Autmn Leaves banner
Volume 53 Issue 1
October 4, 2013
QLeague Fall 2013!

October 12 | 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Black Resource Center


Are you currently a queer student leader? Are you interested in being a student leader in a queer organization? Do you want to participate in the LGBTRC's leadership retreat? Then register for the retreat!

Q LEAGUE is a leadership retreat for queer students interested in fostering leadership development, collaboration, discussing intersecting and multiple identities, and interested in planning student retreats and conference delegations.

*note: maximum space for the retreat is 25 students.


Register at! 

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Maribel G�mez at  or come stop by at the LGBT Resource Center.   
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Rainbow Newsletter Intern
Hi folks, my name is Jesica. I usually like going by Jes since the 
-ica part disturbs me! I'm a 4th year, Applied Math major. I love to play basketball and pretty much any outdoor activity. One of my passions is dancing, ranging from hip hop to latin. One day I aspire to join Peace Corps and eventually have a PUG. Oh and win the lottery too! Now that ya'll know a little about me, come on by so I can get to know you too.

Mon. - Thurs.

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors:
Welcome Week

Undergrad: 130
Grad : 8
Staff: 8
Faculty: 0
Alumni: 0
Guest: 2

Total: 148

"I change myself, I change the world."
- Gloria Anzaldua

Find us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter
If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused.
Queer Black Social  
October 8 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 


Join us in the first queer Black social of the year and build community with other Black people at the LGBT Resource Center!

Queer Black Socials are closed spaces for Black identified students, staff, faculty, and community members to talk about queer issues.

For more information, please contact Jasmine Williams at or see
Interested in Volunteering at the LGBT Resource Center? 

October 16 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 


Volunteer Trainings Want to eventually become an intern at the LGBT Resource Center? Want to help the UCSD LGBT community? Have an urge to learn and become involved with social justice issues? Then come to the volunteer orientation at the LGBT Resource Center!


The orientation will be taking place from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on Wednesday, October 16th! At the orientation interested volunteers will learn the basics of social justice, covering the front desk, giving tours, and tabling.


If you have any questions, concerns, or cannot make the date to be trained but are interested in volunteering, contact Trent Lawley Intern Dana Ayuyao at


Speakers Bureau Panelist Training 

October 16 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.  

LGBT Resource Center Conference Room 


Find your voice and speak out to empower/educate others. Get trained, be on a panel, and make a difference! Speakers Bureau is a group of LGBT and allied community members (students, staff, and faculty) trained to represent the diversity of the UCSD LGBT Community to a variety of groups and organizations. These groups and organizations are particularly interested in providing knowledge on LGBT issues, issues such as perpetuation of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and the need for more representation of queer people of color, queer womyn of color, trans folks, etc. Participation is Speakers Bureau is completely voluntary.
For more information, please contact


Our Resource Center is in Need of Some ART! 

LGBT Resource Center  


Hey y'all! There is a need for community art in the center! Any type of art will do!

If you are interested in having some of your art on display in the center contact Jaylin, the Library Intern, at!

Coming Out Group 

October 15 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  

Women's Center Conference Room 


The Coming Out group is a place to meet and gain support while discussing your sexual and/or gender identities in a confidential setting. This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, or questioning folks who are coming out, considering coming out or may already be out. Topics are determined by group participants and can include stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, excitement and celebration with regard to coming out. For more info, please contact Cat Thompson at 
or Greg Koch at

Mondays | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  

LGBT Resource Center Family Room 


lgbtqia logo LGBTQIA, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Allies Association, is the oldest and largest queer student organization at UCSD.

We have weekly meetings, our Non-Sexist Dances twice a quarter, National Coming Out Day Rally, Thanksgiving Family Dinner, and Divas in Denial Drag Show.  Join us this Monday for our first meeting of the quarter.


Queer People of Color

Thursdays | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  

LGBT Resource Center Family Room 



Looking to get connected with other QPOCs? Cultivate structural support with one another on- and off-campus, and beyond? Discuss issues around navigating homophobia, resisting racism, fighting misogyny, engaging queer love, facilitating wellness, and mediating multiple communities, among other things? Swing by the LGBT Resource Center on THURSDAYS, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM for UCSD QPOC's General Body Meetings (GBMs). Questions or concerns? Please feel free to connect with


Trans *  
Thursday | 6:00pm

LGBT Resource Center  


First Trans * meeting of the Fall quarter!

Trans * is a group for UCSD staff, students, and faculty members who identify as part of the Trans* spectrum or who are looking to explore their gender identity. Join us this Thursday at the LGBT Resource Center at 6pm. We will be meeting every odd week of the quarter. Hope to see you there!


Calling all UC San Diego LGBT Alumni!   

October 19 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

LGBT Resource Center   

Are you an UC San Diego LGBT alumni?  The join us for brunch!

Calling all UC San Diego LGBT Alumni!  Join us for our annual LGBT Alumni Brunch during Homecoming and Family weekend on Saturday, October 19th from 11:30am-1:30pm.  For more details, or to RSVP, contact Shaun at!

Love Your Body Day    

October 16 | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Women's Center   

Join the Women's Center for our annual event all about healthy body image and pushing back against negative messages from the media. We'll engage in dialogues as well as have FREE massages, snacks, and activities to help you love your body.  


Treat yo self!


FACES of Leadership Retreat Applications DUE     

October 18  

Women's Center   
Women's Center Logo
This retreat will be held on
Saturday, November 2nd
and provides an opportunity for first-year women at UCSD to connect with and empower one another.  Participants will explore the ways that gender and leadership connect, and what it means to be a "woman leader". Feminism and social justice will be explored in fun and new ways, and participants will be given tools to impact their campus and community!


For more information contact: Pick up applications in the Women's Center!


*All woman-identified first year and new transfer students are encouraged to apply. Space is limited.  

Kick-off Reception
October 10 | 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  
Black Resource Center
  The African American Studies minor requests the pleasure of your company at our annual Kick-off reception. Come join us as we enter this new 2013-2014 academic year and take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet affiliate faculty, staff and students. Food will be provided.

For Further questions, please contact Rolanda Robinson, Operations Coordinator, African American Studies Minor, Division of Arts & Humanities,, (858) 534-3856, or visit  

VOX: Voices of Planned Parenthood    

October 9 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Women's Center Conference Room    

Join us Wednesday October 9th from 5-6pm at the Women's Center Conference Room for our first meeting of the year. Here you will have the opportunity to learn more about the club and out partnership with Planned Parenthood. At VOX we strive to create a safe space in which to discuss issues around sexual and reproductive health. We are passionate about raising awareness about political issues regarding reproductive rights and ultimately fighting to maintain these rights!


~*Come relax and enjoy refreshments while participating in a discussion led by Planned Parenthood staff*~

We are also looking for additional board members for the upcoming year! Please contact us at our email at  

Join the World AIDS Day planning committee!  

Thursday | 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m. 

LGBT Resource Center

Each year UC San Diego honors World AIDS Day in December.  Students, faculty and staff come together to organize the events.  If you would like to be on the planning committee, please contact Shaun at  The committee meets on Thursday from 1-1:50pm.  Get involved in this powerful, educational event!

Flu Clinics for Students   

Student Health Services  


Flu clinics for students will be held on the following dates:

  • Tue, Oct 8th, 9:30-3:45 at Student Health, 2nd floor Conf Room, Murray's Place
  • Wed, Oct 9th, 8:30-3:45 at Student Health, 2nd floor Conf Room, Murray's Place
  • Wed, Oct 16th, 8:30-3:45 at Student Health, 2nd floor Conf Room, Murray's Place
  • Thu, Oct 17th, 9:30-3:45 at Student Health, 2nd floor Conf Room, Murray's Place
  • Tue, Oct 22nd, 9:30-3:45 at Student Health, 2nd floor Conf Room, Murray's Place
  • Fri, Nov 15th, 11:30-3:45 at the ZONE in Price Center Plaza 
  • Fri, Nov 22nd, 11:30-3:45 at the ZONE in Price Center Plaza 

Cost of Vaccine in Flu Clinics
Students with SHIP: Injectable and Intranasal: FREE
Students waived SHIP or with RAFT: Injectable: $15.00, Intranasal $25.00

Rainbow Header

This publication is a regular compilation of news and information from the UCSD LGBT Resource Center to help keep you informed about news and events relevant to the UCSD LGBT community. For more information about the Rainbow Newsletter or to offer your comments or suggestions, please contact the LGBT Resource Center at (858) 822-3493 or Newsletters are archived at  


The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events.  Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility.  If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Shaun Travers at or (858) 822-3493.


Copyright � 2011 UCSD LGBT Resource Center. All rights reserved.