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From the Principal's Office
From the Home & School Association
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Child Protection Audit
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NSA's Skittles Presentation to Second Grade
St. Joseph's CYO T-Ball Team's Final Game
Terrific Band Concert!
St. Joseph's U14 Soccer Champions!
World's Finest Chocolate + Volunteer Hours!
Extended Care Registration
Tennis Balls Needed
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 The Shining Star Newsletter

St. Joseph's Regional Catholic School  
11011 Montgomery Road
Beltsville, MD 20705
Volume XVI, Issue #34    
June 6, 2016
Saint Norbert

School Starts
August 29, 2016--Monday

Please be sure to "Join Our Mailing List!" (on the lower left) to receive our weekly newsletter emails.
From the Principal's Office 
Dear St. Joseph's RCS Families,
The school year is quickly coming to an end. If you missed them, Field day was a blast and the Band concert was excellent! Did you know our advanced band received the highest rating, Superior, at the Archdiocese Band Competition this year? Also, our St. Joseph's CYO awards dinner was wonderful. Thank you so much to our Athletic Director Roger Marcell, Sports Commissioner Marie Gay, Treasurer Rosa Bustamante, Board Members, Yvonne Fomengia, Maryjane Osazuwa, Jerri Thaniel and James Thornburg. Thank you to our CYO coaches, Roger Marcell, Dan Kim,Chris Martinez, Laura Hutchcroft, Corey Hutchcroft, Jonathan Szczepanski, Austin Conaty, Thomas Landicho, Jimmy Gott, Jonas Bourciquot, and student coach Jamal Gay.

Congratulations to all of our award recipients! The Youth Service Award is given to individuals in the CYO program who have given of themselves and have shown their dedication and support to our CYO program by volunteering time in assisting at various functions and helping out without being asked. This year's Youth Service Awards go to Tori G and Aspen W. Congratulations girls! The Josephite Award is given to two eighth graders who best represent the CYO philosophy on and off the field. The recipients exhibit qualities of leadership, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm. The recipients are responsible, fair, and honest, and apply themselves to academics. Congratulations to our two Josephite Award Winners for this year: Kristina B and Njikem F. We would also like to congratulate our All Star Award recipient, Laura Hutchcroft, for her willingness to devote her time to coach over the years, especially this year when she coached 4 separate basketball teams this winter. Finally, congratulations to Maria Gay,  who received the Bud Uecker Award, for her unselfish service to the CYO program year after year!

We are now in the final full week of the 2015-2016 school year! It has been an incredible year of growth, but we still have a busy week ahead! On Tuesday our 8th grade will take their end of year trip to Hershey Park. Wednesday is the 8th grade clap out and CYO Uniform return. Thursday will be the 7th and 8th grade picnic. Finally, on Friday we will have a Noon Dismissal, and 8th grade Graduation!

Next week, Monday we will have End of the Year Parties, and Tuesday, June 14th, will be a Noon Dismissal, and our last day of school.

St. Joseph's RCS will have our 2nd annual Vacation Bible School this summer July 11th-15th. We had a wonderful time last year sharing a faith filled journey with our camp attendees. We look forward to doing the same this summer! Click  HERE for more information and registration.

Are you looking for something exciting to do outside this summer? St. Joseph's RCS has set a date for our 2nd annual Golf Tournament. We will have the tournament on August 19th. Mark your calendars, and get ready to play at Cross Creek this summer! For more information visit the  GOLF TOURNAMENT PAGE on our website or REGISTER HERE.

We have a lot of new families interested in enrolling for next year! We had two more families come and tour today! New families entering K-8th, you may apply online by clicking on the TADS link. To register for our PRE-K program please download the PRE-K registration form from our website and bring or mail to the school office. Keep spreading the word about St. Joseph's RCS!

Mr. Hooker is racing Ironman Maryland in October to raise money for an Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund. To prepare for this 140.6 mile race, Mr. Hooker has already trained over 730 miles this year. You can help Mr. Hooker, and the families at St. Joseph's RCS, by donating towards this cause. Click  DONATE to help! Please add the special instructions "RUN". Thank you to all that have donated! 

A reminder for next school year: arrival will begin at 8:10 am and end at 8:25 am. Dismissal will begin at 3:20 pm and end at 3:35 pm. Additionally, 4 year olds will be able to attend before care for the 2016-2017 school year. Also, in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, next year's Monday communication folders will be digital. Please make sure your email we have on file is up to date. Please call or email with questions or concerns.
Here are some important events to mark your calendar for.
  • June 9th- 7th and 8th grade Picnic
  • June 10th- Graduation
  • June 14th- Last day of school
  • July 11th-15th- Vacation Bible School
  • August 19th- 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Mr. Hooker's Math and Fitness Challenge: Mr. Hooker biked 70.3 miles in 3:25:49. If he burned 3,025 in all, how many calories did he burn per hour?
Child Protection Policy- visit to sign up.
School's Website-
Facebook- stjosephbeltsville
Twitter- @StJosephsRCS
Instagram- @stjosephsrcs

"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4 

Zach Hooker, Principal
From the Home and School Association
All coke caps must be turned in to the school office by the end of the school year, June 14th, in order for them to be credited towards our school rewards.
All volunteer service hours MUST be recorded on line by FRIDAY, MAY 27th - this can be done by using the link below to visit the HSA google site:

Summer Grams are here!
Make your child, his or her friends, their teachers and other staff members smile by sending them a short message with a treat attached! Each Summer Gram costs 50 cents and all orders are due by Friday, June 3.  Summer grams will be distributed in the classrooms on Friday, June 10th. Click here for the Summer Gram Form.  For PDF 
Thank you to all who came out on Saturday, May 14th and made our 5K and One Mile Fun Run complete! Congratulations to all who participated and to the following students who won awards:
1st Place Boy 5K - Jayson F.
1st Place Girl 5K - Madelyn G.
1st Place Staff - Mr. Hooker
If your child(ren) had any sponsorship for them personally participating in the 5K or One Mile events, please turn all money in to the school office (marked 5K - Ellie) no later than Friday, May 27th at noon.

St. Joseph's RCS Home and School Association
End of the 2015-2016 School Year Report
Hello Parents! As the end of the school year approaches, I would like to thank all of you who have fulfilled your volunteer service hour requirement for the 2015-2016 School Year. Your involvement in St. Joseph's Regional Catholic School strengthens the bonds between parents, children, school families, school staff and our parish community.
- Marianne Schwenz, HSA President
2015-2016 Home and School Association Executive Board  flowers_thankyou2.jpg
      • Vice President - Alice Szczepanski
      • Treasurer - Cheryl Thomas
      • Recording Secretary - Michelle Rathbun
      • Volunteer Coordinator - Judith Rose-Wilson
      • Fundraising Committee Chair - Jerri Thaniel
      • Hospitality Chair - Katie Vaughn
      • Marketing Chair - Natalie Ramos 
      • Additional Member - Jennifer McCullough
      • Additional Member - Tawanda Sabbat
      • Additional Member - Dana Needle
Administrative Staff
    • Canonical Administrator - Msgr. Karl Chimiak
    • St. Joseph's RCS Principal - Mr. Hooker
    • Assistant Principal - Mrs. Miller
    • Teacher Representatives - Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Baade
A BIG thank you also goes out to the following parents for going above and beyond in their support of the Home and School Association's mission throughout the school year: (Please know that if your name was overlooked, your efforts were not!)
  • Hot Lunch - Brigitte Ojo and Cornelia French
  • Crab Feast - The CYO and HSA Executive Boards
  • Golf Tournament - Dan Kim and Robert Reeser
  • Donuts with Dad - Sharon Kess
  • Muffins with Mom - Mileidy Giraldo and Donita Evans
  • Claire's Gourmet - Jennifer McCullough
  • Book Fair - Darlene Finke
  • Family Night Out - Dave Rathbun
  • Website - Sophia West
  • Multicultural Night - The HSA Executive Board
  • Grandparents Day - Katie Vaughnheart-drawing-girl.jpg
  • Bundles of Love - Sophia West
  • World's Finest Chocolate - Cornelia French
  • Box Tops for Education - Lisa Landicho
  • My Coke Rewards - Leanne Murray
  • Pumpkin Grams - Stephanie Goglia & Dana Needle
  • Weeping Cherry Tree Planted in Honor of Mrs. Serra - Sophia West
  • Snack donations for clubs - Sophia West
  • DJ - Darren Solozano
  • Basket Bingo - Melissa Gott
 Projects the HSA fully or partially
funded this year:
  • Parish Hall Soffits
  • Supplement Transportation for class field trips
  • Donuts with Dad
  • Muffins with Mom
  • Open Houses
  • Flooring for Classrooms
  • Grandparents Day
  • Supplies for Classrooms
A special thank you also goes out to this year's Room Parents who coordinated our children's class parties and Staff Appreciation events throughout the year.
    • PreK - Lindsey Gigliotti
    • K - Sarah Marcell, Jennifer Grammicioni
    • 1 - Jennifer McCullough
    • 2 - Melissa Jiwani
    • 3 - Jonathan Szczepanski
    • 4 - Sophia West
    • 5 - Sandra Edwards, Marie Bourciquot
    • 6 - Leslie Camarano
    • 7 - Cathy Bunge, Katie Vaughn
    • 8 - Cornelia French

St. Joseph's RCS Home and School Association
Looking Ahead to the 2016-2017 School Year
Home and School Association Board for the 2016-2017 School Year
President:                                           Marianne Schwenz
Vice President:                                  Dana Needle
Treasurer:                                          Cheryl Thomas
Recording Secretary:                       Jennifer McCullough
Volunteer Coordinator:                     Judith Rose-Wilson
Fundraising Committee Chair:        Jerri Thaniel
The HSA needs YOUR help!
We are in need of several people to help out with some of our larger volunteer opportunities for next school year.
Please contact Marianne Schwenz as soon as possible if you are interested in or would like more information about any of the following positions:
Hot Lunch Chairperson (or two) - 30 Hours Each
At least one chairperson and several volunteers are needed on "Hot Lunch" day (Wednesdays) to help solicit vendors, shop for food, set up, serve, and clean up. Position earns 30 hours.
Multicultural Night/Silent Auction Chairs -
15 Hours Each 
Two chairs are needed to advertise the event and coordinate the annual Potluck Dinner. Two additional chairs and several volunteers are needed to coordinate the Silent Auction to be held during the Multicultural Night event. 
Kidstuff Coupon Book Fundraiser Coordinator - 5 Hours
One or two volunteers are needed to distribute Kidstuff Coupon Books to the students when they are delivered to the school and pack and ship unsold books back to the company. Fundraiser runs from September 12- 23, 2016.
Lil' Shoppers/Secret Santa Chair -15 Hours
This event allows students to "shop" for inexpensive gifts for family and friends. A chairperson is needed to help purchase the gifts from the company, arrange and wrap gifts, and help the younger students with their choices. Lil Shoppers Shoppe will be held December 5, 2016 - December 9, 2016.
If you have any questions or would like more information about any aspect of the Home and School Association,
please contact the HSA President, Marianne Schwenz, at
  All parents of children in our school are members of the HSA. 
President                 Marianne Schwenz         
301.572.2229       [email protected] 
Vice President         Alice Szczepanski  301.437.3471      [email protected]  
Treasurer                  Cheryl Thomas 
Recording Secretary    Michelle Rathbun 
301.890.5076      [email protected]

Hospitality Chair        Katie Vaughn   
301.906.9435      [email protected]

Fundraising Chair      Jerri Thaniel   
240.568.9295      [email protected] 

Volunteer Coordinators    Judith Rose-Wilson
301.430.0648      [email protected]

Marketing Coordinator     Natalie Ramos
 [email protected]  

Additional Members
Jennifer McCullough
 [email protected]  
Dana Needle
 [email protected] 
Marianne Schwenz
President, Home and School Association
St. Joseph's Regional Catholic School
[email protected]
home 301.572.2229
cell 240.508.9957
fax  301.572.0073 
Alumni Section!
There is a Facebook Page especially for the Alumni! Please look under "St. Joseph's Beltsville Catholic School AlumniClick here to go see!
Child Protection
Child Protection Electronic Background screening will now be available for St. Joseph's Parish & St. Joseph's Regional Catholic School in the school office from 8:30 am - 10:00 am Wednesdays & Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Stock in the school office at 301-937-7154 or by e-mail at 
to schedule an appointment. You will need to bring your volunteer application, 2 forms of ID and payment of $13.50, checks made out to St. Joseph's or cash. 
School Facebook Page
If you haven't already "liked" us on Facebook, please take a moment to click this link and "like" our new Saint Joseph's Regional Catholic School Page.
or find us by typing SAINT Joseph's Regional Catholic School. 
Thank you!
NSA's Skittles Presentation to Second Grade
Second graders enjoyed a Skittles Presentation by NSA that included predictions, estimation, graphing and comparing numbers. At the conclusion of the activity, students were able to enjoy their Skittles. What a yummy Math activity!

St. Joseph's CYO T-Ball Team's Final Game
It was the end of the season for the CYO t-ball team. All the kids really advanced in their playing ability of baseball this season. But most important all, the players had a great time! A very special thank you to Coach Roger who makes playing baseball so much fun and we appreciate all his hard work. And a very special thank you to all the parents who make CYO possible. And thank you to all the teachers who came out to support our students for the last game of the season! St. Joseph teachers are the best! We will see you next season on the ball field! Play ball!!
Terrific Band Concert!
This was the final concert for the year and of our eighth graders playing together. All of our eighth-graders received a certificate and pin. Special mention of Michelle S. and Daniel F., they played in the Archdiocesan Honors Band. Daniel F. was awarded a band scholarship to DeMatha.
St. Joseph's U14 Soccer Champions!
St. Joseph's was well represented on this years U14 boys soccer champions for SAC (Soccer Association of Columbia). The team, Lightly Frosted, went 7-2 on the year to bring home the championship. Steven, Daniel, John, and Dominic were leaders on the team. Not only did they play well but displayed the qualities of sportsmanship and fair play that make St. Joseph' s students extraordinary.   

World's Finest Chocolate + Volunteer Hours!
We have several boxes of World's Finest Chocolate crispy bars available for sale. You can earn 3 volunteer hours by purchasing a box of 60 bars for $60.00 which you can then sell to friends, coworkers and family. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Stock in the school office. Candy can be purchased by check or cash.
Thank you
Extended Care Registration
Extended care registration is open and the registration documents are attached. Please complete and return the documents to Ms. Sanders when completed.  We have included both regular and drop in registration for your convenience. These documents will also be available on the school website.

Family Night Out @ Sullivan's Steak & Beverage 
Come out and have some delicious food and drink, and at the same time help St. Joseph's RCS! Please use the flyer by clicking below.

Tennis Balls Needed
We would like to try to keep our tile floors looking great by placing tennis balls on the bottoms of all the chair legs. Please bring your used, old tennis balls to the office so that the floors can stay scruff free. Every ball helps!
Sign in to AmazonSmile to Support Our School for Your Amazon Purchases!
Here is the link to our St. Joseph's connection with Amazon if you wish to donate through your purchases:
Remember, always start at
and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. 
Please see for program details. 
Volunteer Opportunities
  • Health Room--RN or higher
All In-School Projects Require ADW Child Protection Program completion. Please call the office  301-937-7154
Calendar Events
June 7    8th Grade Class Trip Hershey Park
               Middle School Finals
June 8    8th Grade Clap Out
               Papa John's Pizza               
               Middle School Finals
               Faculty Meeting
June 9     7th & 8th Grade Picnic
June 10   8th Grade Graduation
              Graduation Mass
              Kindergarten Commencement   10 AM
              Middle School Finals
              End of 4th Quarter
              Noon Dismissal
              Teacher Inservice
June 13 Class Parties 1:30 PM
              Grades Due
              Kindergarten Testing
June 14 Last Day of School  
             Home & School Board Meeting
             Honors & Awards Assembly 8:15 AM
             Kindergarten Testing
             Noon Dismissal
             NO ECP
             Teacher Workday
June 15  Faculty Meeting
             Kindergarten Testing
             Teacher Workday
June 16  Kindergarten Testing
             Teacher Workday
June 17  Kindergarten Testing
             Teacher Workday
June 19  Father's Day
June 24  Birthday of Saint John the Baptist
June 29  Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
July 11-15 Vacation Bible School
Aug 19   2nd Annual Golf Tournament at Cross Creek

Aug 29   School Begins    
Contact Us!
Phone: 301-937-7154
Fax: 301-937-1467
Email: [email protected]
Archdiocese Band Website:
St. Joseph's Regional Catholic School
11011 Montgomery Road
Beltsville, MD 20705