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2014 Valley of Heart's Delight 

For information about our upcoming Valley of Hearts Delight event honoring Frank Fiscalini, please click here.
To purchase a sponsorship, table, or individual ticket, please click here.
We've Been Working on the Railroad: UPDATE

Last month, we reported on the extension of the train track to accommodate the OSH Boxcar.
We wanted to recognize two additional volunteers who have been instrumental in this process. Thank you to Larry Murchison and Denis Murchison for all of their hard work!

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Dear Friends,


Thank you! On Tuesday, May 6, we asked for your support, and you responded quickly and generously. During this 24-hour giving event, we received a net $20,708.55 from 65 donors!



We feel fortunate to have so many thoughtful and generous friends supporting the Museum. Most importantly, you have demonstrated that History San Jos�, and, by extension, the history of the Valley matters. THANK YOU.

On the topic of feeling fortunate -- I want to take this opportunity to 
remember Carl
Cookson, our board member, longtime supporter, and friend to History San Jos� for many years. Carl will be remembered for his warm smile, trademark wit, and willingness to help in any way that he could. Carl's leadership and business acumen have helped History San Jos� grow into a strong, healthy organization. We are so grateful to Carl for his expertise, enthusiasm, and, above all, his friendship. 

Alida J. Bray,

President & CEO  

2014 Valley of Hearts Delight Sponsorship Recognition

We extend our sincere appreciation to our generous sponsors for their support.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Michelle Powers at 408-521-5016 or 
Collections Corner
Pueblo Papers Now Online:
Do you ever wonder what San Jose was like under Spanish 
and Mexican rule, before we became the first State capital? Did you know that 6,000 original documents from the Pueblo de San Jos� are part of History San Jos�'s collection? Now you can see them up close, thanks to the diligent work of volunteer Bill Durfey, who has been scanning them at our Collections Center. CLICK HERE to find out more! 
Meet our Intern: 
Mark Driskill is a graduate student in San Jose State University's
Archives and Records Administration program. Mark has
processed the Food Machinery Corporation collection, 
which includes catalogs, sales records and photographs of canning
machinery, and completed invoice records. Mark also processed Bud Howe's Garage records. Howe opened his auto repair shop in San Jose in 1933; his business records provide a snapshot into automobile culture in Santa Clara Valley in the years before and after World War II. Mark is now working on an online exhibit about Bud Howe's collection for the Google Cultural Institute. Thanks for all your hard work, Mark, and good luck in your future career!  
Out and About with Jim & Cate:
Our Curator of Library and Archives, Jim Reed, recently represented History San Jos� at the California Association of Museums 2014 Conference,  where he participated in a panel called "Print-On-Demand: Case Studies in Sales and Profits," about our experience using Print Room to provide digital images of the collection. 
Our Archivist, Cate Mills, just returned from the California Society of Archivists 2014 conference, where she gave a presentation alongside representatives from the University of Santa Clara entitled "Increasing Access to 18th and 19th Century Religious and Secular Collections," about our efforts to provide online access to the Pueblo Papers. 
Upcoming Events


Printers Wayzgoose
Saturday, May 17: 10am - 3pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave, San Jos, CA 
FREE Admission!


Presented by The Printers Guild. Print keepsakes on a vintage press from handset metal type, tour a 1900s print shop, and see demonstrations including hand papermaking. 


Friends & Family Series: 
Pacific Rim Exploration
Sunday, May 18: 12pm - 4pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave, San Jos, CA
HSJ Members Free; 2 & Under Free; $5 All Others



 Asian American Heritage Month! Activities include carp kite-making, junior archaeology, and dance and singing performances.



San Jose Taco Festival
Saturday, May 24: 12pm - 8pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave, San Jos�, CA  
$20 per person; $30 at the door
Half price for HSJ Members!

Enjoy a selection of 35+ of the best food trucks from all over the Bay Area serving their best rendition of a taco. 
El Dia de San Juan Festival 
Saturday, June 7: 11am - 7pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave, San Jos�, CA  
$20 per person; $30 at the door
Half price for HSJ Members!
 Presented by the Western Region Puerto Rican Council. Scholarship fundraiser with live entertainment, kids' activities and merchandise vendors. Click here for more information about this event.
El Dia de Portugal Festival
Saturday, June 14: 10am - 6pm
History Park
635 Phelan Ave, San Jos�, CA  


Sponsored by the Portuguese Heritage Society of California.

This Portuguese festival has food booths, live entertainment, vendor and information booths, a children's carnival, and parade. 

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