The Foote School 
October 27, 2016
In This Issue
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Halloween Parade and Fair Schedule      

The annual Halloween Parade and Fair is tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 28). Below is the schedule of events.

Please note: Given recent events in New Haven and elsewhere, and that young children will be attending, we ask that students do not dress up as clowns. 
  • 12:30 p.m. - All School Dismissal. There will be no After School Program, sports practices or play rehearsal. Eighth and ninth graders will remain on campus. Parents of students in grades K-7 are responsible for their children from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., and again after the parade. If going home between 12:30 and 1:45 will be problematic, parents are welcome to bring lunch and eat with their children at one of the picnic tables on campus.
  • 1:45 p.m. - Students in grades K-7 meet in classrooms
  • 2:00 p.m. - Halloween parade on the Middle School recess field, followed by the fair
  • 4:00 p.m. - Fair ends
  • 5:00 p.m. - Pickup for eighth and ninth graders
Kindergarten and Grades 1 & 2 students will return to classrooms after the parade to meet their parents. Parents may then take their children to the fair. 

Third graders will meet their parents at the hill by the arts building after the parade.

Fourth graders will be dismissed to their parents on the Middle School recess field at the end of the parade.

Fifth, sixth and seventh graders have responsibilities at the fair and will be free to enjoy the fair with parents when their jobs are done.

Eighth and ninth graders will remain on campus after 12:30 dismissal to set up and decorate. They will need to bring a lunch, and they must stay after the fair to help as the clean up crew. The ninth grade manages the food tables and food sales. Pickup is at 5:00 p.m.

Tickets for games, food and other fair activities cost 25 cents each and will be sold at the fair. Half of the proceeds from the fair will be donated to Columbus House, while half will go toward the Ninth Grade Class Gift.

** Please note that the city prohibits parking on the residential side of Loomis Place.

Questions? Please contact Cindy Raymond at
MOSAIC Event: Restorative Radio - Nov. 7

Please note: This talk is appropriate for students in Grades 8 and 9.


Collect Your Lost and Found Items

The lost and found bins are overflowing. If you are missing articles of clothing,  please take a few moments to check the bins (in the main building, the locker rooms, the Kindergarten building and the sixth/seventh grade hallway.)

Open Studios at Foote

Thanks to everyone who made Open Studios at Foote a fantastic, fun event last weekend. We welcomed more than 300 visitors over Saturday and Sunday who came to see the work of seven inspiring artists from our community, create art in our nature- and color-themed rooms, and curl up with cider and books in our library.

Special thanks to:
  • The artists: Michelle Bradford, Bette Donahoe, Owen Luckey, Theresa Nast, Michael Sloan, Gar Waterman and Toby Welch
  • Parent volunteers: Sandra Curran, Birke Gregg, Amy Sudmyer, Christine Pakutka, Jeannie Myer, Lauren Pavlis, Melissa Castleman and Sue Ulintz Mosovich
  • Student ambassadors: Jaden Stone, Nate Krauss, Fiona Jennings, Sabrina Carlier, Alexandra Collins, Graley Turner, Page Wildridge, Hunter Bershtein, Lilah Garcia, Emma Rollins, Isabella Mandell
  • Student musical performers: Noah Lee, Rebecca Lee and Sylvie Moran.

Find more photos on our Facebook page. 


Former Board Members Honored at Dedication
On Oct. 17, Foote board members, teachers and friends gathered to honor former board members Melanie Ginter and David Moore for their leadership in planning and constructing the Jonathan Milikowsky Science and Technology Building. Melanie and George chaired the board's Building Committee and spent countless hours reviewing architectural proposals and meeting with faculty, staff and others to ensure the new building would meet the needs of students, teachers and the entire Foote community. To honor their contributions, Leslie Long's science classroom was formally dedicated as the "Ginter/Moore Science Lab." "I believe that we would not have this amazing building without the leadership Melanie and David brought to the project," said Head of School Carol Maoz.
Yoga Fundraiser for Horizons at Foote - Nov. 13
Bring Lunch on Parent-Teacher Conference Days

All Lower School students should bring lunch on the two parent-teacher conference days (Thursday, Nov. 3 and Friday, Nov. 4) whether they are staying for After School Program or going home.
ERB Testing and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Two reminders for Middle School parents:
If you have questions or need assistance scheduling conferences online, please contact Registrar Erika Villa at, or 203-777-3464 x208.
PTC Monthly Meeting - Nov. 9

PTC Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, November 9
3:15 p.m. - Sturley Room (under the library)

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Questions? Contact PTC Co-Presidents Amy Sudmyer and Melissa Castleman at
Book Fair Volunteers Needed

Parent volunteers are needed for the annual Book Fair.
  • Set up on Monday, Nov. 14
  • Check-out assistance on Tuesday, Nov. 15 - Thursday, Nov. 17
  • Break-down on Friday, Nov. 18

If you can donate a few hours of your time, click here to sign up.


Close-Up: A Window on Lower School Science
First and second graders have been learning about aquatic habitats for the past few weeks and they are using their knowledge to build models of freshwater ponds. After observing a pond up close at the Whitney water treatment center, they have explored books, websites, diagrams and photographs, and had inquiry-based conversations with teachers to expand their understanding. They've also created table-top ponds, adding new living elements each week.

This week, second graders in Grace Peard and Susie Grimes' classroom created pond animals using paper they painted in the style of children's author Eric Carle. They plastered their colorful snails, ducks, turtles, water striders and damsel flies onto a pond scene painted on their classroom window. Every child was able to describe the specimen he or she contributed to the mural, and to explain its role in the habitat.
From the Faculty Blogs
To kick off a unit on the New Haven community, first and second graders went to the top of East Rock to map the city and consider what it looked like when woodland Indians inhabited the area. Cara Hames, Margy Lamere, Grace Peard, Chester Sharp and Kim Yap documented it.

Cold and flu season is upon us. So Margy Lamere turned that into a lesson about germs, with the help of a clever book and a black light (pictured).

Fifth graders had an adventurous trip to Deer Lake scout reservation in Killingworth last week, where they demonstrated grit, courage, compassion and flexibility. Jake Burt, Jim Adams and Adam Solomon have photos.

To read more, check out the 
Lower School blogs and Middle School blogs.
DatesDates to Remember

Oct. 28 - Halloween Parade and Fair - 12:30 dismissal - No After School Program

Nov. 3  & 4 - ERB Testing - 12:30 All-School Dismissal
Parent-Teacher Conferences (by appointment)

Nov. 6 - Middle School Open House - 1-3 p.m.

Nov. 7 - MOSAIC event - "Restorative Radio: Public Airwaves in the Age of Mass Incarceration" RSVP

Nov. 10 - Parent Conferences (Grades 6-9) - 5:00-8:00 p.m. (by appointment)

Nov. 11 - NO SCHOOL - Faculty Professional Development Day