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Volume 50 Issue 1
January 11, 2013

Funky Fresh Fridays              

Session 1: Zumba  

January 11 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 

Every Friday of Winter quarter the LGBT Resource Center will host weekly fitness sessions in collaboration with Recreations. Join us in relieving stress in healthy, supportive, and fun ways. Winter quarter usually tends to be the quarter of burnout, so let's make it a healthy burn! The activities, levels of intensity, and times will vary each Friday. Wear comfortable clothes and supportive shoes. You may also want to bring water and a towel. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Strange at


For the full schedule of sessions click here.

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  LGBT RC Hours

  Mon. - Thurs

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. & Sun.
LGBT RC Visitors
Fall Quarter: 
Week 10   
Students: 235  
Staff: 9  
Alumni: 5 
Faculty: 1    
Guest: 0    
Total: 250   



"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do."


-- Eleanor Roosevelt        


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If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused.

Queer Black Social

 January 14 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.          

 LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room    


  Diversity Rainbow People Queer Black Socials are closed spaces for Black students, staff, faculty, and community members to talk about queer issues. Monthly socials include lunch time connections, game days, and other ideas that participants suggest. Bring your lunch and build community with other Black people at the LGBT Resource Center. For more information, please contact Michelle Strange at 

Volunteer Training

January 22 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.          

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room    


Volunteer Training is coming up soon! Learn about the ins and outs of volunteering at the LGBT Resource Center with Vinny Uy, the LGBT RC Trent Lawley Volunteer Program Intern. For more information, please email 

LGBT Speakers Bureau Training

January 23 | 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.          

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room    


SB Speakers Bureau is a group of LGBT and allied community members (students, staff, and faculty) trained to represent the diversity of the UCSD LGBT Community to a variety of groups and organizations. These groups and organizations are particularly interested in providing knowledge on LGBT issues, issues such as perpetuation of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and the need for more representation of queer people of color, queer womyn of color, trans folks, etc. Participation is Speakers Bureau is completely voluntary. For more information, please contact 

Strategic Planning brainstorming sessions for UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center   

January 16 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.    

January 17 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.     

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room    


Community If you have thoughts and ideas you'd like to send electronically, please send them to Shaun at - especially if you are unable to attend one of the community forums! When you imagine the direction of the LGBT Resource Center over the next five years, what are the one or two thoughts which spring to mind? Ideas, concepts, and dreams of where we should go in the future... If you would like to review our past two strategic plans, they are available here (2002-2008) and here (2008-2013).


Come and let YOUR voice be heard for our ideas for the next five years of the LGBT RC!

Staff & Faculty Highlight 

SFA Games Night

January 17 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

LGBT Resource Center, Conference Room 


Welcome all UC San Diego Faculty and Staff! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center serves our entire community including students, staff, alumni, and our faculty. We are proud to have YOU as a part of our family.   

 The LGBT SFA is pleased to host a games night. This event is scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Our next games night will be Thursday, Jan. 17, 6:30pm-8:30pm. The location is the LGBT Resource Center Conference Room. Grab some dinner before or bring it with you to eat while you play. We look forward to seeing you there.

Graduate Student Highlight


Hello All! My name is Anthony Del Real and I am the current Community-Based Block (CBB) Intern here at the LGBT Resource Center for this academic year. I am also a recent graduate from UCSD this past June. The CBB Program is a 1-year graduate program at San Diego State that promotes the development of its student's skills in effective multi-cultural counseling. Through my internship this year at the LGBT Resource Center, I am hoping to be able to make personal connections with community members at the Center; to learn, grow and develop with one another. Therefore, I am offering myself as a resource to you all. If you are interested in having a conversation, have lunch, and/or just chill, you can usually find me at the LGBT Resource Center on Thursday and Friday. I hope to meet more folks soon and thank you for your time! :)

Gender Buffet: Talk 'n' Grub 

January 11 | 12:00 p.m - 1:30 p.m.

Women's Center   


This Gender Buffet will be a more passive "What would you like to talk about for the rest of the quarter/year" session. Don't be frightened by this!  As Gender Buffet is catered to talking about what's on y'all's minds (+ some predetermined programs) , I'd like to provide an opportunity dedicated to what you'd like to see or we could just sit around and talk about your vacation.

If you would like to learn more about or discuss a topic-- let me know by showing up if you can or leaving suggestions on the Facebook event page!


Food, orangey drink, and caffeine will be available as usual.


FB Event Page: Gender Buffet: Talk 'n' Grub: 


Questions/concerns about or programming or accessbility? Contact the Women' s Center @ 858-822-0074, e-mail us at, or visit   


Post-Apocalyptic QueEST Hike

January 26 | 10:00 a.m. 

Los Penasquitos   


We would like to welcome all of you to a new year with an organized hike in the beautiful Los Penasquitos, just several minutes drive from UCSD! Some sun and nature will also help your work or research - guaranteed!  


Please RSVP here so that we can see how many people are coming, as well as who needs/offering a ride. 

Nicholas Papadopoulos Endowed Lecture in Gay & Lesbian Studies  

Tea Time: Performance and the Making of Southern Black Gay History

January 28 | 6:00 p.m. Performance & 8:00 p.m. Reception

Atkinson Hall, Calit2 Auditorium


E. Patrick Johnson is a scholar, artist, and activist who has performed nationally and internationally and has published widely in the area of raced, gender, sexuality, and performance. For more information about the lecture please contact the Critical Gender Studies Program at  



CALL ME KUCHU Film Screening

CALL ME KUCHU is a compelling and intimate portrait of an ordinary man with extraordinary courage and conviction. The film also provides rare insight into a lesser examined sexual and gender rights movement, and sheds light on the shocking role of American evangelicals in fueling state-sanctioned homophobia in Uganda. It illustrates by example the ways in which grassroots human rights activists are working through international bodies such as the UN to change the situation in their countries.  

Full details about the San Diego screening can be found here:    

San Diego Foundation Scholarships      


The San Diego Foundation's 2013-2014 Common Scholarship Application is now available. The Foundation is the largest scholarship provider in San Diego County (outside of the university system). Our Common Scholarship Application uses one online form to access more than 100 scholarships. The online application has now launched; the last day to start an application is February 4, 2013 and the last day to submit an application is February 6, 2013. The San Diego Foundation's 2013-2014 Common Scholarship Application is now available. For more information visit 

Celebrate Diversity

Winter Quarter 2013 
UC San Diego   


In Winter Quarter 2013, the Triton International Leaders (TILs) would like to celebrate the diversity at UCSD and beyond our campus, by holding a TILs Talk Conference sometime between 6th and 8th week. We are currently looking for talented and creative students to audition for the chance to share with the community their appreciation and love for diversity! Students can share their thoughts in any art form, centering on the theme of "Celebrate Diversity". For auditions, please fill out the Google form and we will be in contact with you. Deadline to sign up for auditions is Friday January 11.  

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This publication is a regular compilation of news and information from the UCSD LGBT Resource Center to help keep you informed about news and events relevant to the UCSD LGBT community. For more information about the Rainbow Newsletter or to offer your comments or suggestions, please contact the LGBT Resource Center at (858) 822-3493 or Newsletters are archived at  


The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events.  Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility.  If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Robin Nussbaum or (858) 822-3493.


Copyright � 2011 UCSD LGBT Resource Center. All rights reserved.