Volume 50 Issue 10
| March 15, 2013 |
UCOP Campus Climate Survey, Last Call!
If you think your voice doesn't count, think again. UC San Diego students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to share their opinions by participating in the University of California Campus Climate Study Survey. The system wide effort-believed to be the largest survey of its kind ever conducted-asks more than 430,000 individuals about their experiences with diversity and inclusion at work and on campus.
Check your inbox! As of January 22 you should have received a personalized link in an e-mail to take the survey.
The data will be used to assess the learning, living and working environment- the campus climate- for people who go to school or work at UC. The more people who participate, the better the data will be. With your help, we can further our goal of creating a welcoming environment that is safe, productive and nurtures all parts of our diverse community.
Some incentives include (1) $10,000 undergraduate scholarship, iPads, (2) $5,000 faculty research grants, and more!
For more information visit: http://diversity.ucsd.edu/campusclimatesurvey/.
Study Jam:
Open 24hrs 3/17-3/18
Finals Week:
Mon. - Tues.
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.
Closed Spring Break:
Tues. - Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Closed
LGBT RC Visitors
Winter Quarter:
Week 9
Students: 247
Staff: 12
Alumni: 2
Faculty: 3
Guest: 5
Total: 269
"When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming."
-- Dory
If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to rainbow@ucsd.edu and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused. |
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Assistant Director
The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center has begun its search for an Assistant Director of Education. For the full job description, please see the announcement on our webpage http://lgbt.ucsd.edu. The filing deadline is March 22, 2013. To apply for the position, please go to http://jobs.ucsd.edu. On campus interviews will be Week 5 of the spring quarter, April 29 through May 3rd, 2013 and the community is invited to participate in open community lunches that week - exact dates, times and locations to be announced. Please share this opportunity broadly with potential candidates.
Queerness in the Media
March 11-15
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
An art dialogue that will encourage critical thinking about LGBTQI representations. When you think about the various forms of media you interact with (i.e news, magazines, television shows, and movies), do you ever feel like your identity isn't reflected in the media? This is your chance to express your thoughts about some of the queer stereotypes perpetuated in the media, and also to express what identities are not being represented. Stop by the LGBT RC Conference Room any time during hours of operation Week 10 to express your thoughts! For questions contact Jamie at rainbow@ucsd.edu. |
Funky Fresh Fridays
Session 9: Pilates Yoga Blend
March 15 | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Every Friday of Winter quarter the LGBT Resource Center will host weekly fitness sessions in collaboration with Recreations. Join us in relieving stress in healthy, supportive, and fun ways. Winter quarter usually tends to be the quarter of burn out, so let's make it a healthy burn! The activities, levels of intensity, and times will vary each Friday. Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Strange at mdstrange@ucsd.edu. For the full schedule of sessions click here.
Dirty Talk
April 11 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Join the LGBT Resource Center and the Sexual Assault Resource Center for a dialogue on LGBT relationships, intimacy, and consent. This skill building workshop will give you tools on how to give and ask for consent. Come discuss the various dynamics of queer intimacy as we explore our personal desires, boundaries, and communication styles.
2013-2014 LGBT Resource Center Internships
Deadline: April 8, 2013
Apply here:
The UCSD LGBT Resource Center is pleased to announce that applications for the 2013-2014 internships are now available! For more information regarding position requirements and responsibilities, please see the job descriptions.
There are eight positions available:
Graphics and Web Design Intern
Rainbow Newsletter Intern
The Trent Lawley Volunteer Program Intern
Library Intern
Sylvia Rivera Intern for Politics and Human Rights
Audre Lorde Intern for Liberation and Healing
Bayard Rustin Intern for Activism and Education
Speakers Bureau Intern
Click here for more information on the specific responsibilities of each position.
Campus Community Centers Intern Hiring!
Deadline: April 8 | 4:00 p.m.
Note: submit separate application materials to each Center(s) of interest

Interested in social justice, making campus-wide impacts, contributing to Center growth, making new friends, and personal/professional development? APPLY NOW! Come to an info session and learn more! View Flyer
Cross-Cultural Center Information Sessions:
Thursday | April 4th | 1-2PM
At the Cross-Cultural Center Library
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center Information Sessions:
Wednesday | April 3rd | 3:30-4:30PM
At the LGBT Resource Center
Women's Center Information Sessions:
Wednesday | April 3rd | 5-6PM
At the Women's Center
LGBT RC Intern Alumni Reflections: The Ins and Outs
Mary Kong, Intern Class 2006-2007
 My experience at the LGBT Resource Center allowed me to understand the different dynamics of what community is and why it is crucial to have a space at UCSD for the LGBT community. I've listened to and shared stories with so many members of the LGBTRC-from staff, students, alumni and community members, that the laughter, insight, good memories, and lessons learned seem to always bring a smile back. Sometimes I forget the pain that the community has gone through during the first year it was in such a visible center of campus.
Staff & Faculty Highlight
Annual UCSD LGBT Staff and Faculty Association Reception
March 21 | 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center
Join us on the first day of spring, March 21st from 4 to 6 p.m. at the LGBT Resource Center on Campus, for our annual reception. It'll be a great opportunity to see what events we have going on for the year, and network with fellow UC San Diego Staff, and Faculty members. We have some great new projects planned for the coming year, like the Visibility Project, and our Faces of Pride flag, that we're starting this year. We hope you'll come and participate!!! |
Graduate Student Highlight
Campus Climate Intern
Week 10 is here already and my time at the LGBT Resource Center is coming to an end...
Thank you all for your support over this past quarter. Your donations for the MLK Day of service, participation in the Disability and Queerness Works in Progress event, International Caf�, and the Out in Academia discussion are sincerely appreciated. Together, we've been able to enhance community building efforts geared towards diverse graduate students. I've been able to meet, work with, and interact with many of you and I look forward to continuing the community building next quarter when I'm located at the Women's Center. As the Campus-Climate Intern, I'm working to create spaces for diverse graduate communities to meet and interact with one another. If you have any suggestions for ways to achieve community among grads please feel free to visit me Spring quarter at the Women's Center or email me at climate-intern@ucsd.edu.
I hope your finals and/or grading are as stress free as possible!
At another center but always in community,
UCSD Library New LGBT Resource
In a Queer Voice: Journeys of Resilience from Adolescence to Adulthood
by Michael Sadowski
Despite increased tolerance by society, it's still hard to be young and queer in America. Bullying at school, lack of support at home, and higher risks for depression, suicide and eating disorders are too often part of daily life for LGBT youth. "In a Queer Voice" explores these issues by documenting the experiences of six individuals, interviewed first when they were in middle/high school and again as adults. The subjects relate ways in which they were discouraged from early self-acceptance and expression, and explore the avenues that helped them become more comfortable with themselves and find their true voice. An appendix provides a brief list of online resources that support the queer voice. This book is available online through the UCSD Library at http://goo.gl/pLxNh.
Gender Buffet: Not-Freaking-Out-Friday
March 15 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Women's Center
Come over to the Women's Center to do some final procrastination by watching clips of favorite and funny tv shows like Adventure Time, Arthur, Avatar, Ugly Betty, and cat memes.Questions/Concerns about our programs and accessibility? Contact us by phone (858) 822-0074, email (
If you would like to contribute a clip or a link, please let us know by leaving a message on the FB event page (provided below) or email us at women@ucsd.edu Re: Gender Buffet: Week 10
Free Food and Caffeine will be provided as usual.
FB Event Page: Gender Buffet, Not Freaking Out Friday, Winter Edition : http://www.facebook.com/events/410262459059858/?notif_t=plan_edited
women@ucsd.edu), come by our physical space, or find us on Facebook! |
FInals Week 24 Hour Study Jams
March 16-21
Need a place to study for finals? Each day, from the morning of March 16th until the morning of March 21st one of the Campus Community Centers or SPACES will be open 24hrs. Here is the schedule:
Raza Resource Center: Open 24hrs, Sat (3/16)-Sun (3/17)
LGBT Resource Center: Open 24hrs, Sun (3/17)-Mon (3/18)
Cross Cultural Center: Open 24hrs, Mon (3/18)-Tues (3/19)
SPACES: Open 24hrs, Tues (3/19)-Wed (3/20)
Women's Center: Open 24 hrs, Wed (3/20)-Thurs (3/21)
Get your Study on!
M.E.Ch.A National Conference Volunteer Opportunities
M.E.Ch.A de UCSD would like to offer opportunities to volunteer at this years 20th Annual M.E.Ch.A National Conference occurring Thursday- Sunday, March 21-24, 2013. Volunteers will receive a letter of completed of community service hours co-signed by the University of California, San Diego's (UCSD) Cross-Cultural Center and a M.E.Ch.A de UCSD T-shirt. Furthermore, participants will be able to learn about the logistical steps needed to organize in large groups that can be utilized in any work environment . The main website to sign up is mechadeucsd.org/nationals/volunteer.
Leaving Home, Moving Beyond: Chicana/os Abroad
April 16 |4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Cross Cultural Center, Communidad Room
Thinking about studying abroad but worried about finances, class schedule, leaving family or other? Then come to this special event catered to the Latina/o, Chicana/o population. Study Abroad staff and Chicana/o students who have studied abroad in Latin America will speak about their experiences. Learn how to connect classes abroad to the CLAH minor or your major.
For more information, contact: Eliseo at el.jrivas@gmail.com or Haydee at hcervantes@ucsd.edu.
Queer Artists Project Exhibition
March 15 - June 15 | Opening Reception March 15 | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Set to open Friday, March 15 with a reception and party from 7 - 9 p.m., the Queer Artists Project's first exhibition will remain available to visitors and members for three months, through June 15. The exhibition will showcase a selection of art from both within Lambda Archives' permanent collection as well as contemporary work from artists in the local LGBTQ community. The idea for the project came from former Lambda Archives President Bruce Kamerling, whose work will be on display for the inaugural exhibition. Susan Richards began volunteering for the Archives before Kammerling died in 1995, and officially founded the project under her stead over 10 years ago.
PFLAG San Diego Scholarship
The purpose of these scholarships is to recognize outstanding LGBT undergraduate and graduate students, to encourage them to continue post-secondary education, and to promote a positive image of LGBT youth. PFLAG San Diego invites San Diego County LGBT post-secondary students to apply for our scholarships.
Call or email us today to find out how you can apply for a PFLAG scholarship
For scholarship requirements and to apply please visit our site at http://www.pflag.com/scholarship.html.
National Study of LGBTQ Student Success
What can colleges and university do to support LGBTQ students? What factors contribute to academic, personal, and social success? This groundbreaking study will help define how colleges and universities can best serve LGBTQ students.
The National Study of LGBTQ Student Success invites you to participate in our online survey at http://www.lgbtqsuccess.net/. Everyone who completes the survey can enter to win an iPad. The survey is open through March 8, 2013. Share YOUR voice and YOUR experiences!