The Foote School 
October 1, 2015
In This Issue
Quick Links
Grandparents Day is Next Friday
October 9

Grandparents and special friends are invited to visit grandchildren's classes, take a minicourse or school tour, and enjoy an all-school assembly on Friday, Oct. 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Please make sure your child's grandparents or special friends have registered. If they haven't, you can do so here: RSVP for Grandparents Day.

Questions? Contact Cheryl Nadzam in the Alumni and Development Office at

School Photo Day - Oct. 20

All Foote students will have their photos taken on campus on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Class photos will also be taken at this time.
  • Every child's photo will be taken for the yearbook.
  • If you would like copies of the photo, you may order a photo package. Please complete the order form that went home inside your school directory on Parents Night. A copy of the order form is also available here.
  • Please enclose the exact amount for the photo package you are ordering, in the form of cash or check made out to "David Frost Photography." If ordering for more than one child, please fill out an order form for each and pay separately for each student.
  • There is a pocket on the PTC bulletin board in the Main Building for completed order forms, or you may deliver your form to your child's teacher. Please return them by Oct 6.
Questions? Contact Photo Day coordinator Sandra Curran
at or 203-907-6045.
Vision and Hearing Screening

From Oct. 26-28, and on Nov. 9, school nurse Maryanne Peterson will be checking the vision and hearing of students in Kindergarten through Grade 3, Grade 6, and all new students. We need parent volunteers to accompany students from their classes to the Sturley Room and to help Nursie during the screening.

Click here to sign up using Volunteer Spot. (You will NOT need to register an account with Volunteer Spot.)

Questions? Please contact Caitlin Simon at, or 203-393-6449.

Thank you! 

Reminder: 8th Grade Parent Meeting - Oct. 7

Parents of eighth graders are invited to join Carol Maoz, John Turner and Liam Considine for a discussion of the unique benefits and opportunities of Foote's ninth grade program, and an overview of the secondary school placement process.

Wednesday, Oct. 7
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Sandine Theater

RSVP to Registrar Erika Villa at

Reminder: Kindergarten Parent Coffee - Oct. 20

Parents of Kindergartners are invited for coffee and conversation.

Tuesday, October 20
8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

at the home of 
Andy & Sarah Boone
108 Huntington St., New Haven

Please stop by to connect with fellow Kindergarten parents
and enjoy coffee and breakfast treats together.

Questions? Please contact Erika Villa
PTC Meeting With Special Guest - Oct. 7

PTC October Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 7
8:30 a.m.
Sturley Room (under the Library)

Business Manager Jay Cox will join us to to speak and take questions about independent school finances and the Foote School budget. Informative, interesting and not to be missed!

Questions? Contact PTC co-presidents Rosa Holler and Amy Sudmyer at

Volunteer at School Store on Grandparents Day

Please help at Grandparent's Day in the Falcon's Nest, the Foote School store! It's a fun way to help out on this wonderful day at Foote. Help is needed with setup, sales and clean up. As always volunteers get first pick from the sales table, which this year is filled with great items!

Click here to sign up.

Yali Visit: Sharing Traditions, Making New Friends

It's been a wonderful and stimulating week with our Chinese guests from Yali on campus, filled with new discoveries about Chinese language, culture, history and traditions.

On Tuesday, Yali and Foote students shared traditions for our customary cultural exchange based on Foote's motto, "Gladly will I learn and gladly teach."

At an all-school assembly Wednesday, the Yali and Foote students performed songs and dances for each other, and a Yali student demonstrated a traditional tea ceremony.

Rain prevented the usual biology trip to the West River, so the Science Department set up three indoor projects related to properties of water for Yali students and ninth graders. In John Cunningham's classroom (pictured below), students worked in pairs to measure pH for a project about acid rain.

Look for more photos soon on our website. 
From the Faculty Blogs

Margy Lamere's second graders worked in pairs to read poems for two voices to classmates (pictured).

Jim Adams' fifth graders are growing fast plants....and writing poems about them.

Latin teacher Drew Sweet recently had an article published in the New England Classical Journal about his Hip-Hop Hexameter project for ninth graders.

To read more, check out the 
Lower School blogs and Middle School blogs.
DatesDates to Remember

Oct. 9 - Grandparents Day - All School Dismissal 12:30 p.m. - After School Available

Oct. 12 - Fall Weekend - NO SCHOOL - No Vacation Program

Oct. 20 - School Photo Day. Photo order form due Oct. 6

Oct. 30 - Halloween Parade & Fair

Nov. 5-6 - ERB Testing - All School Dismissal 12:30 p.m.

Nov. 5-6 - Middle School and Lower School parent conferences (by appt)