The Foote School 
May 25, 2017
In This Issue
Quick Links

May Day Schedule & Dress

May Day is a special celebration at Foote and is the school's oldest tradition, dating to the 1920s. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend May Day on Friday, May 26 beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Rike Field (or in the Hosley Gym in case of rain. Check the homepage Friday morning for updates.)

Other details for May Day:
  • Dress for May Day: Spring-colored assembly dress: khaki dress pants, button-down shirts,  golf shirts, clean sneakers, dresses, blouses and skirts. No jeans, sweat pants, warm-up pants, shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts or flip flops
  • Parking: Weather permitting, parking will be available on the upper athletic field.
  • Pets: Dogs are not allowed on campus during special events such as May Day.
  • All-school dismissal at 12:30 p.m. followed by the May Day picnic (details below) - No After School Program
  • Lost and found items will be in the Sturley Room for collection. If you are missing anything, please look through the belongings. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to charity.


Reminder: No School Monday, May 29

School will be closed Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day. There is no Vacation Program. Enjoy the long weekend!

After May Day, Stay for the Family Picnic

Forms for the 2017-18 School Year
Are Due Tomorrow

On Tuesday, May 16, parents were emailed a link (from to fill out forms for the 2017-2018 school year online. These four forms are due tomorrow, Friday, May 26:
  • Parent/Directory Information
  • Emergency Contact Form
  • Grandparent/Special Friends Information
  • Diversity Information
Other May mailing forms are available on our website. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Villa ( 

Please Be Mindful of Food Allergies

The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority at Foote. With end-of-year celebrations beginning, please keep in mind those students with food allergies when sending in treats from home. If you are not sure which allergies are present in your child's classroom, please contact his/her teacher or School Nurses Jodi Hodge ( or Heather Russo ( Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe and inclusive.

Diaper and Picture Book Drive

Donate Diapers and Picture Books
to support The Diaper Bank and New Haven Reads
May 22 - June 2
Collection box in the main office

The Diaper Bank provides one small thing, but that small thing makes a big difference. It keeps children clean, dry and healthy, and on the path to an early childhood education, and frees parents to work. Diaper sizes 5 and 6 are especially needed.

New Haven Reads is always in need of picture books, especially after a recent sewage leak destroyed a great deal of their inventory.

Thank you for supporting our greater New Haven community!


Parent Meeting - Rising 6th Graders

Meeting for
Rising 6th Grade Parents
Thursday, May 25
5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Twichell Room

Join sixth grade faculty and Head of Middle School John Turner for a meeting to learn more about your fifth grade child's transition to Middle School and sixth grade.

RSVP to Erika Villa at 


Secondary School Planning

Parents of students entering grades 8 and 9 next year are invited to make an appointment to meet with Liam Considine to discuss secondary school planning. To schedule an appointment, email Erika Villa at


Final PTC Meeting of the Year - May 31

Have you been meaning to come to a PTC meeting all year?
Here is your last chance!

PTC Meeting 
Wednesday, May 31 
8:30 a.m. in the Sturley Room

Questions? Email PTC Co-Presidents Amy Sudmyer and Melissa Castleman at

Help Out at the Summer Book Fair

Volunteers are needed on June 2, 5 & 6 to help set up and run the Foote Summer Book Fair, which takes place in the Perrine Library.


PTC Fundraiser: Mabel's Labels

The PTC is running a fundraiser in partnership with Mabel's Labels. Foote earns 20 percent of all items purchased from the Mabel's Labels website (search for The Foote School under the drop-down menu). More info on the flyer below.


The Making of May Day

Second graders rehearsing a Russian troika for tomorrow's May Day celebration.

When the Foote community gathers for May Day tomorrow, you'll see students performing complex group dances in bright, spring-colored attire. What you won't see is the months of practice--and the progression of learning--that went into preparing for the celebration.

It's a progression that begins in Kindergarten with learning the most basic techniques (making a circle, walking in lines, knowing who your 'partner' and 'neighbor' are) and evolves to far more complex dance steps in the upper grades.

"We are doing things all year to prepare them that might not look like May Day," explains Lower School Music Teacher Tina Cuningham. In Lower School, that includes "play parties," a uniquely American tradition of singing and dancing that emerged as a route around strict religious customs against dancing.

Fourth and fifth graders learn more than a dozen dances throughout the year, practicing dance skills such as forward-and-back and do-si-do that figure into the square dances they will perform tomorrow, as well as other dances they won't perform until sixth grade. In this way, students build a vocabulary of dance figures (or groups of steps) they can apply to any number of dances.

Along with the traditional squares, contras, maypole and sword dances, this year's May Day will feature some new dances with a more international flavor. Kindergartners will dance a polka, second graders will perform a Russian troika and seventh graders will showcase two Israeli circle dances.

"We wanted to open May Day up to represent more people," says Music Chair Ellen Velardi.

Listen for detailed descriptions of each dance tomorrow before each one is performed.

Dates to Remember

May 26 - May Day followed by May Day Picnic - All-school dismissal at 12:30 p.m., No After School Program

May 29 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL - No Vacation Program

May 31 - PTC Meeting, 8:30 a.m. in the Sturley Room

June 5-6 - Summer Book Fair

June 8 - Last Day of After School Program

June 9 - Last Day of School (grades K-5)