Efficiency Engineers
Your Technology and Process Experts
Facilitating Data-Driven Decision Making
In This Issue
Sweet Connections! Just Born, Inc. and Lehigh University
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Spring has finally arrived and summer seems to be on its way! Here at Efficiency Engineers our interns are finishing up some final details on projects and getting ready to start their summer endeavors. Read through the May newsletter to learn more about our Just Born  interns and all of their exciting EE projects. Our June issue will highlight our Geisinger interns. We are honored to have such a great group of interns working with us and we wish our 2011 graduates much success! 


Also, visit our site, to read about how Alison Kulp, EE Senior Project Engineer, joined forces with other Lehigh University students in a dance performance to raise money for Haiti. 



Efficiency Engineers

Dance for Haiti
Alison Kulp Dancing for Haiti


Sweet Connections!  


Lehigh University Logo Just Born Logo

Here at EE we find the best and brightest from local universities to assist us with projects. Our interns provide our clients with fresh ideas, enthusiasm and a strong work ethic. Read further about the Preventive Maintenance Program that our interns are developing and implementing at Just Born, Inc.  


Preventive Maintenance Program Goal:

Create a preventive maintenance program that minimizes machine breakdowns and defects through systematic inspection of equipment. The program will provide maintenance with a higher degree of organization and understanding of vital maintenance procedures.


The Interns:

William P. Hogan III '11, Lehigh University 

Industrial Engineering, Business Minor

Project Responsibilities: My duties include collecting data on plant assets, creating visual aids, updating plant records of assets and inputting asset data into a database. I plan to work on the Just Born project this summer until we have implemented the preventive maintenance program throughout the entire plant.


Gillian Marie Watson '12, Lehigh University 

Industrial Engineering

Project Responsibilities: I work to help implement a preventive maintenance program for the entire plant. I collect data on the plant assets and create Word documents that show pictures of each asset and their specific maintenance procedures. I also update the plant's records and input all this information into a database. 



Contact Efficiency Engineers to find out how our team can change your future! 

Phone: (610) 954 - 0733 Fax: (610) 340 - 2513

General Inquiries: Info@EfficiencyEngineers.com