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'With Love -From Your smile to Your heart'  

We at 229 Charles Street are kicking off this campaign on Valentine's Day to raise awareness of the link between your oral health and your heart health.

Research shows that gum disease and heart disease, including the incidence of strokes, share many of the same risk factors. It is not only important to treat gum disease for the sake of keeping your teeth healthy but now you have the added bonus of possibly doing your heart a big favor by visiting your dentist regularly.

This Valentine's Day think of the one's whom you love. Give them the gift of optimal health by taking care of yourself in a proactive way by eating healthy, exercising regularly, reducing your stress and visiting your health care providers for preventive care. You are essentially giving your family your best self. There is no greater gift. Red roses, a candlelit dinner, a sentimental card, a box of chocolates... these are all wonderful ways to say 'I love you' but none of them compare to committing yourself to your loved one's by promising to take care of your own health and well-being so you may be fully engaged and present in their lives.


Please stay tuned for news of some very exciting integrative health programs being developed at our practice. We are at the forefront of leading efforts to collaborate with community physicians and their staff to share information on how treating periodontal disease helps reduce the inflammatory burden of patients.


We look forward to seeing you at your next visit with us. 


Smiling is good for the heart, laughing is good for the soul and loving will keep you living, laughing and smiling.     

 Until next time,

Be well, Live Well, Do Well!


Warm Regards,

Dr. Merriman

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