latin American cultures? Come to this special event catered to the Latina/o, Chicana/o population and learn about study abroad opportunities and how to connect your classes abroad to the Chicano/a-Latino/a Arts & Humanities (CLAH) minor. Hear from student, Mireya Pinell-Cruz about the study adroad process, adn CLAH advisor, Haydee Cervantes, will share her experience doing University site visits to Peru and Colombia. ** You do not have to be a CLAH minor to attend**
For more into contact: Haydee Cervantes at or (858)882-4059.
Gender Buffet Presents:
Twerking at the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class
November 1 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Women's Center
TWERKING is EVERYWHERE! We all know that (if you don't just look it up). But do you know the history behind it? How does twerking connect to race, gender, and class? Join us for a dialogue that goes beyond Miley Cyrus to challenge some of what you've seen about twerking.
Snacks and caffeine provided! Just bring yourself and an open mind.
Gender Buffer is every Friday 12 - 1:30 p.m. at the Women's Center. For more information visit:
UCSD Women's Center Presents:
Wizarding World of Social Justice
November 6 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Women's Center
Join the Women's Center for butterbeer and a dialogue around social justice and Harry Potter. All are encouraged to attend--including muggles.
For further questions or concerns visit Women's Center website at
Honor & Respect: QTPOC art gallery
Exhibition: October 28 - November 7
Cross-Cultural Center
This art gallery will combine Day of the Dead and Transgender Day of Remembrance. This is one way to honor Queer and Trans* People of Color lives and connect the spirit of the living to those of the dead. This is to give name to radical QTPOC lives, whose suicides, murders, and poetry continue to haunt the living. This haunting doesn't have to be only deathly or foreboding. It can also give light and �nimo to those who are living and working to make this world more live-able. For more information, connect with Eliseo @
Social Justice 101
November 7 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cross-Cultural Center Comunidad
Have you ever been in a Social Justice space in which you didn't know what some of the fancy words meant? Yes? Come to this program! Explore different terms and ideas that are frequently used in the Social Justice realm. This is an open space for everyone to come learn more and also share their knowledge of what Social Justice means to them.
No background knowledge necessary! For more info contact German Octaviano at
Link to Facebook event click here.
Works in Progress: Women in STEM
November 7 | 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Women's Center, Conference Room
Please join UCSD graduate students as they present their research showcasing the wide range of research being performed by women graduate students in the STEM fields.
The Works in Progress series is an interdisciplinary space for graduate students to gain presentation experience and receive productive feedback for their academic pursuits.
Featuring presentations by: Lisa Adamiak, Rachel Ostrand, Priyal Thakur, Dawn Zhang.
Please Contact: for any questions about this event or if you would like to participate in future Works in Progress events.
International Cafe: Featuring Korean Food
November 8 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
International Center Patio
The Office of Graduate Studies will provide free lunch to the first 20 UCSD Graduate Students with UCSD graduate student I.D. Bring a friend or meet new ones there!
Menu: - Beef Bulgogi
- Steamed White Rice
- Kimchi Salad
- Yakshik (Sweet Rice Pudding)
* Vegetarian options are always available.
For more info contact:
Afrikan Arts Night: Sankofa
November 7 | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Multipurpose Room, Student Services Building
Interested in sharing your form of artistic expression with the local UCSD community? Sign up to share your art at the African Students Association and Black Student Union's Afrikan Arts Night. We welcome all forms of expression ranging from spoken word to dramatic performance.
We are looking for performers to fill 3-5 min slots. Our theme is "Sankofa:
Reach Back and Get It: Empowerment, Unity and community through the arts",
please sign up to be a performer below:
*Light Refreshments will be provided
Tabla Conference
January 18
University of California, Riverside
 The purpose is of this conference is to build coalitions between Queer and Trans* students and allies with ties to South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and neighboring countries.
At the conference, we intend to *assemble more collaboration with youth and youth organizers, *elevate knowledge about our homelands and respond to U.S. foreign policies in those regions, *unpack queerness, trans identity, and homosexuality in the family, *redefine national identity, gender expressions, masculinity and femininity, *deepen and recognize the complexities within these women's, men's, transgender spaces, and queer spaces, *heal oppression through artistic expression, and provide education and knowledge through film screenings, lectures, and workshops.
Click here to register by December 6, 2013 and if you have any further questions email or contact NAMES & Neighbors advisor and center director Nancy Jean Tubbs at (951)827-2267.
Dare to Dream College: The African American Experience
November 2 | 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
University of California, San Diego
 On November 2, 2013, Dare to Dream College: the African American Experience will be held on our campus. This event, organized by Cal-SOAP, targets 4 th through 12 th grade students. An estimated 1,000 people are expected to attend. Volunteers from UC San Diego are needed in various capacities to assist on the day of the event. To volunteer, please contact Linda Doughty @ or 858-569-1866.
Experiences with 'the Heterosexual Assumption' & Transgender Minority Stress Survey
Psychologists at University of California, Davis, are currently seeking LGBT individuals for participation in two online research studies.
The Experiences with 'the Heterosexual Assumption' is open to all members of the LGBT community and actively explores how experiences with the heterosexual assumption make you feel (
The Transgender Minority Stress Survey is open to transgender, genderqueer, and gender-variant individuals and explores how experiences with misgendering make you feel about yourself and the world around you.
You must be over 18 years old to participate. This research has been approved by UC Davis' Institutional Review Board (#394915-1). If you have any questions, please contact the principal investigator Kevin A. McLemore at