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Volume 48 Issue 8
August 17, 2012

Change in Interview Date for the Assistant Director of Education Position at the LGBT Resource Center

New Date: Monday, August 20


Candidate Presentation: "Our Evolving Closets: A Lifetime Journey of Coming Out"

  Cross-Cultural Center Library | 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. *Note time change*


Meet the Candidate for a Community Lunch

 LGBT Resource Center Family Room | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.


There will be no candidate interview on Friday, August 17. The candidate will be interviewing on Monday, August 20.


Please join us! Our search for a new Assistant Director of Education at the LGBT Resource Center has begun, and we need YOUR input! Please join us for the candidates' formal presentations. Each candidate will give a formal presentation to the community - title will be announced August 10th in this newsletter. This person is an invaluable asset to our team and to our community. We would love your feedback on who YOU think will make a great fit for our center and for our team. Coffee and tea will be provided. Please RSVP to the center at with which day(s) you will join us.


Meet the candidates at the community lunch for the Assistant Director of Education position at the LGBT Resource Center! Please join us for an open-forum lunch with candidates as they interview for this position. Bring your questions for the candidates. We would love your feedback on who YOU think will make a great fit for our center and our team. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to the center at with which day(s) you will join us.

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Summer Hours


Monday - Friday:

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 pm.




Monday, September 3


LGBT RC Visitors
Summer Session: 
Week 8
Students: 28
Staff: 4
Total: 32


Conor McLaughlin
 This summer Conor McLaughlin will be serving full time with UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center in a Program Assistant position. As many know, Conor was a volunteer Program Coordinator for LGBT Interest Housing with the Resource Center all last year, and has deep and extensive knowledge of our values, work and style.

Conor will assist with summer educational outreach and programs, center coverage, designing and implementing fall intern training for the LGBT Resource Center, and coordinating all aspects of Q Camp and Q Fair. 

Conor will be with us through Welcome Week and/or until a new Assistant Director is in place. Conor can be reached at his e-mail, 
or through our main phone line, 
(858) 822-3493. Welcome Conor!


"They have our bundles 

split open in museums

our dresses & shirts

at auctions

our languages on tape

our stories in locked

rare book libraries

our dances on film;

The only part of us

they can't steal

is what we know."


-- Chrystos


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If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused.

Fall Q Camp 2012 

September 26 | 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

LGBT Resource Center

Q Camp 2012: an orientation to the UC San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community for incoming students! Q Camp will help acquaint students with LGBTQI-specific organizations, help students make connections with continuing and other incoming students, allow students to get connected with resources on and off campus (including the LGBT Resource Center), and give students an opportunity to ask questions about UCSD LGBTQI life. 
Please register for the Fall 2012 Q Camp using this form. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Staff & Faculty Highlight 

University of California Postdoc Union


The University of California Postdoc Union, UAW Local 5810, represents over 6,000 postdocs throughout the 10 UC campuses, and over 1,200 postdocs here in San Diego. Our Union bargains collectively for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. The Monthly Membership Meetings are a great opportunity for postdoc members to learn about our Union and meet other postdocs. In recent meetings, we have discussed our pay scales, professional development, health care, leaves, and our retirement plan. 

Graduate Student Highlight




The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center would like to invite any and all graduate students to Q Camp: an orientation to the UC San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community for incoming and current students. This year's Q Camp will be Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the LGBT Resource Center.



We offer a Graduate Student specific track within the Q Camp experience, so that other LGBT-identified graduate students and allies are able to meet one another, build community, and create connections across the university. This also offers grads opportunities to connect with faculty and staff in smaller groups, as well as become more familiar with the resources available on campus and in the LGBT Resource Center. 


I encourage you to RSVP for Q Camp by following the link below and submitting the RSVP form: RSVP form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LGBT Resource Center at See you soon! 

Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual Women Stress and Resilience Survey


Dear Participant:


I am conducting a study to explore challenges, coping strategies, and positive aspects of being an Asian American woman who experiences attraction to members of the same sex. Historically, researchers have neglected the lives of Asian American lesbian or bisexual persons, and very little research has been published thus far regarding the lives of lesbian and bisexual women of color; therefore this study aims to shed light on Asian American lesbian and bisexual women's experiences. I sincerely invite you to participate in this survey to help me learn more about the Asian American lesbian and bisexual women in our communities!


To be eligible for this study, you must be an Asian/Asian American woman who is at least 18 years old, has experienced same-sex attraction, and currently resides in the United States. This survey is anonymous, and takes about 45-60 minutes or more to complete since it may vary depending on your commitment and what kind of experiences you have. As an incentive to participate, all participants will be given the chance to enter a raffle awarding $100 Amazon gift certificates to three randomly selected participants.


If you wish to participate in the study, please click on the following hypertext link (or cut and paste it into your browser):  


This will direct you to the Informed Consent. Please read the Informed Consent carefully. At the conclusion of the Informed Consent is a link to the survey. Proceeding to the survey means you are agreeing to let the researcher analyze and use the information provided.

Sexual Minority Women Study


Hello! My name is Melanie Fann, and I am a third year graduate student in the College of Education at Lehigh University. I am conducting a study on the life experiences and well-being of sexual minority women. It is my hope that with this study, I can contribute to the understanding of the experiences of women who identify as lesbian, bisexual, queer, or other sexual minority orientations. Your participation is essential to achieving this goal, so I hope that you will take part in this study.


In order to participate, you must identify as a woman, a sexual minority person (e.g. lesbian, bisexual, queer, or other sexual minority orientation), currently live in North America, and be 18 years of age or older. If you would like to participate in this study, please click on the link below (or cut and paste it into your browser) and you will be directed to the online survey:


Thank you VERY much in advance for your time! Please feel free to pass on this link to other people who might be eligible. If you have any questions about this study, please contact me at or my research supervisor, Dr. Cirleen DeBlaere, at This research has been approved by the Lehigh University Institutional Review Board (#12/227). 

Study on Youth & Sexual Identity Labels


Hello! My name is Ashley Molin and I am a doctoral student at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I am currently working on my dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Braden Berkey. My dissertation research seeks to increase our understanding of how youth choose and use sexual identity labels and to what extent their choice of labels is influenced by other factors. Findings from this study will help mental health clinicians and other individuals who interact with youth work with them in a more informed manner and may assist in creating more inclusive services for sexual minority youth.


We are looking for young adults, ages 18-22, who have questioned their sexual identity at some point in their lives. We are seeking a diverse group of respondents of varying race/ethnicity, religious/spiritual orientation, and geographic location. Please considering participating if you are eligible, and please feel free to forward this announcement to friends and loved ones who may be eligible.


If you choose to participate, no identifying information or names will be collected. Your name cannot be connected in any way to the responses you provide; responses are completely anonymous. The researcher will store the data on a secure encrypted computer drive. Only the researcher (Ashley Molin), advisor (Dr. Berkey), and a trained research assistant will have access to the data.


There is a minimal risk of discomfort or anxiety due to the nature of the questions asked; however, you are free to end your participation at any time.


For the purpose of this study, the researcher asks that you or any respondent complete the survey only one time. The total time commitment is approximately 10-15 minutes, and the entire survey is completed online. After you complete the survey, you will have the opportunity to provide your email address if you would like to be entered into a drawing for one of two $25 Amazon gift cards. If you provide your email address, it is not linked in any way to your responses, which will remain anonymous.


If you would like to participate, pleas click the following link:


If you have any further questions about the study, you may contact the researcher, Ashley Molin, by email at or you may contact the researcher's advisor, Dr. Braden Berkey, at, or 312.467.2351.

Same-sex Relationship Development Study


The University of Cincinnati is conducting an online survey to learn about how same-sex relationships develop and how same-sex partners symbolize their commitment to one another. We also will examine how different relationship formation processes are related to relationship stability and emotional well-being. The important information we gather from this survey will be used to inform policy and relationship education programs designed to help same-sex attracted individuals initiate and maintain healthy relationships. 


If you are at least 18 years of age, are in a same-sex relationship that has lasted for at least 6 months, and are currently living with your romantic partner, then we would like to invite you to participate in our research study!


For more information or to participate, click here. Or type the following url into the address bar in your browser:


For more information about The Today's Couples and Families Research Program, please visit our website:

Research Study: Gay Asian American Male 


Are you a gay Asian American adult male?  Participate in this study in order to help build understanding regarding gay Asian American males' thoughts and feelings in relation to gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.  Participants will  be prompted with a variety of questions regarding their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.  Thank you! To access the survey, please visit 

Spring 2013 LGBTQ Congressional Internship Application Open


The Victory Congressional Internship is accepting applications for Spring 2013.

The Victory Institute will bring outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including a Congressional internship with an LGBT-friendly member of Congress.
The program includes a general stipend, housing in D.C., placement in a congressional internship and travel to/from Washington, D.C., as well as travel and registration to the International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference in 2013.
Applications for Spring 2013 are due Monday, October 1 - find out more and apply now at
The Victory Congressional Internship is open to current undergraduate students of all genders, orientations, abilities, races, and political affiliations, including people with majors other than political science.

MTV is casting for another "It Gets Better" special


We are looking for people who appear to be 15-25 and want to share their stories and experiences about growing up LGBTQ. 
The more information you share, the better we get to know you! You should be open to sharing your stories and struggles on camera. If you are interested, please email us your story and the following information at
Please include:
- Name
- Location 
- Phone Number
- Age
- Photo
Your story: 
- When did you become aware of your sexual orientation/gender identity?
- How "out" are you to your parents, family, friends, classmates, co-workers, etc.?
- What sort of relationship do you currently have with your family?
- What, do you think, are the unique challenges that you face as an LGBT person?
- What needs to get better for you? What has gotten better for you?
- What are the biggest challenges you currently face and how are you approaching these challenges?
- When you're not in school or at work, what do you do for fun? What are your future goals?
Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing your story.
If you did not see MTV's first "It Gets Better" special and would like to check it out, here it is:
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This publication is a regular compilation of news and information from the UCSD LGBT Resource Center to help keep you informed about news and events relevant to the UCSD LGBT community. For more information about the Rainbow Newsletter or to offer your comments or suggestions, please contact the LGBT Resource Center at (858) 822-3493 or Newsletters are archived at  


The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events.  Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility.  If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Shaun Travers or (858) 822-3493.


Copyright � 2011 UCSD LGBT Resource Center. All rights reserved.