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Volume 48 Issue 4
July 20, 2012

Pride and Pizza Work Party  

July 20 | 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

LGBT Resource Center


Please come out to the Pride and Pizza Work Party. There you can pick up your free parade t-shirt, eat free pizza and snacks, and help to make the signs that we will be marching with for the parade. Also, we will be personalizing our parade t-shirts. The front of the t-shirts will ask: what are you proud of? The back of the t-shirts will respond: community, solidarity, and resistance. The best part is that there are 2 spaces for you to fill in your own response. So start thinking now about what bold statements you want to make in regards to pride.

The Pride and Pizza Work Party is where we really pull things together for the parade. We can't do it without you so please come out, show your support and bring a friend! For more information, please email Michelle Strange at
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Summer Hours


Monday - Friday:

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 




  Monday, July 23 Monday, August 13 Wednesday, August 15 Monday, September 3

LGBT RC Visitors
Summer Session: Week 4


Students: 30
Staff: 4
Guests: 5  
Total: 39
Conor McLaughlin


This summer Conor McLaughlin will be serving full time with UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center in a Program Assistant position. As many know, Conor was a volunteer Program Coordinator for LGBT Interest Housing with the Resource Center all last year, and has deep and extensive knowledge of our values, work and style.

Conor will assist with summer educational outreach and programs, Center coverage, designing and implementing fall intern training for the LGBT Resource Center, and coordinating all aspects of Q Camp and Q Fair.

Conor will be with us through Welcome Week and/or until a new Assistant Director is in place. Conor can be reached at his e-mail, or through our main phone line, (858) 822-3493. Welcome Conor!


"nobody's going to save you

no one's going to 

cut you down,

cut the thorns 

thick around you.

no one's going to storm

the castle walls nor

kiss awake your birth,

climb down your hair,

nor mount you

onto the white steed


there is no one

who will feed the yearning.

face it.

you will have to do,

do it yourself."


-- excerpt from "Letting go",

Gloria Anzald�a


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If you would like to submit an item to the newsletter, please send it by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to and type "For Newsletter" in the subject line. News items should be UCSD & LGBT focused.

March with the LGBT Resource Center in the SD Pride Parade 

July 21 | 10:00 a.m.

Hillcrest, Number 78 in Zone A near Normal St. and Harvey Milk St.


March with UCSD in the LGBT Pride Parade. We will be meeting around Normal St. and Harvey Milk St. and will be marching to Balboa Park. More information about the exact location will be given at the Pride and Pizza Work Party. We will be marching with the UCSD Mother-Child-Adolescent Program and the award winning Pep Band whose lively and dynamic music give our contingent such good energy. The parade is 1 � mile long, and will be done no later than 2pm. Please use sunscreen, drink lots of water and wear comfortable shoes! The event is really fun and a great way to build community. Marching in the parade is free but does not guarantee admission into the festival. Check out pricing information here. We look forward to seeing you. For more information, please email Michelle Strange at

Alumni Gathering for Pride

July 22 | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 

Bamboo Lounge in Hillcrest

Are you going to be in San Diego during Pride and want to hang out with other UCSD people? Join us for an alumni gathering to build community at Pride. This is an open event so come reunite with your classmates, and invite your friends and favorite staff & faculty members. Bamboo Lounge is located at 1475 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 on the corner of University and Normal St. Bamboo Lounge will have their regular food and beverage specials that range between $3- $12 and can be viewed hereThere is no cost for entry, but donations to the LGBT Resource Center are gladly accepted either online at Support the UCSD LGBT RC or at the venue. We look forward to seeing you! If you are interested in attending, please RSVP with Michelle Strange at 

Transportation to the Parade via UCSD Van 


If you would like to march in the parade with us but you don't have a ride, you can sign up to ride in our UCSD van that will pick people up from UCSD and drop them off at the parade. The van will also take you back to UCSD after the parade. To sign up for transportation via the UCSD van, please email Michelle Strange at You can also sign up at the Pride and Pizza Work Party if the slots are not filled up by then. We only have space for 7 passengers on a first-come first-serve basis, so please sign up quickly.


Waivers for Parade and Festival 


Everyone who is marching with us in the Pride Parade must have a signed waiver. There will be waivers available Friday at the Pride and Pizza Work Party and on Saturday morning at the Parade. Please make sure you sign and return your waiver.

Parking and Other Transportation for the Parade and Festival 


Parking is absolutely ridiculous, and we recommend using the shuttle from the Old Navy Hospital. The easiest way to get there from UCSD is to take the 163 South to Washington Street East. At the top of the off-ramp, turn right. At Washington, turn right, then continue down toward Brian's American Eatery. Normal Street is the second light after Brian's. Don't plan on parking there. You are advised to park in the Old Navy Hospital Parking Lot on Park Boulevard at President's Way (east of Balboa Park). Shuttles will be running and will drop you off at the line-up area. These shuttles will be running from near the end of the parade route, as well, to take you back to your car.
During the festival, there will be shuttles running throughout the day on both Saturday and Sunday for the convenience of festival attendees. Shuttles will run between the America's Pride Festival in Balboa Park and a variety of locations in Hillcrest including: Baja Betty's, Bourbon Street Bar & Grill, Cheers, Eden Nightclub & Restaurant, Gossip Grill, Hillcrest Brewing Co., Numbers Night Club, Martini's Above Fourth, The Range Kitchen & Cocktails, Rich's, and Urban Mo's Bar & Grill. The shuttle will begin running Saturday, July 21st from Urban Mo's Bar & Grill at 1:00pm and from all other locations beginning at 4:00pm. The shuttle will stop running at 11:00pm on Saturday night. On Sunday, July 22nd the shuttle will be running between all locations from 11:00am - 9:00pm. The price for a single ride is $3 and a one-day pass is $5. For more information about parking and shuttles, please visit

Spirit of Stonewall Rally

July 20 | 6:00 p.m. 


San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride proudly continues the tradition of holding the Spirit of Stonewall Rally on Friday, July 20 at 6:00 pm. This year the rally returns to the heart of Hillcrest being between Harvey Milk and University Avenue. The theme of the event which kicks off the weekend of celebration is: "America's Pride" because equality is an American value!

Pride celebrations everywhere trace their heritage to the eventful evening of June 28, 1969 when patrons of the Stonewall Inn in New York City said "No more!" to the harassing tactics of the New York Police. That protest has grown to annual events held in major cities throughout the world. In San Diego, the first rally was held in 1975. Today, across the world, there are still challenges to LGBT community. The Stonewall Rally is a call to re-energize the Spirit of Stonewall and focus energy on the new wave and next generation of the LGBT movement and LGBT activism.

San Diego Pride has invited Dr. Clarence B. Jones as the keynote speaker for this year's Rally. Dr. Jones served as personal legal counsel to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and helped draft the acclaimed "I Have A Dream" speech. Dr. Jones is Scholar in Residence, Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University. He is also one of the most prominent and vocal African-American supporters of LGBT civil rights and same sex marriage. Dr. Jones, who was recently invited by President Obama to introduce him at a CA event, is sure to wow with his remarks.

The Spirit of Stonewall Rally is also a time to recognize and honor some of the people who are working hard to preserve gains and to meet the challenges of equal marriage rights, the freedom to serve the country without fear of reprisal, and safe schools for young people.

Join San Diego LGBT Pride at the Spirit of Stonewall Rally for music, award presentations and to hear keynote speaker Dr. Clarence B. Jones. Additionally, be sure not to miss the grand finale of the Rally which will be the first ever raising of the Pride Flag on the new 65' tall Hillcrest Pride Flagpole spearheaded by the Hillcrest Business Association.


QuEST at SD Pride Festival


We're happy to announce that QuEST will have a booth again at this year's San Diego Pride festival! The pride festival will take place on July 21-22nd, and we are currently looking for volunteers for our booth. To sign up, please fill out your information in the slot you're interested in at this Google spreadsheet link: 


Listed below are the folks who have already signed up to volunteer and the slots we have left to fill. Similar to last year, we will have two volunteers per shift and volunteers will be given a free one-day pass for their help. For this year, we're interested in two things: 1) recruiting new members, especially those interested in organizing and 2) having fun. We're also planning to have another happy hour after Pride to bring our old and new members together again. More announcements to follow. Shoot us an email if you're interested in organizing or have any ideas for future events, or visit



Saturday:                                                          Sunday: 

12:00 - 4:00pm: Alejandro, Devin                11:00 - 2:30pm: *EMPTY*, *EMPTY*

4:00 - 8:00pm: Eshed, *EMPTY*                    2:30 - 6:00pm: *EMPTY*, *EMPTY*

8:00 - 10:00pm: Patty, *EMPTY*                   6:00 - 8:00pm: Patty, Todd


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This publication is a regular compilation of news and information from the UCSD LGBT Resource Center to help keep you informed about news and events relevant to the UCSD LGBT community. For more information about the Rainbow Newsletter or to offer your comments or suggestions, please contact the LGBT Resource Center at (858) 822-3493 or Newsletters are archived at  


The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center is committed to being accessible to all who frequent our space, participate in our programs, and attend our events.  Our physical location is accessible to anyone who utilizes assisted mobility.  If you require specific accommodations to fully access any of our programs or events, please contact Shaun Travers or (858) 822-3493.


Copyright � 2011 UCSD LGBT Resource Center. All rights reserved.