Mon. - Thurs
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors
Winter Quarter:
Week 7
Students: 254
Staff: 11
Alumni: 2
Faculty: 1
Guest: 0
Total: 268
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I've ended up where I needed to be."
-- Douglas Adams |
If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused. |
Let's Talk About Sex
March 6 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
LGBT Interest Housing presents... Let's Talk About Sex. Come talk about sex in the LGBT community. Don't know how to use a condom/dental dam? No one has ever told you about gloves? Don't know how to safely use sex toys with your partner? Come learn the answers to all these questions and more! The Student Health Advocates will join us as we share food and dialogue. Food will be provided, feel free to come hungry.
If you have any questions contact Erica at |
Queerness in the Media
March 11-15
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
An art dialogue that will encourage critical thinking about LGBTQI representations. When you think about the various forms of media you interact with (i.e news, magazines, television shows, and movies), do you ever feel like your identity isn't reflected in the media? This is your chance to express your thoughts about some of the queer stereotypes perpetuated in the media, and also to express what identities are not being represented. Stop by the LGBT RC Conference Room any time during hours of operation Week 10 to express your thoughts! For questions contact Jamie at
UCOP Campus Climate Survey, Your Voice Counts!
If you think your voice doesn't count, think again. UC San Diego students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to share their opinions by participating in the University of California Campus Climate Study Survey. The system wide effort-believed to be the largest survey of its kind ever conducted-asks more than 430,000 individuals about their experiences with diversity and inclusion at work and on campus.
Check your inbox! As of January 22 you should have received a personalized link in an e-mail to take the survey.
The data will be used to assess the learning, living and working environment- the campus climate- for people who go to school or work at UC. The more people who participate, the better the data will be. With your help, we can further our goal of creating a welcoming environment that is safe, productive and nurtures all parts of our diverse community.
Some incentives include (1) $10,000 undergraduate scholarship, iPads, (2) $5,000 faculty research grants, and more!
For more information visit:
Funky Fresh Fridays
Session 7: Work Fit
March 1 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Ever have the problem of not being able to fit exercise into your schedule? Come and learn about how you can change this!
Work Fit is an interactive class that will focus on incorporating fitness into your behind-the-desk work day; starting with safety at your work station, bringing awareness to proper alignment and posture and demonstrating exercises that can be performed at your desk. The session will conclude with some practices to help reduce stress and focus on the life-work balance, including a guided meditation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Strange at For the full schedule of sessions click here.
LGBT RC Intern Alumni Reflections: The Ins and Outs
Sakura Evans, Intern Class 2005-2006
Being the Library Coordinator at the LGBTRC was never a job I dreaded going to. I never found myself dragging my feet to work, wishing I had a reason to call in "sick," or trying to skip out early. In fact, I tended to show up early just to hang out with friends or study in the conference room. I never left on time because I was always getting caught up in interesting conversations, or encouraging the clubs and groups to take as much time as they needed to continue their discussions or planning. Reflecting back on the impacts the LGBTRC left upon my life, the most important (and lasting) impact it has left on me is the concept of 'Community.' I've never been part of such a special community since leaving San Diego, and I use it as a model for a community I hope to build and become a part of in the future.
*For full story and other intern reflections click here* |
Staff & Faculty Highlight
Funky Fresh Friday
March 1 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room
Ever wonder how YOU can stay fit at work, and still get the job done? Well then, please join us for this special edition of Funky Fresh Fridays designed with YOU in mind!
Work Fit is an interactive class that will focus on incorporating fitness into your behind-the-desk work day; starting with safety at your work station, bringing awareness to proper alignment and posture and demonstrating exercises that can be performed at your desk. The session will conclude with some practices to help reduce stress and focus on the life-work balance, including a guided meditation.
It is THIS Friday, March 1st at 11am at the LGBT Resource Center, and we really do hope you will attend.
Graduate Student Highlight
Your Space
Welcome graduate students to the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center. Our Center serves all constituents of the UC San Diego community, including and especially our graduate students. Our space is open to all constituents, although we know from our statistics that the majority of the folks who use our space on a daily basis are undergraduate students. However, our second largest category is graduate students, so we encourage you to make the Resource Center your own.
Grad students: this space is yours! Please use the LGBT Resource Center to hold your office hours and small seminar classes. You can fill out a room reservation form here. Our conference room provides a great study space for many graduate student study groups, presentations, and research based work. The Heritage Room is also a great space to work or take a nap after reading and grading. If you want to get more connected with others, hang out in the Family Room around our brand new table, ottomans, or chairs. Between the library, computers with free printing, and cozy couches, you are certain to find community at the LGBT Resource Center.
UCSD Library New LGBT Resource
Critical queer studies: law, film, and fiction in contemporary American culture
Critical Queer Studies, written by Casey Charles, examines contemporary films and documentaries that dramatize the intersection of law and queer life. Through critical analysis of films such as Milk, Brokeback Mountain and Boys Don't Cry, the author illustrates how film and fiction integrate and influence queer legal issues such as jury selection, same sex marriage, unwanted sexual advance and hate crimes. The author acknowledges the still prevailing "mythos of catastrophe" in queer productions: Harvey Milk fatally shot by a homophobic colleague, the murder of Matthew Shepard, the rape and murder of Brandon Teena. Yet, Charles concludes with a suggestion that films such as these may ultimately help establish viewers' acceptance of queer individuals. This book is available in both print and electronic formats at the UCSD Library; find them by searching the library catalog at .
Gender Buffet: Gender Equity Forum with CSW
March 1 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Women's Center
The Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (CSW) and Gender Buffet will be hosting a forum to figure out what issues women encounter at UCSD, such as underrepresentation, lack of mentorship, and healthcare.
CSW is a committee that makes policy suggestions to the Chancellor. In the past, it has been forums like these that have led to the creation of lactation rooms- thanks to community members who raised awareness of their absence, simply by speaking about them. Please join us for food and let us know what is on your mind. Free caffeine and food will be served.
Questions/Concerns about our programs and accessibility? Contact us by phone (858) 822-0074, email (, come by our physical space, or find us on Facebook!
Vagina Monologues
March 1-2 | 8:00 p.m.
Price Center, Ballroom East
V-Day at UCSD is part of a larger international campaign that puts on the production of The Vagina Monologues every February. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, fundraise, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. We are selling "I <3 Vagina" bracelets and vagina shaped chocolate lollipops, everyday for on Library Walk for a $1 each, to help further raise funds for resource centers.
The show airs on Feb. 27th, March 1st, and March 2nd at the Price Center East Ballroom. Doors will open at 7pm, and the show starts at 8pm. The show sellouts, so buy tickets now at the box office or online at Tickets are $12.50 for students and $14.50 for non-UCSD students. 100% of the proceeds from the show go towards anti-violence campaigns. |
Beat Stress Event
March 5 | 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Library Walk
Student Health Advocates provide students with the opportunity to learn about stress and its affects, discover healthy stress management skills, and participate in stress-reducing activities. The Therapy Fluffies, R&R Squad, and CAPS Wellness Peer Educators will also be there to help you beat stress!
Study Abroad: LGBT Concerns
March 5 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Dolores Huerta Room
Being LGBT can be a concern if you want to study abroad, so express it and get your questions answered! There will be information about University of California Education Abroad Program,and Professor Meg Wesling is our guest speaker. There will be free food, awesome people, and a very informative Q&A panel featuring returnees from all over the world. If you have any questions, please email |
Chancellor Visits the San Diego LGBT Community Center
Chancellor Khosla, along with several campus leaders, met with LGBT community members, elected officials, and UC San Diego faculty, staff and students at the San Diego LGBT Community Center in Hillcrest on Feb. 22. At the breakfast reception, the Chancellor reaffirmed UC San Diego's commitment to the LGBT community, diversity and public service, saying, "I realize that our commitment to diversity has to be clear. It has to be stated in our actions and in making our commitment obvious. I stand committed."
Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate
March 13 - June 6 | 7:00 p.m.
In celebration of ADL's Centennial, ADL San Diego presents Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate at the Gotthelf Art Gallery. Join us on March 13th at 7:00 p.m. for our opening night, featuring Frank Meeink, author of "Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead: The Frank Meeink Story as Told to Jody M. Roy, Ph.D." Register at to attend.
Volunteer Abroad: HIV/AIDS Prevention in Tanzania
Our service-learning programs offer university students and young professionals from all backgrounds a chance to limit the impact of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania by leading HIV prevention and education campaigns in rural villages. Be part of a team of international volunteers helping to deliver SIC's comprehensive HIV/AIDS services in remote and under-served areas. Volunteers live with a Tanzanian family, participate in community activities and mobile HIV testing campaigns, travel through East Africa, and get hands on experience with the complex realities of the global health field. This is an incredible opportunity to volunteer with a proven organization that continues to make a sustainable impact on the communities we serve.
Programs are 8-12 weeks and course credit/research opportunities are possible. Please visit our website for more information about the program and to download the application. Application deadline is February 28th.
National Study of LGBTQ Student Success
What can colleges and university do to support LGBTQ students? What factors contribute to academic, personal, and social success? This groundbreaking study will help define how colleges and universities can best serve LGBTQ students.
The National Study of LGBTQ Student Success invites you to participate in our online survey at Everyone who completes the survey can enter to win an iPad. The survey is open through March 8, 2013. Share YOUR voice and YOUR experiences! |
New Course Announcement, BILD 95
Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Biology and Medicine
This interactive, 1 unit, discussion-based course will examine the practice and philosophy of science from a multicultural perspective, the historical use and misuse of science in biomedical research and social policies, and issues of race and medicine in a post-genomic age. Two disease case studies will help us explore these themes in more depth. The last two sessions of the class will be reserved for presentation and discussion of ethical issues that arise throughout the course.
The course meets on the following Thursdays, 2-3:20 pm: April 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16 at York 3010. The course title is BILD 95, Section ID: 776343.
Participation in Research Opportunity
UC Davis psychologists have exciting opportunities for you to tell us about your experiences as an LGBT-identified person.
Lesbians, gay men, bisexual women and men, and queer-identified people - Tell us about your experiences with discrimination in the Everyday Experiences with Discrimination Study (
If you are transgender, tell us about your past experiences with misgendering in the Transgender Social Identity Survey (
If you are a bear- or cub-identified gay or bisexual man, tell us about how you display that identity in the Men's Body Image Study (
These opportunities are open only to people over the age of 18 years. If you have any questions, please contact the principal investigator Kevin A. McLemore at |