Efficiency Engineers
Your Technology and Process Experts
Facilitating Data-Driven Decision Making
In This Issue
Partnering with Engineers without Borders!
Sign up for our FREE Webinar, Accessible Simulation Methods to Support Healthcare Improvements
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Hello ,     


The Winter Chill is officially here. However, everything is still heating up here at Efficiency Engineers. Read through our newsletter to find out how we partnered with Engineers Without Borders during the holidays to help those in need around the world. Then, make sure to sign up for our upcoming FREE webinar, Accessible Simulation Methods to Support Healthcare Improvements. Read further to find out how to register!


Also, don't forget to visit us on the web and on facebook to keep up to date on how we can assist you in becoming more efficient and effective. 



Efficiency Engineers



Partnering with Engineers 

without Borders!


During the holiday season, we typically send our clients a gift showing our appreciation for their support throughout the year. This year, we wanted to do something a little different. We wanted to help make a difference. So, we decided to provide a donation in our clients' honor to Engineers Without Borders (EWB).


EWB-USA supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders. Engineers Without Borders is 12,000 members strong and working to help those in need around the world. EWB members are building bridges and reliable shelter; they are bringing clean water and electricity to communities in need and are utilizing their education and skill sets abroad.


Thank you to all of our clients for helping make a difference!



Engineers Without Borders  





Sign up for our FREE Webinar! Accessible Simulation Methods to Support Healthcare Improvements


While simulation has been widely applied by the academic community in healthcare, it is by no means routinely used to support decision-making. In this webinar, presenters from the US and UK Health Systems will give testimony to new and exciting tools and techniques that are making simulation more accessible to healthcare practitioners.


Claire Cordeaux
Claire Cordeaux



Claire Cordeaux, from

SIMUL8 Corporation will talk about new applications and techniques which are helping healthcare organizations to gain the benefits of simulation, without being an expert.  



Michele Stuart
Michele Stuart


Michele Stuart, from Efficiency Engineers will share how simulation techniques are enabling the improved efficiency and effectiveness of several process initiatives within Geisinger Health Systems.  




Stephen Burrows will provide insight into work in Care Oregon where nurses are engaged in the use of simulation to release their time to care for patients.


Click to Register today!

January 26th @ 2PM EST


Contact Efficiency Engineers to find out how our team can change your future! 

Phone: (610) 954 - 0733 Fax: (610) 340 - 2513

General Inquiries: Info@EfficiencyEngineers.com