Volume 51 Issue 6
| May 10, 2013 |
Speakers Bureau Facilitator Training
May 15 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. LGBT Resource Center, Heritage Room
If you have received panelist training, then coming soon is the Speakers Bureau Facilitator Training! Becoming a facilitator is a perfect way to further your skill in public speaking, learn how to initiate critical conversations, and bring empowerment to those that are finding/using their voices! This is a LOW TIME COMMITMENT, so stop on by! In order to receive Facilitator training you must have done Panelist Training prior to the program. These are crucial skills to be an effective facilitator for whatever event, so don't miss out! Can't wait to see you all there! Please contact Thomas if you have any questions at lgbtspeakers@ucsd.edu.
Mon. - Thurs.
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors
Spring Quarter
Week 5
Students: 168
Staff: 18
Alumni: 3
Faculty: 1
Guest: 1
Total: 191
What show are people at the LGBT RC hooked on?
House of Cards
Adventure Time
Teen Wolf
The Walking Dead
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
New Girl
Mad Men
Dr. Who |
"Inaction may be the biggest form of action."
-- Anonymous
If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to rainbow@ucsd.edu and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused. |
Rainbow Graduation - Register Now!
 This year's Rainbow Graduation is June 8th, 4-6pm at the Great Hall in ERC. If you are graduating this year, we encourage you to be a part of the ceremony! Please register online the LGBT Resource Center website, http://lgbt.ucsd.edu. Just look in the lower right hand corner under Events! Contact Shaun Travers at stravers@ucsd.edu if you have any questions. |
Funky Fresh Fridays
May 24 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 .m. LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
This Brazilian martial art is fluid and rhythmic, and set to music. Join the roda (circle) and play!
Every Friday the LGBT Resource Center will host weekly fitness sessions in collaboration with Recreations. Join us in relieving stress in healthy, supportive, and fun ways. The activities, levels of intensity, and times will vary each Friday. Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes. You may also want to bring water and a towel.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Strange at mdstrange@ucsd.edu.
LGBT RC Intern Alumni Reflections: The Ins and Outs
Teresa Trout, Intern Class 2007-2008
 I am honored to share in the legacy of LGBT Resource Center interns. My time at the LGBTRC stands out so clearly to me because it changed me forever. My college years were a very rocky period in my life and I look back on that last year with incredible fondness because for the first time, I had my community and my home. It was a hard adjustment to leave UCSD when I didn't feel ready, but having the center to always go back to, no matter who came in or out, has always filled me with a sense of comfort. I am forever grateful for the work that we as interns do to help shape and create an amazing community of activists.
Staff & Faculty Highlight
Games Night
May 16 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
 Welcome all UC San Diego Faculty and Staff! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center serves our entire community including students, staff, alumni, and our faculty. We are proud to have YOU as a part of our family. The LGBT SFA is pleased to host a games night. This event is scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Our next games night will be Thursday, May 16, 6:30pm-8:30pm. The location is the LGBT Resource Center Conference Room. Grab some dinner before or bring it with you to eat while you play. We look forward to seeing you there.
Graduate Student Highlight
Celebrating Moms
May 10 | 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Mesa Grad Housing, Community Room #9126
It's difficult not to be impressed by the hard work of graduate student parents which often goes without praise. Please bring your children and partners to Mesa Graduate Housing as we make gifts and enjoy refreshments in celebration of Mothers' Day.
UCSD Library New LGBT Resource
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) launched a couple of weeks ago, providing access to a wide array of digitized material from American libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions. This resource is freely available online, so it doesn't technically count as a "new library resource" for UCSD. However, DPLA and similar digital repositories (including HathiTrust, Archive.org and Google Books) are important resources to keep in mind when you're looking for research material. You can often find items such as pamphlets, interviews, government reports, images and newsletters, in addition to full text books. Due to copyright restrictions, much of what you'll find in these free online collections are older titles. Because of that, you'll need to be creative with keyword searches: "queer" may not be as useful as "homosexual" when looking for documents from many years ago. Most of the repositories provide a variety of ways to focus a search to a specific type of media, language, date and so on. If you need assistance, though, feel free to contact the Library for help or suggestions for other resources.
Gender Buffet
May 10 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Women's Center
Week 6: Vision Boarding Not sure what you want to do with your life? Don't freak out. Join us for a fun activity to get you thinking about it!
Non-Sexist Dance: Spring Fling
May 11 |9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Price Center Plaza
The Non-Sexist Dances are hosted by the LGBTQIA at UCSD. They are a time-honored campus tradition going strong for over 20 years. LGBTQIA is committed to providing a friendly, open, hate-free atmosphere where everyone, Queers and Allies, can come together in a safe space. If you have issues with queers, have misogynistic tendencies, etc. leave them at the door. Bust a move on the dance floor, meet new people, and enjoy a fabulous night with friends! Bring whomever you want, regardless of gender. This is a NON-SEXIST DANCE!
Black Women's Collective
May 22 |5:00 p.m.
Women's Center
 Join us for food, fun, and conversation. Share your experiences and connect with each other Black women at UCSD.
Film Screening (SJ)
May 22 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Cross Cultural Center, Art Space
Come enjoy popcorn, nachos, and relax! We will be watching The Little Mermaid with a critical social justice lens and having a short discussion.
SIP Debunking the Asian Model Minority myth in Family and Academics with Guest Speaker Corinne Korama Week 6, May 9th 5:30-7:30pm Communidad ALL
Come out and listen to Asian American Guest Speaker Corinne Kodama talk about the myths of the Model Asian Minority relating to college, family, and academics! She will be sharing her experiences along with providing a space for students to ask questions
Finding A Me Within Family
May 23 | 1:00 p.m.
Women's Center
Come join us as we discuss the influences our family made in shaping the person we are today. This is an opportunity for us to engage in dialogue and share about our own experiences! |
QxAPI: Spoken Word Workshop ft. DJ Kuttin' Kandi
May 21 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.
Cross Cultural Center
A collaboration between the QPOC WAF Retention Coordinator and the APSA Community RISE Coordinator of SPACES, the purpose of this QxAPI Spoken Word workshop is to collectively engage in a space that centers conversations around race, gender, sexuality, class, nationality, and (dis)ability, and to push for artistic interactions and experiences that bridge different communities. In recognition of the Asian Pacific Islander American Heritage Celebration and Mental Health Awareness Month during May, this event will feature DJ Kuttin' Kandi, who will be performing and engaging in a spoken word workshop with community. Please join us for this event, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact Alina Sau at ainfjsau@gmail.com, or Irving Ling at irvlingsd@gmail.com.
QPOC 12th Annual High School Conference
May 25
The high school conference is a day-long event in which students from all over San Diego will have the opportunity to participate in a series of academic-based and social justice-based workshops.
This year's theme, "Out in Silence: Raising Our Resistance" is dedicated to connecting high school students, queer youth of color, and all participants to social justice issues that affect Queer/LGBT youth.
There are three sessions for the workshops, separated by the different topics: academic-based, LGBT youth issues, and action (what can you do?).
We hope that you will join us as we collectively learn the knowledge and create the tools for youth and for ourselves to rise out multiple silences and raise resistance. The application can be accessed at: www.tinyurl.com/qpochsc2013workshop. For any questions, please contact Victor Jacobo at qpocaccess@gmail.com, or UCSD QPOC at ucsdqpoc@gmail.com. Thank you! Applications are due by May 15 at 7pm. |
Abreast Call for Submissions
The UCSD Women's Center is looking for submissions for the spring issue of its ABREAST magazine. In lieu of Sexual Assault Awareness month, the theme for Spring Quarter is, Allies to Survivors: What does care and support for survivors of grief and trauma look like? Or how should this care and support be given?
Please email edited submission to women@ucsd.edu by May 15th. |
National Transgender Health Summit
May 17-18
The 2013 National Transgender Health Summit (NTHS) integrates the expertise of the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health in order to provide a unique and exceptional educational forum for disseminating cutting edge research, increasing clinical skills among health care professionals of all backgrounds.
Full program information including speakers and session available at the NTHS website.
Click here for more details. |
July 4-6
San Francisco
DesiQ 2013 is a conference of South Asian queer leaders, activists, artists and students coming together to advance issues important to the South Asian queer LGBTQIA community. It happens every 5 years so don't miss this opportunity! If you're interested in learning more about the event or would like to register, please visit our website at www.desiq.org. Early bird registration ends on May 15th!