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Volume 51 Issue 2
April 12, 2013

Who are you and why are you here? The LGBT Resource 

Center Census!

Spring Quarter, Week 3   

LGBT Resource Center     


During Week 3 of the spring quarter we will ask every visitor to the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center to complete a census form. The goal is to collect information about who you are, why you visit the LGBT Resource Center, how we are doing and what we can do to meet your needs. And we will ask you to fill it out every time you visit during week 3 (Visit 3 times on Tuesday? Fill it out 3 times!) It is short, easy, anonymous and really will help the LGBT Resource Center in our strategic planning and assessment. And it is on those groovy iPod touches! If you have questions, contact Shaun Travers, Thanks!

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 Mon. - Thurs.

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors
Winter Quarter: 
Week 10           
Students: 95          
Staff: 27         
Alumni: 3        
Faculty: 4         
Guest: 3          
Total: 132       
Spring Quarter
Week 1
Students: 198          
Staff: 14         
Alumni: 6        
Faculty: 1         
Guest: 11          
Total: 230      


 Introducing Dr. Doriane Besson




Hi All!

I just wanted to take some time to introduce myself as some of you may have seen me hanging out at the LBGT Resource Center. My name is Dr. Doriane Besson and I am a postdoc at CAPS. As an ally and woman of color, I'm committed to social justice and providing support to students who may be confronted with challenges related to campus climate.   As part of my postdoc I have been working with Dr. Cat Thompson. In her absence, I'll be hanging out at the LGBT Resource Center on Wednesdays from 12:15-1:45. I'll be here to chit chat, chill out, and provide support.

I look forward to getting to you know you.

"Some women wait for something to change and nothing does change so they change themselves."
-- Audre Lorde

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What do people at the LGBT RC do to destress?

- Eat comfort food
- Nap
- Jog
- Find someone to hug
- Watch Gilmore Girls
- Watch movies
- Read
- Play Mindcraft or Sin City
- Workout
- Do a little dance
- Write

If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused.

Volunteer Training    

April 16 | 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 


Volunteer Training is coming up soon! Learn about the ins and outs of volunteering at the LGBT Resource Center with Vinny Uy, the LGBT RC Trent Lawley Volunteer Program Intern. For more information, please email  

Speakers Bureau Panelist Training    

April 17 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Heritage Room 


SB Speakers Bureau is a group of LGBT and allied community members (students, staff, and faculty) trained to represent the diversity of the UCSD LGBT Community to a variety of groups and organizations. These groups and organizations are particularly interested in providing knowledge on LGBT issues, issues such as perpetuation of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and the need for more representation of queer people of color, queer womyn of color, trans folks, etc. Participation is Speakers Bureau is completely voluntary. For more information, please contact  



Funky Fresh Fridays              

Quiet Yoga     

April 19 | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 
In observance of the National Day of Silence, this hatha yoga class will focus on reflective postures and include a quiet meditation practice.


Every Friday the LGBT Resource Center will host weekly fitness sessions in collaboration with Recreations. Join us in relieving stress in healthy, supportive, and fun ways. The activities, levels of intensity, and times will vary each Friday. Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes. You may also want to bring water and a towel.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Strange at For the full schedule of sessions click here.

Transitions for Michelle Strange


Dear community,


As many of you may know, I have been preparing for graduate school this year. I was accepted to the University of Maryland, College Park's Student Affairs Concentration program and will be leaving the LGBT Resource Center. My last day at UC San Diego will be June 14. Please reach out to me before the quarter ends, as I would love to stay goodbye. If you can't connect with me individually, please come to my goodbye party on Friday of week 9, May 31 at 3pm at the LGBT Resource Center. You all have made my time here at the LGBT Resource Center so meaningful and I truly hope our relationships withstand the long distance.


In terms of the next steps, there is currently a search committee in process for the Operations Coordinator position. We will be looking to interview late Spring and hiring a new person in the Summer. If you have any questions, please contact Shaun Travers at


While it is difficult to say goodbye, I am looking forward to the next steps. I really appreciate all of the energy you all have given me throughout my time at UC San Diego.


In community,


Michelle Strange


Out and Proud Week

April 22-26

Mark your calendars for this year's Out and Proud Week! Out and Proud Week presents the largest opportunity for community visibility on the UCSD campus. It is a week-long group celebration and private reflection on the achievements of LGBTQI-identified students, staff, and faculty and our allies. It is also a time for public awareness and discussion of current LGBT issues on the state and national levels. We will table on Library Walk all week and will also have events each day. Vanidy Bailey will be a guest speaker. For more information or if you'd like to volunteer, please contact Shaun at

Volunteers Needed for Out and Proud Week

April 22 - April 26


volunteers Out and Proud week is an exciting week of LGBTQ community visibility, celebration, and private reflection. The success of Out and Proud Week depends on the work of volunteers. If you're interested in lending your energetic support, please sign up at resource center's front desk or email Vinny at 
with your availability! Even one hour of your time is appreciated. There will be a party on Friday to celebrate your involvement.

Here's the volunteer schedule:

Monday - Friday, April 22- April 26
8:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.: Build the rainbow balloon arch (at the RC)
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Set up on library walk
10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Tabling and community building
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Clean up


Help Plan UCSD's Participation in San Diego Pride!


It's that time of the year! The LGBT Resource Center will be gathering a small committee to help plan UCSD's participation in San Diego Pride. The committee will discuss ideas for what our group should do in the parade, routines/dances, arts and designs, and more. If you are interested in being a part of the committee, please write a short paragraph expressing your interests and skills you might bring to the planning committee. Please email your paragraph by April 19 or any questions you may have to Shaun Travers

Rainbow Graduation


 This year's Rainbow Graduation is June 8th, 4-6pm at the Great Hall in ERC. If you are graduating this year, we encourage you to be a part of the ceremony! Contact Shaun Travers at if you are interested in participating.
LGBT RC Intern Alumni Reflections: The Ins and Outs 

Will Gorham, Intern Class 2005-2006

My internship with the Resource Center was my first professional internship of my career. It has definitely helped to propel me into the person I am today professionally, but I was lucky because it was more than just a career builder position. I made great friends and memories. The thing I remember most about my time as an intern at the Center was the people I met. Dedicated people helping to push UC San Diego's institutional boundaries while also building such a strong community. People that truly cared about those they worked with and that continue to make such an impression on every new set of students. Great friends that seem to come and go, but then show up again like great friends do. 

Staff & Faculty Highlight 

Games Night

April 18 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room


Welcome all UC San Diego Faculty and Staff! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center serves our entire community including students, staff, alumni, and our faculty. We are proud to have YOU as a part of our family.   

The LGBT SFA is pleased to host a games night. This event is scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Our next games night will be Thursday, Apr. 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm. The location is the LGBT Resource Center Conference Room. Grab some dinner before or bring it with you to eat while you play. We look forward to seeing you there.

Graduate Student Highlight

Grad Student Kickback 

April 22 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

GSA Lounge 


This event is a kickback for graduate students to relax and connect with one another. In addition, the event provides a space for discussion around the development of safe zone programs on campus. Refreshments are provided. RSVP to This event is hosted by the VP of Diversity for the Graduate Student Association.
UCSD Library New LGBT Resource
Transgender 101 : a simple guide to a complex issue, by Nicholas M. Teich 

Written by a member of the transgender community, this comprehensive book looks at what it means to be transgender. Teich explores personal issues of coming out and transitioning, as well as broader questions of sexual orientation verses gender, discrimination, the history of transgenderism, and lesser known types of transgenderism (e.g. genderqueer people and drag queens). The author's examination of transgenderism as a mental health issue, which discusses the classification of Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria as a  mental disorder, has been particularly well-reviewed. This book is available at Geisel Library.  


Gender Buffet 

April 12 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.   

Women's Center 

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, each Gender Buffet this month will deal with issues around healthy sexuality, consent and support. Please join us every Friday from 12-1:30 for Gender Buffet at the Women's Center! This Friday, we will have the Rubber Rose visiting to talk about sex positivity. As always snacks, lively discussions, and comfy couches will be provided. You won't want to miss it!

Questions/Concerns about our programs and accessibility? Contact us by phone (858) 822-0074, email (, come by our physical space, or find us on Facebook! 

The Chicana Canvas 

April 18 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.   

Cross Cultural Center 

Professor Xuan Santos is an Assistant Professor of Critical Criminology and Justice Studies at California State University-San Marcos. As a former tattoo artist and ethnographer Dr. Santos will discuss his 8 year exploration of the social world of tattoos in East Los Angeles. His research interests are the Informal Economy, Race/Class/Gender, Gangs, Undocumented Immigration, Tattooing and Community Studies. For more information contact Violeta Gozales at

Cross-Cultural Center Presents: Community Workshop Series 

Thursdays | Various Times   

Cross Cultural Center, Art Space 


Do computer applications and social networking tools confuse you? Want to learn some basic skills to improve marketing and outreach for your programs? Come out to one or two (or all!) of our weekly workshops! These workshops touch upon different tools to improve communication, office skills, and marketing. Come learn how to access these expensive programs for free, gain useful tips on marketing, and develop technical skills that can translate to any field!


For more information, contact Maggie Quan at

The Invisible War Film Screening 

April 15 | 6:00 p.m.    

Price Center Theater 

This is an award winning documentary about the epidemic of sexual assault in the U.S. military. Survivors and advocates featured in the film call for changes in the way military handles reports of sexual assault.

Leaving Home, Moving Beyond: Chicana/os Abroad

April 16 |4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.   

Cross Cultural Center, Communidad Room 


Thinking about studying abroad but worried about finances, class schedule, leaving family or other? Then come to this special event catered to the Latina/o, Chicana/o population. Study Abroad staff and Chicana/o students who have studied abroad in Latin America will speak about their experiences. Learn how to connect classes abroad to the CLAH minor or your major.


For more information, contact: Eliseo at or Haydee at

Cesar E. Chavez Service Club Internship: Info Night 

April 18 |3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.   

Raza Resouce Centro 

Volunteer Trainings In an effort to bridge the campus with the San Diego community the Chicano/a Latino/a Arts & Humanities (CLAH) program partnered with the Academic Internship Program (AIP) to offer UCSD undergraduate students an opportunity to earn units while interning with the non-profit organization Cesar Chavez Service Clubs (

Come learn how you can earn UCSD units while building your own skills interning with this great organization. Meet the directors and hear more about this special internship opportunity!

We Are Tritons Audio Recordings  


Beginning in the fall of 2013, incoming undergraduate students will be taking an online program called "We Are Tritons" that will introduce them to the diverse UC San Diego community.  We are looking for volunteers to do voice recordings that will be used throughout this program!  In order to truly represent UC San Diego's diverse student culture, we need YOU!  If you are interested in participating, please contact Chris Higa, a staff member of UC San Diego's Health, Recreation & Well-Being department. You can reach him at, or 408.646.7222.  We look forward to hearing back from you and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help introduce incoming students to UC San Diego's welcoming community. 


UCSD Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus   


UC San Diego, along with all of the UC campuses, will be a Smoke and Tobacco-free campus by January 2014. UC San Diego's date to go Smoke and Tobacco-free is September 1, 2013. This will contribute to a healthy environment for all staff, students, faculty and visitors.

If you are a student and a smoker who would like to quit, Student Health Services can help. You can make an appointment with a Health Educator at Student Health Services by calling (858) 534-5571. Smoking cessation appointments at SHS are free, and cessation aids are available.  If you prefer phone counseling to help you quit, call the California Smokers' Helpline at (800) NOBUTTS.  

Get Yourself Tested   

The UC San Diego Student Health Advocates present "Get Yourself Tested", a video about how to talk to partners about getting tested for sexually transmitted infections: 

Testing can be done on a walk-in basis at Student Health Services.

For more information visit


Sprinkles 2013 Call for Papers   


Sprinkle, a peer-reviewed, undergraduate Sexual Diversity Studies journal, seeks academic submissions for Fall 2013 edition. Papers should be 1500-2000 words in length and show critical engagement with contemporary feminist issues with an emphasis on law and policy implications.
Please send submissions via e-mail as .docx, .doc,  or .rtf files in APA format to with the subject heading: "submission for law & policy special issue." In the email please include the following information: name as you would like it to appear in the journal; email address; institution of study, and a 100 word bio. Your essays should be 'blinded' meaning that they should contain no information that would identify the author. Papers must be submitted by April 15th, 2013.
Sprinkle looks forward to diverse and innovative submissions!



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This publication is a regular compilation of news and information from the UCSD LGBT Resource Center to help keep you informed about news and events relevant to the UCSD LGBT community. For more information about the Rainbow Newsletter or to offer your comments or suggestions, please contact the LGBT Resource Center at (858) 822-3493 or Newsletters are archived at  


The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events.  Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility.  If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Shaun Travers at or (858) 822-3493.


Copyright � 2011 UCSD LGBT Resource Center. All rights reserved.