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with City Lights 
Theater Company

On December 4, History San Jos� will be the featured nonprofit partner with City Lights Theater Company for their production of Truce: A Christmas Wish from the Great War.

At the December 4 
performance, City Lights 
will donate 25% of the proceeds from 
regular-priced single 
tickets to History San 
Jos. You can also 
support History San Jos� 
by using the promo code "History" when you buy tickets for Truce. 

CLICK HERE for more information about this partnership or to purchase your tickets for Truce!
Your Purchase Through AmazonSmile Will Help History San Jos�!

As you prepare to purchase your holiday gifts, please consider ordering your items through Amazon
Through this program, AmazonSmile donates to History San Jos� .5% of the proceeds from your holiday purchases.

To participate, CLICK HERE and shop through AmazonSmile. You can then select History San Jos� as your preferred charity.

Every bit helps!
World Premiere
Tickets are now on sale for the January 22, 2015 
world premiere of 
This film is a partnership between CreaTV San Jose, Norman Kline Productions, and History San Jos.

For more information about the film or to purchase tickets to the premiere, please 

Dear Friends,


It is that time of year to pause, reflect and celebrate all that we are grateful for.  


History San Jos is grateful for our generous donors, sponsors, and Members who make it possible for us to serve more than 20,000 school children; care for 34 historic and replica buildings; preserve more than 500,000 historically significant artifacts; and offer free and low cost programs and events to our community.


Above all, we are most grateful for the generous guidance, support, and boundless energy of the many Affiliates, volunteers and friends who help make History San Jos� such a special museum. Thank you.

To our Members & Donors - we hope you will join us for our annual

Decadent Desserts Member Appreciation Party on Saturday, December 13 from 1pm-4pm. The

party will be held concurrently with the Children's Holiday Festival. Invitations will be mailed shortly!


Hope to see you soon,


Alida J. Bray

President & CEO

Past Board Member Reception
On November 11, we were proud to host a first-time Reunion for all of Past and Current Board Members of History San Jos�. With over 50 Board Members in attendance, we raised a glass to the past, present, and future of History Park.

Thank you to John Paulson, Master Photographer, for this fabulous shot of the group in front of a fully restored 1955 Peerless bus courtesy of the Pacific Bus Museum.
Collections Corner
Recent Donations
The 1949, Model 31, Mergenthaler Linotype machine has been rescued from the former San Jose Mercury News lobby and now joins the Mercury News clipping file "morgue" at HSJ's Collection Center. Anyone visiting the morgue will now be able to view the linotype as well.

Thanks to Kim HamiltonDave Robison and Jim Gard (pictured above), and Curator of Collections Ken Middlebrook, who navigated the massive machine through seemingly endless hallways, low-clearance doorways, onto a trailer and through our loading dock to its new home.
Volunteer Profile
It's time to put away the Halloween pumpkins and get out the tinsel!
Led by "Head Elf" Janna Standridge, the "holiday elves" have returned to decorate History Park with wreathes, garland, and good cheer. Months of preparation is required to unpack, sort, and spruce up the decorations before their placement throughout the park for the holiday season. 
THANK YOU to our dedicated holiday elves for their help!
Pictured from left to right are: Sherma CookJane Brekke,
Margie McBrideJanna Standridge, and Anita Chow. Not pictured: Barbara Goetz, Nancy Martin, and Nancy Peters.
Upcoming Events
Friends & Family Days: 
Happy Birthday San Jose!
Sunday, November 23: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Peralta Adobe-Fallon House Historic Site
175 West Saint John St. San Jos�, CA  


Celebrate San Jose's 237th Birthday at the Peralta Adobe Historic Site! San Jose, or El Pueblo de San Jose de Guadelupe, the first Pueblo of California, was founded November 29, 1777. Come have a slice of birthday cake and help celebrate! Meet members of Founding Families, participate in hands-on activities, and visit the historic Peralta Adobe. We will offer tours of the Fallon House. CLICK HERE for more information.


Heritage Holiday Champagne Tea
Saturday, December 6
History Park
635 Phelan Ave., San Jos�, CA  
Seatings at 11am and 2pm!


Enjoy a traditional tea with scones, finger sandwiches and sweets, featuring exclusive blends and food by Satori Tea, champagne by Guglielmo Winery, and served by the players of Shady Shakespeare Theatre Company. Tour historic houses decorated for the holidays. To make a reservation, please contact Juanita Lara at 408.918.1045 or


Friends & Family Days: 
Children's Holiday Festival
Saturday, December 13: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave., San Jos�, CA  

Join us for the annual Children's Holiday Festival! Santa will arrive at History Park aboard a historic trolley to greet children---a wonderful photo opportunity for parentsHoliday music and caroling will set the scene, with the Snow Queen leading story time. Children can create their own hand-made gifts, decorations and ornaments at a variety of craft activity stations. And everyone will enjoy seeing the historic buildings decorated for the holidays and be able to pick up a souvenir specially created by the San Jose Printer's Guild in the Print Shop! CLICK HERE for more information.



Exhibit closing on December 14, 2014


The Children's Holiday Festival will also be your last chance to see the Shirlie Montgomery: Picturing San Jose Since 1938

exhibit at the Leonard & David McKay Gallery at the Pasetta House.

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