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Shortly after our sale of our company, I suffered post-business LOST syndrome: Lack of Stressful Transactions. After the first five consecutive stay-at-home weekends of my life, I began to feel like a failure. I thought there was something wrong with me. I realized that these feelings were the result of the absence of deal-making in my life. I felt insignificant, discontent, out of control, and insecure from the pace of my life slowing to what appeared to be a screeching halt. A constant need for the next deal had been removed from my time, talent, and treasure. Consequently, I determined that I had nothing to contribute to society. Did I get my spiritual signals crossed?

Like both sons in Jesus' trilogy, I needed to be FOUND: Focus On Understanding New Direction.

In order to be FOUND, the Restorer needed to change my focus. To borrow an illustration from Philip Yancey, life is like a magnifying glass that magnifies the centered object in focus while the surrounding objects remain fuzzy. We focus on either Christ or our circumstances. When we focus on Christ, He becomes magnified, and our circumstances become fuzzy. When we focus on our circumstances, they become magnified, and Christ becomes fuzzy. Unfortunately, I had been focusing on my circumstances and Christ had become fuzzy. Then a friend of mine whom I consider a spiritual giant told me that I was headed for the best place in life I could possibly be -- sitting at the feet of the Master to learn wisdom and to be restored for a new direction.

The writer of Hebrews penned: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).

Are you LOST, focusing on your circumstances, rather than Christ? Perhaps it is time for you to shift your focus to Him and be FOUND.

700 Club
For more, watch:
Episode 23: God, Give Me Your Heart
Episode 23: God, Give Me Your Heart with Bethany Cummins

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336 Pages
Credo House Publishers
1st Edition (March 2010)

Study Guide

Restoration Road Study Guide

12-Week Series
80 Pages
Credo House Publishers (2010)


Restoration Road DVD
12-Week Series
120 Minutes
Credo House Publishers (2010)
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