The Foote School 
February 12, 2015
In This Issue

Quick Links
A Message From the
Head of School

Dear Parents,


I wanted to take a moment to address the measles outbreak that has affected children and adults in several states. While Connecticut has not had any reported cases, we are continuing to monitor the situation and are ready to respond as necessary.


Information on the school's immunization policy can be found on page 45 of the Parent Handbook. You can find more information about measles - including suggestions for how to safeguard your children - on the CDC's website.


If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact School Nurse Maryanne Peterson ( or me.



   CarolM signature

Carol Maoz

Head of School


Tickets on Sale for Ah, Wilderness!

Tickets for the ninth grade play - Eugene O'Neill's Ah, Wilderness! - are on sale in the Main Office. All seats cost $10. Performances are Tuesday through Friday, February 24-27, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sandine Theater.

6th Grade Math Night - RSVP

Math Night is a special event for sixth graders and their parents
 to hear about the Middle School math curriculum 
 and play probability games designed by students.

Wednesday, Feb. 18 
5:30 p.m. in the Twichell Room

RSVP to Megan Williams at  
4th Grade Parent Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 18 

8:15 a.m. in the Twichell Room

Join Head of Lower School Beth Mello for a discussion of developmental aspects of the fourth grade experience.

RSVP to Registrar Erika Villa at, or 203-777-3464, x208.


Book Swap 


Time for your children to sort through their bookshelves!

The Book Swap will take place Monday, Feb. 23 through Friday, Feb. 27 in the Sturley Room 
(below the Perrine Library). The swap is an opportunity for students to exchange books they've outgrown for books they want to read. It's a fun and popular event that's been a Foote tradition for decades. Click here for more details.

Many parent volunteers are needed to make the Book Swap a success. Sign up at VolunteerSpot for time slots throughout the week. If only a partial shift will work for you, please include a note about your time limitations.

Donate to the PTC's Annual Fundraising Auction 


The Spring Fundraiser Auction, a Foote-Stompin' Barn Dance, is on Saturday, April 11. Tickets will be on sale soon and available for purchase online. The evening will feature live and silent auctions, food and drinks, a square-dance caller and live bluegrass music!

There will be a planning meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sturley Room. All parents are welcome and encouraged to come.

The PTC still needs parents to volunteer, sponsor the event and donate items to the auction. Examples of things you can donate are: new, unused items or gift certificates; a special skill, hobby or talent (e.g. sewing, home repair, baking desserts); or use of a time-share or vacation property.

Click here to download donation and sponsorship forms. Hard copies of these forms will also be available at the PTC desk near the main office.

Proceeds will fund field trips, assemblies, educational enrichment, faculty development and other important school programs. Please note: All materials and donations are due by Friday, March 27.

Questions? Contact the PTC Auction Co-Chairs, Christina Herrick and Rosa Holler at
Charlie Divides ... and Conquers a Monster Math Problem

Fifth graders are mastering long division and one student in Adam Solomon's class decided to see just how far he could take his new-found skill. Charlie devised a long-division problem using two randomly generated numbers so long that he needed eight pieces of printer paper to write them out. Over a period of two months, he diligently divided until the equation finally ended in a repeating decimal.

On Thursday, Charlie's classmates celebrated his accomplishment and posed for this photo holding his handiwork - a monster math problem written out across 103 sticky notes!

Middle School Students Match Wits in 'Quiz Bowl'

The semi-annual 'Quiz Bowl' took place in the Hosley Gym on Thursday, matching teams of students from grades 6 - 9 in a spirited trivia contest. Head of School Carol Maoz moderated the contest, posing questions to students in groups of four on topics ranging from geography to pop culture and the history of the internet. After three rounds, the seventh grade team of Jake Nadzam, Hilal Zoberi, Serena Sandweiss and Anjali Mangla emerged as this year's champions.

The Sixth Grade Team
The Seventh Grade Team
The Eighth Grade Team
The Ninth Grade Team

MathCounts Members Wins Honors at Local Contest

On February 7, 10 Foote students went to Yale to compete in the New Haven Chapter Competition for MathCounts. Six students (Grady Bohen, Grade 8; Adin Jennings, Grade 7; Noah Lee, Grade 7; Anjali Mangla; Grade 7; Ian Mentz, Grade 8; and Alex Wilkinson, Grade 8) competed as individuals. Four students (Clara Li; Grade 8; Ting Li, Grade 6; David Metrick, Grade 7; and Kyle Shin, Grade 7) competed as The Foote School team.  
Of the six individuals competing, three students have qualified to advance to the state finals in Hartford on March 14: Grady Bohen, Noah Lee, and Anjali Mangla.

As a team, Foote took second place in the New Haven chapter! "It was a very exciting day and the kids all seemed to have a good time," says Megan Williams, Middle School Math Chair and co-adviser of MathCounts.

Congratulations to all!

Learning the Poetry of Another Language

Each year, the Connecticut Council of Language Teachers holds a poetry recitation contest which provides a slate of poems to choose from in various languages and levels. Faculty members then select a poem that will both interest and challenge students while showcasing their talents as language learners.

Even though Foote students will not be able to attend the statewide competition this year, Foote has continued its long-standing tradition of embracing this contest, and recitation as a method of teaching and learning. And students have come to enjoy the friendly competition. School winners in each grade and language category received medals this week in a Twichell Room ceremony. Congrats to all the winners!

The winners: Adelyn Garcia (Grade 9, Latin), Talya Braverman (Grade 7, Latin), Anjali Mangla (Grade 7, Spanish), Dylan Sloan (Grade 9, Spanish), Kyle Shin (Grade 7, French), Zev York (Grade 9, French), Alex Wilkinson (Grade 8, Latin), Clara Li (Grade 8, Spanish) and Omid Azodi (Grade 8, French)
From the Faculty Blogs

Emily Buckley's first and second graders began work on a collaborative project designing wigwams.

Students are again collecting Valentine gift cards for the homeless, and Margy Lamere reports her class alone has amassed 118.

Jake Burt's fifth graders read each others' personal narratives pasted on thematic cereal boxes...while enjoying a bowlful (pictured).

To read more, check out the
Lower School blogs and Middle School blogs.  
DatesDates to Remember

Feb. 13-16 - Winter Flex Weekend 
(NO SCHOOL Friday, Feb. 13 and Monday, Feb. 16; 
Vacation Program available. To sign up: email Dawn Walsh or download a registration form here.)

Feb. 23-27 - Book Swap

Feb. 24-27 - Ninth Grade Play

March 6 - Spring Assembly - 11:00 a.m. in the Hosley Gym (12:30 p.m. all-school dismissal)