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Living History
On November 9, 2015, the San Jose Sports Hall of Fame will welcome Olympic Medalist John Carlos as one of their newest inductees.
At the 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympic Games, Carlos won a bronze medal in the 200 meter dash. Carlos and fellow SJSU teammate Tommie Smith stood on the Olympic Podium and each bowed his head and raised a fist in a show of solidarity for the Civil Rights Movement.  This image remains one of the most iconic photos in sports history. This book is available for sale at O'Brien's Ice Cream Parlor.
New Faces at History Park!

Welcome to Leslie Evens, our new Administrative Assistant!

 Leslie has worked and interned at several museums, including the Springville Museum of Art in Utah and the Reiman-Simmons House and Museum in Washington state. She is a current Master's degree student in the Museum Studies program at John F. Kennedy University.
Tickets are on Sale for the 
Heritage Holiday Champagne Tea

More than 50% of the tickets are sold out! 
Get yours today!

Don't miss out on the chance
to join us Saturday
December 12 for an afternoon of scrumptious food and tasty tea, featuring exclusive blends by Satori Tea & champagne by Guglielmo Winery.
Seatings available for 
11:00am & 2:00pm.
To purchase tickets,
contact Juanita Lara at 408.918.1045

Dear Friends,
A new coat of paint for the inside of the Empire Firehouse. 

We have been hard at work creating a new exhibit space in the Empire Firehouse at History Park. 

Thanks to a generous grant from the Farrington Historical Foundation, Inc., and the wonderful donors who raised their paddles at our annual Valley of Heart's Delight dinner we began Phase I of exhibit development. 

This support has allowed us to hire S2 Associates Inc., a professional exhibit design firm, to build an outstanding interactive exhibit to serve not only children who attend our programs at History Park, but the community at large.

HSJ Staff and members of the San Jose Fire Museum show our collective ideas during the Stakeholders Workshop.
Exhibit concept designs will be revealed at our Children's Holiday Festival on December 5. Please join us for this family-friendly event and vote on your favorite exhibit design!

Thank you! Your generous gifts make this progress possible!

Until next time, 
Alida J. Bray
President & CEO
YOUR Feedback = Our Collective Success!

Thank you to the 269 Members and friends who took our recent online survey! We are excited learn from YOU about what you enjoy most at History Park, and how we can make your experience better. Thank you for your ideas, feedback, and support!
Collections Corner
New Acquisitions:
Lucy Walker Townsend
Recently, HSJ received a donation from the Kanemoto family of Lucy Walker Townsend's papers and artwork, documenting the old Townsend home at 1585 Schallenberger Road in San Jose. CLICK HERE to read more about this one-of-a-kind acquisition.

Astley D. M. Cooper, Sailboat on Rough Sea, 1885 (Collection of History San Jose)

On Loan: 
A.D.M. Cooper Goes to Stanford University
History San Jos� has loaned several paintings from the collection to the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for 
Visual Arts at Stanford University for the exhibit Astley D. M. Cooper and Mrs. Stanford's Jewels, on display through November 16th. CLICK HERE for more information.

Silicon Valley Bikes: Passion, Innovation & Politics Lives On at MLK Library
Did you miss out on seeing our last exhibit at the Arbuckle Gallery? If so, part of that exhibit is now on display at Martin Luther King, Jr. Library until January 20, 2016. CLICK HERE for the details.
Garden City Wheelmen, photographed in San Jos� at the October 1919 relay against the Sanson Wheelmen of Stockton (History San Jos� Collection).

Upcoming Events
Jewish Time Travel: An 1800s Saturday Night
Saturday, November 14
7:00pm - 9:30pm
History Park
Adults $15, Youth $7; ages 3 & under Free.

In partnership with Congregation Beth David, go back in time to experience Jewish heritage with a variety of fun and educational activities for adults and kids! For tickets click here!

Hands-on History Days: 
Happy Birthday San Jos!
Saturday, November 21
11:00am - 3:00pm
Peralta Adobe-Fallon House Historic Site
Fallon House Tours: HSJ Members Free; all others $5
Hands-on Activity Wristband: HSJ Members Free; all others

Celebrate San Jos�'s 238th Birthday at the
Peralta Adobe-Fallon House Historic Site! San Jos, or El Pueblo de San Jos de Guadalupe, the first Pueblo of California, was founded November 29, 1777. Come have a slice of birthday cake and celebrate! Meet members of Founding Families, participate in hands-on activities, and visit the historic Peralta Adobe and Fallon House. Co-sponsored by History San Jos and the San Pedro Square Market.

Hands-on History Days: 
Children's Holiday Festival 
Saturday, December 5
11:00am - 3:00pm
History Park
HSJ Members & ages 2 & under free; 
$5 general admission.

Join us for the annual Children's Holiday Festival! Celebrate the Holidays strolling through History Park, listening to the sounds of carolers from the Lyric Theatreride the  trolley, listen in on story time, take a ride on a horse drawn carriage, and visit Santa, who will be on-hand for photo opportunities!
Decadent Desserts - 
Member Appreciation Reception 
Saturday, December 5
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Pacific Hotel, History Park
For HSJ Members ONLY

Please join us for this exclusive champagne reception filled with sumptuous sweets and decadent desserts. Get in a festive mood when you see History Park decorated for the holidays!

Heritage Holiday Champagne Tea 
Saturday, December 12
Seatings at 11:00am & 2:00pm
Pacific Hotel, History Park
$45 per person for non-members/$40 for HSJ Members until November 20th. After November 20th, $50 per person/$45 for HSJ Members

Enjoy a traditional tea with scones, finger sandwiches and sweets, featuring exclusive blends by Satori Tea, champagne by Guglielmo Winery, and served by the players of Shady Shakespeare Theatre Company. Later, tour the historic houses decorated for the holidays! 

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